FB Friends don't get it.



  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    thats why i have quit sharing my weight loss goals with most people. they just dont get it. they say i am thin enough. i am still in the overweight category! six more lbs to go. i recently injured my knee and even my trainer at first was like, why are you still here in the gym and i said cuz i know myself, any excuse to slack. so i did upper body, let the knee have the week off, and did abs like a mad woman all week. today i was able to walk on the treadmill for half an hr and we did lower body also. but i wouldnt worry about others and just post stuff on here instead. there are so many people that still would rather be 60 lbs or more overweight on my face book page that i would never think of posting there because my goals are similar to yours. i will never look even close to that girl in the pic because my hips are huge compared to hers but i do want to get the muscle she has!

    EXACTLY!! I'm going through this horrible process right now where my naturopath is trying to figure out what I'm allergic to (hello body covered in hives!) so right now I'm on a no wheat/ no dairy/ no eggs/ no citrus diet. And everyone is like "why don't you just concentrate on that and get back on track after"

    WHY?!? Hives aren't affecting my ability to work out, I can only eat non citrus fruits, veggies, poultry (I don't eat red meat) beans and rice anyways right now so I don't see the problem, most processed or premade foods have a milk ingredient, wheat or egg in them. All I'm going to end up doing is breaking a healthy routine that I've formed
  • sazzlewilson
    This has happened to me too...the same friend who had told me I was looking great, was continually trying to get me to skip a work out, and told me i was addicted to the gym. Well, i didn't get to this stage by not working out...it took a lot of hard work!
    We just have to rise above it, and keep going towards our goals for our own reasons!
  • pixiexxgirl
    I have MFP account linked with my facebook so some updates (weight lost and diary check ins) get posted, most of my friends think im 'perfect' the way I am and yell at my not to change myself.

    But what they dont understand is we are changing ourselfs for the better. We know most of ourselfs are unhealthy...at least i know I am. I cant even walk up the 15 steps in my house to get to the bathroom/ my bed room without my body aching. I can't run
    or play with my nephew for more then 10 minutes without getting out of breath.

    they cant see the everyday unhealthy things we know and see about us.

    I just dont let it get to me anymore. I'm doing what I think is better for myself, and my health. And I'm sure everyone here is doing the same.
    I say, ignore them hun, that girl looks fit and healthy. And if thats what you want to look like, you have everyone here at MFP backing you up. ;)
  • caramkoala
    caramkoala Posts: 303 Member
    They're just jealous.:grumble:

    Post your fitness stuff in here where you KNOW you will be supported.:drinker:

    I wouldn't be surprised if, in two years, when you make goal and your profile pic looks like that, you'll be getting private messages asking you how you did it, and you can direct them here .:flowerforyou:
  • mrschappet
    mrschappet Posts: 488 Member
    I have the same experiences with FB and its a major downer.... thats why MFP is my go to with fitness related topic... and if you think about it , its really sad since FB are family and friends that I know in person most for a long long time... you would think they would show more love and support :-/ btw that chick in the pic you posted is HOT lol
  • DakotaKeogh
    DakotaKeogh Posts: 693 Member
    Eff FB!! People who give a crap are joining in. The naysayers are just deniers or don't understand. Either way, I'm moving on to health. They can join me or not. You keep doing what you're doing.
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    Thanks for everyones responses!
    It seems this is a very common thing which makes me feel better.

    It's funny that everyone here is trying to get to the same place... "healthy" and yet somehow that is a bad idea to others.

    I will stil be considered "overweight" for another 10 lbs or so, I'll celebrate when I'm at a healthy weight and keep going, and I'll do that here, wih supportive people!
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Don't worry about them! Seems like you have very healthy and worthy goals - go for it!!! It sucks when people can't be supportive!
  • greenstonekirstin
    greenstonekirstin Posts: 10 Member
    i understand the " you should love yourself " comments but this is also coming from a society nowadays of people who dont give a crap about their health. by striving to be fit, healthier, and putting good things into your body that your body and you deserve you ARE loving yourself much more than those who abuse there bodies with all the crap they put into it and the resulting health problems, self image issues etc.. You know what you want! go for it and be the person you want to be because you ARE amazing and deserve to be healthy and fit!
  • Symphony6
    Symphony6 Posts: 116 Member
    Just wanna say that I feel ya. Most of the people on my facebook I moved away from 10 years ago and haven't seen since. I really don't feel close enough to most of those people to share something so personal. I know that sounds sort of weird considering everyone on here are strangers, but it's different here. Everyone else is going through the same thing and are ready to support you at the slightest hint of weakness or confusion. I think most of my fb friends couldn't care less. I am so thankful for my friends here!
  • ladytinkerbell99
    ladytinkerbell99 Posts: 970 Member
    I love your attitude! I would not worry about it.

