What about the humanization of animals?



  • 2Bgoddess
    2Bgoddess Posts: 1,096 Member
    if an irish setter wants to be a purse dog, LET HIM. who are we to judge?
    My sis in law has a newfy dog that thinks he's a lap dog.
  • 30yearssincebikini
    I think a human name gives them dignity. I have seen people name their dogs things like B.A. for badass, chevy, blunt, I mean, really awful names. I have names my pets Sabrina, Molly, Madison, and Rocky.

    And I think it's wonderful to let your dog sleep with you and dress them up if that's what the owners want to do. It hurts no one, and the dog is very much loves. I would rather see a dog over loved than abused or neglected. Kudos to all animal lovers!
  • Cassi1990
    Cassi1990 Posts: 74 Member
    I couldnt care less what other people name or feed their dog.
    My peeve is when i walk into someones house and it smells like dog. or there is dog hair every where. its like...do they NOT smell the stinch?! do they LIKE having pet hair all over their clothes, and well....EVERYTHING?!

    I won't even go to my dads house because of this. I cant walk in the front door without being covered in dog hair. and even if im only there 2 seconds i come out smelling like dog. its disgusting!
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    I have 3 cats and 3 dogs and I love them more than I love most humans. Unconditional love, both ways.
  • LittleMissDoll
    I couldnt care less what other people name or feed their dog.
    My peeve is when i walk into someones house and it smells like dog. or there is dog hair every where. its like...do they NOT smell the stinch?! do they LIKE having pet hair all over their clothes, and well....EVERYTHING?!

    I won't even go to my dads house because of this. I cant walk in the front door without being covered in dog hair. and even if im only there 2 seconds i come out smelling like dog. its disgusting!

    Those are both things you get used to. I have two very hairy dogs and I vacuum everyday and still cant leave the house without dog hair all over me.
  • chelleymarie88
    I couldnt care less what other people name or feed their dog.
    My peeve is when i walk into someones house and it smells like dog. or there is dog hair every where. its like...do they NOT smell the stinch?! do they LIKE having pet hair all over their clothes, and well....EVERYTHING?!

    I won't even go to my dads house because of this. I cant walk in the front door without being covered in dog hair. and even if im only there 2 seconds i come out smelling like dog. its disgusting!

    I hate it when I'm out somewhere and someone smells like straight up cat piss.
  • perpetuallyfit
    perpetuallyfit Posts: 153 Member
    My siamese absolutly refuses to wear her christmas sweater.....just sorta falls over with her ears back.
    Same as our kitty cat!! She thinks she owns us!! :P
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    My dog's name is Charlie and at Christmas we put her in an old dress that had belonged to my daughter and took pictures. I don't feed her table food though because I don't want her to get sick and I don't really let her sleep on the bed, though I have only recently forbid her from the couch. I don't know. My mom empty nested and got a puppy and calls it my sister. It's a little silly but it makes her happy.
  • Cassi1990
    Cassi1990 Posts: 74 Member
    I couldnt care less what other people name or feed their dog.
    My peeve is when i walk into someones house and it smells like dog. or there is dog hair every where. its like...do they NOT smell the stinch?! do they LIKE having pet hair all over their clothes, and well....EVERYTHING?!

    I won't even go to my dads house because of this. I cant walk in the front door without being covered in dog hair. and even if im only there 2 seconds i come out smelling like dog. its disgusting!

    I hate it when I'm out somewhere and someone smells like straight up cat piss.
    Yes. That is equally disgusting. Or maybe a tad bit more...either way...EH! I like smelling like laundry soaps or pretty perfumes...not animals who havent been bathed in months. gross.
  • chelleymarie88
    I couldnt care less what other people name or feed their dog.
    My peeve is when i walk into someones house and it smells like dog. or there is dog hair every where. its like...do they NOT smell the stinch?! do they LIKE having pet hair all over their clothes, and well....EVERYTHING?!

    I won't even go to my dads house because of this. I cant walk in the front door without being covered in dog hair. and even if im only there 2 seconds i come out smelling like dog. its disgusting!

    I hate it when I'm out somewhere and someone smells like straight up cat piss.
    Yes. That is equally disgusting. Or maybe a tad bit more...either way...EH! I like smelling like laundry soaps or pretty perfumes...not animals who havent been bathed in months. gross.

    Lol.... What I wanna know is.. How do some people's breath smell like cat litter? O NOES I JUDGED SOMEONE >:O *gets hatemail*
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    I couldnt care less what other people name or feed their dog.
    My peeve is when i walk into someones house and it smells like dog. or there is dog hair every where. its like...do they NOT smell the stinch?! do they LIKE having pet hair all over their clothes, and well....EVERYTHING?!

