Where are my Whovian's at?



  • fguillory
    fguillory Posts: 291
    when I first heard they cast Matt Smith (at age what, 25??) I thought, my God, this sucks. He will be awful. then within the first 30 seconds he completely won me over. He is PERFECT! old and young, wise and naive.

    When he met little pond and started throwing food out of the door, I reluctantly started to like him xD
  • agentscully514
    agentscully514 Posts: 616 Member
    I know, right? "I hate yogurt, it's just stuff with bits in it!"
    and little Pond could not be more cute. I guess she is Karen GIllan's real life cousin.

    when I first heard they cast Matt Smith (at age what, 25??) I thought, my God, this sucks. He will be awful. then within the first 30 seconds he completely won me over. He is PERFECT! old and young, wise and naive.

    When he met little pond and started throwing food out of the door, I reluctantly started to like him xD
  • chimbleysweep
    Doctor Who is like my lifeblood. I've got a life-size poster of Matt Smith as the Doctor on the back of my bedroom door.... but my heart still beats for Tennant. I love them both! Also, River Song is just pretty much amazing. A friend gave me her screwdriver from the "Silence in the Library" episode a couple years back. Yay for fellow Whovians!!!
  • chimbleysweep
    By the way, if any of you Whovians want to add me, feel free!! I could always use more Doctor Who nerd friends :)
  • jwulgaert
    jwulgaert Posts: 13 Member
    Love the Doctor!!!
  • agentscully514
    agentscully514 Posts: 616 Member
    "My old fella didn't see that, did he? he gets ever so cross."

    I got completely teared up at the wedding scene. was it just me?
  • ElisetheQ
    ElisetheQ Posts: 58 Member
    Who has two thumbs and loves Doctor Who?
    <--- THIS GIRL!

    That's right, be jealous. Bowtie tee shirt (bowties are cool!) complete with 11's sonic screwdriver and my own homemade fez.

    That being said, 10 will forever be *my* Doctor. <3
  • lyssamichelle
    lyssamichelle Posts: 1,307 Member
    Am I the only one sad to see Amy go?
    I mean She doesn't know when she's leaving..
    But gosh,
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    Am I the only one sad to see Amy go?
    I mean She doesn't know when she's leaving..
    But gosh,

    Ahaha love that gif. And Lyssa, when I said before I loved Martha, for some reason I was thinking of Donna. I LOVED Donna! Martha, I completely forget about. She was annoying.
  • agentscully514
    agentscully514 Posts: 616 Member
    I ADORE Amy. I will be HEARTBROKEN when she goes.
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    "My old fella didn't see that, did he? he gets ever so cross."

    I got completely teared up at the wedding scene. was it just me?

    Nope - I wiped a few tears away myself. I totally love the River Song character...all that sass and bravado. She is the doctor's perfect mate.
  • chimbleysweep
    I ADORE Amy. I will be HEARTBROKEN when she goes.

  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    Did anyone else absolutely LOVE the Doctor Donna episode? That was one of my favorites. I also recently learned that Tennant is Scottish, how weird it sounds to hear him with his natural accent!
  • ElisetheQ
    ElisetheQ Posts: 58 Member
    Rory is like my Chuck Norris though.


    I wonder who the new companion/companions will be?!

    Edit: The quote didn't work. I fail at life.
  • Swervi93
    Hello, sweeties!

    Don't even get me started on Doctor Who or we'll be here all night... Not that spending hours solely on The Doctor is a bad thing. :D

    Also: Tennant, forever and always, baby! <3<3
  • agentscully514
    agentscully514 Posts: 616 Member
    she's the ONLY one who could be his mate. I want to see more more more of her, and them!

    Nope - I wiped a few tears away myself. I totally love the River Song character...all that sass and bravado. She is the doctor's perfect mate.
  • ElisetheQ
    ElisetheQ Posts: 58 Member
    Tennnnaaaaannnnnnnttttt <3<3<3

    And although I like Amy, I much prefer Rory. I think Amy's time as a companion is ready to come to a close!
  • fguillory
    fguillory Posts: 291
    >///< I'd like to think i'm the only one that could be his mate. Haha, totally a fan girl. But I do love River with the Doctor.
  • lyssamichelle
    lyssamichelle Posts: 1,307 Member
    You should all add me, I love you all.

    I think he should have an american companion.. I will gladly audition!!!!
    If it's not me then I really don't think it should be anyone other than River..
    They should do another one of those episodes where they have more than one Doctor..
    That would be fun!
  • agentscully514
    agentscully514 Posts: 616 Member
    @lyssa - they will very soon!!! this year is DW's 50th anniversary (can you imagine??) and they are planning a special with past doctors. I am so so so excited. you can find the trailer online. it's awesome.
    You should all add me, I love you all.

    I think he should have an american companion.. I will gladly audition!!!!
    If it's not me then I really don't think it should be anyone other than River..
    They should do another one of those episodes where they have more than one Doctor..
    That would be fun!