    I think it happens to the best of us. FB friends and friends that we see every day. I have lost friends because they did not like the fact that I was as they said, "spring boarding into the healthy lifestyle". They asked me to pick them or healthy eating and exercising. I was determined to lose weight. I really did not think that they would stop being my friend after 12 years. As sad as it was, they moved on.

    I guess we have different things in common now.

    p.s. I love that picture.
  • Fififantastic
    MFP has become my new Face Book LOL
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    I love your attitude! I would not worry about it.

    I think it happens to the best of us. FB friends and friends that we see every day. I have lost friends because they did not like the fact that I was as they said, "spring boarding into the healthy lifestyle". They asked me to pick them or healthy eating and exercising. I was determined to lose weight. I really did not think that they would stop being my friend after 12 years. As sad as it was, they moved on.

    I guess we have different things in common now.

    p.s. I love that picture.

    What nerve to ask a person to chose a healthy lifestyle or a friendship. A true friend supports you no matter what your journey. He or she may not walk the same path, but will be there cheering from the sidelines as you break through the finish line. I'd dump them too.
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    I love your attitude! I would not worry about it.

    I think it happens to the best of us. FB friends and friends that we see every day. I have lost friends because they did not like the fact that I was as they said, "spring boarding into the healthy lifestyle". They asked me to pick them or healthy eating and exercising. I was determined to lose weight. I really did not think that they would stop being my friend after 12 years. As sad as it was, they moved on.

    I guess we have different things in common now.

    p.s. I love that picture.

    What nerve to ask a person to chose a healthy lifestyle or a friendship. A true friend supports you no matter what your journey. He or she may not walk the same path, but will be there cheering from the sidelines as you break through the finish line. I'd dump them too.

    Exactly! They have some balls!!

    Pick my health or a friendship? That's an unfair choice an one they would lose.
  • adjones5
    adjones5 Posts: 938 Member
    Facebook sucks ****.
  • erinkeely4
    erinkeely4 Posts: 408 Member
    Totally get where you're coming from! I think she looks awesome! My abs are getting close to what hers look like and I'm ****ing stoked.
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    Totally get where you're coming from! I think she looks awesome! My abs are getting close to what hers look like and I'm ****ing stoked.

    Lol I bet! I'd be super excited too!!!
  • ladytinkerbell99
    ladytinkerbell99 Posts: 970 Member
    I love your attitude! I would not worry about it.

    I think it happens to the best of us. FB friends and friends that we see every day. I have lost friends because they did not like the fact that I was as they said, "spring boarding into the healthy lifestyle". They asked me to pick them or healthy eating and exercising. I was determined to lose weight. I really did not think that they would stop being my friend after 12 years. As sad as it was, they moved on.

    I guess we have different things in common now.

    p.s. I love that picture.

    What nerve to ask a person to chose a healthy lifestyle or a friendship. A true friend supports you no matter what your journey. He or she may not walk the same path, but will be there cheering from the sidelines as you break through the finish line. I'd dump them too.

    Exactly! They have some balls!!

    Pick my health or a friendship? That's an unfair choice an one they would lose.

    Like I said above...I love your attitude!! LOL
    That is why my friends and I are no longer friends. I am worried about my health. So, I had to make a choice. It was very hard.
    I miss them all the time. I don't miss ordering out at 2 in the morning, eating until I almost puke and sleeping on the sofa all day Saturday and Sunday. I do hope one day we can be friends again.

    I copied your picture. I needed more pictures like that for inspiration. Thanks.

  • ladytinkerbell99
    ladytinkerbell99 Posts: 970 Member
    I love your attitude! I would not worry about it.

    I think it happens to the best of us. FB friends and friends that we see every day. I have lost friends because they did not like the fact that I was as they said, "spring boarding into the healthy lifestyle". They asked me to pick them or healthy eating and exercising. I was determined to lose weight. I really did not think that they would stop being my friend after 12 years. As sad as it was, they moved on.

    I guess we have different things in common now.

    p.s. I love that picture.

    What nerve to ask a person to chose a healthy lifestyle or a friendship. A true friend supports you no matter what your journey. He or she may not walk the same path, but will be there cheering from the sidelines as you break through the finish line. I'd dump them too.

    Thanks for reminding me. I think I forgot that important lesson. Thank you.
  • petreebird
    petreebird Posts: 344 Member
    Eff FB!! People who give a crap are joining in. The naysayers are just deniers or don't understand. Either way, I'm moving on to health. They can join me or not. You keep doing what you're doing.


    And yeah, that girl in the pic is hot and I would love her abs!! My new goal, right there! Thanks for posting!!!!!