    I won't even go to my dads house because of this. I cant walk in the front door without being covered in dog hair. and even if im only there 2 seconds i come out smelling like dog. its disgusting!

    WOW... is this the same girl who made that post couple weeks back "For all the dog LOVERS out there?" :grumble:
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    Your pet is supposed to be your best friend and should be treated as such. You wouldn't make your best friend sleep outside in the cold, and your pet shouldn't either.

    Dog sweaters are stupid unless you have something like a Chinese crested that needs it because it doesn't have enough fur to keep warm. :)
  • 1Timothy4v8
    1Timothy4v8 Posts: 503 Member
    I think all of that is fine, I dont have any children of my own and maybe I will never be able to, so my hubby and I have animals, I call my rats babys and I spoil the heck out of them

    that being said I thought this post was going to be about how PETA wants to treat an animals right the same or better the a humans, I think we should treat animals humanly but humans are more important then animals when it comes down to it

    I'm sorry, did you say "rats"?

    yes mam I certainly did, lol,

    I live in a small apartment so I have a bird and three cute little rats, people don't realize but rats are great pets they greet me when I come home, when they see me they climb to the top of the cage and sniff at me, also they love being held, I would say if you cant get a dog get a rat, also bunny are cool, a lot of people don't realize this but bunny's can be potty trained
  • schpanks
    schpanks Posts: 468 Member

    If only they had a font! It'd make it so much easy to understand and detect!

    Good news: they DO!

    Bad news: it's wingdings.

  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Your pet is supposed to be your best friend and should be treated as such. You wouldn't make your best friend sleep outside in the cold, and your pet shouldn't either.

    Dog sweaters are stupid unless you have something like a Chinese crested that needs it because it doesn't have enough fur to keep warm. :)

    Here here!
  • twanthe1
    twanthe1 Posts: 407
    Your pet is supposed to be your best friend and should be treated as such. You wouldn't make your best friend sleep outside in the cold, and your pet shouldn't either.

    Dog sweaters are stupid unless you have something like a Chinese crested that needs it because it doesn't have enough fur to keep warm. :)

    Here here!

    And yet many friends are homeless in America.
  • jayliospecky
    jayliospecky Posts: 25,022 Member
    I think all of that is fine, I dont have any children of my own and maybe I will never be able to, so my hubby and I have animals, I call my rats babys and I spoil the heck out of them

    that being said I thought this post was going to be about how PETA wants to treat an animals right the same or better the a humans, I think we should treat animals humanly but humans are more important then animals when it comes down to it

    I'm sorry, did you say "rats"?

    yes mam I certainly did, lol,

    I live in a small apartment so I have a bird and three cute little rats, people don't realize but rats are great pets they greet me when I come home, when they see me they climb to the top of the cage and sniff at me, also they love being held, I would say if you cant get a dog get a rat, also bunny are cool, a lot of people don't realize this but bunny's can be potty trained

    Just checking.

    We had bunnies for awhile but they escaped on us. They thought the grass was greener on the other side, I guess.
  • KristalDawnO
    KristalDawnO Posts: 154 Member
    My dog and cats are my family! They needed a home, and we've provided one for them! All have given names that could be considered human, with the exception of my cat Jellybean :) My bed is open for them to cuddle at night, and my old yorkie loves her sweater. Poor girl gets cold! I don't see the problem with any of the things you mentioned.
  • 1Timothy4v8
    1Timothy4v8 Posts: 503 Member
    I think all of that is fine, I dont have any children of my own and maybe I will never be able to, so my hubby and I have animals, I call my rats babys and I spoil the heck out of them

    that being said I thought this post was going to be about how PETA wants to treat an animals right the same or better the a humans, I think we should treat animals humanly but humans are more important then animals when it comes down to it

    I'm sorry, did you say "rats"?

    yes mam I certainly did, lol,

    I live in a small apartment so I have a bird and three cute little rats, people don't realize but rats are great pets they greet me when I come home, when they see me they climb to the top of the cage and sniff at me, also they love being held, I would say if you cant get a dog get a rat, also bunny are cool, a lot of people don't realize this but bunny's can be potty trained

    Just checking.

    We had bunnies for awhile but they escaped on us. They thought the grass was greener on the other side, I guess.

    yea I've had bunnies a couple times in my life, the one I had when I was a teen was a inside out side bunny it would play with the dog :flowerforyou: hten the one I had recently that I had to give away cuz of the move used to play hide and seek with me lol, Bunnys are awesome
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    I disagree with dog sweaters. It makes your dog look heavier.

    HEY. My dog looks damn cute in her sweater >:O