How do you excersize when you are so overweight??



  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    I started at 450# and could barely walk 10 steps without getting winded. I even used the little mobile thingy at the store because it would hurt so bad to walk (osteoarthritis, degenerative disk disease, and fibromyalgia). It wasn't easy, but I started a little bit at a time walking. I have kept at it, and still walk all the time, but have added dancing, yoga, etc. I don't run, don't know that I ever will, but walking offers great workouts.
  • Betsybeee
    Betsybeee Posts: 113 Member
    My advice would be to go slow and to use a variety of exercises to help you get more fit. I overdid my exercise program a year ago and got a stress fracture in my knee. The stress fracture really hindered my progress.
  • Just do it - for real, do whatever you can do No fear, Hell with fear! You dont have to go out and run a marathon Start with this - jog 30 seconds, walk 3 minutes, run 30 seconds and keep repeating for a 40 minute time period 3 times a week each week increasing your run and jog times and decreasing your walk times.
  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 959 Member
    FWIW.... a friend and I were both at the gym on treadmills. We're the same height and similar size. I walked for 30 minuted at speeds between 3.0-3.5 mph, and she alternated between walking and running. At the end of 30 minutes, the calorie burn on my machine read higher than hers. Clearly, running for 30 minutes would burn more than walking for 30 minutes... the point was just, don't underestimate the value of what you're doing right now and how it's impacting your progress.
  • mea9
    mea9 Posts: 561 Member
    Nordic walking. You burn 30% more calories and add upper body work by adding poles (sort of like cross country ski poles) to your regular walk. Google it. It works.
  • lisapr123
    lisapr123 Posts: 863 Member
    Try couck to 5k for sure. I used the app "Get Running" on my ipod since it allows the user to have their own music going in the background. You start out running for as little as a minute or 45 seconds at a time (I can't remember exactly, but it's probably attainable regardless of weight). And if you can't "run" then "jog" or "move faster". It'll get easier as you go, I promise!
  • Umm... did that say 250 pounds lost, or am I seeing things? (hits side of head and goes crosseyed)
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    I was talking to an overweight friend of mine and they had a good point, the weight is impacting your joints. I suggest doing some kind of diet first and when you start bottoming out start exercising harder. Remember to do stretches. I have arthritis but find elliptical helpful. I ended up getting a abb circle as it wasn't hard on my knees...but to tell you the truth it kills my knees (bruises them). If you feel you cannot run short bursts of energy is a good way to build up endurance.
  • DenverKos
    DenverKos Posts: 182
    I echo the others - cycling is a great way to burn a lot of calories and it's non-weight bearing so you won't hurt your knees or ankles if that's an issue with your body type. If you're not comfortable on a bike, start with indoor cycling and ride a stationary bike. If you're outdoors, a more upright position may be more comfortable if you have a lot of weight around the abdomen, so try a comfort bike or hybrid (road biking is usually too aggressive for those with a lot of stomach fat as it gets in the way with the more aggressive position).
    Swimming is also a good total body burn that is safe for joints.
  • MochaMixAZ
    MochaMixAZ Posts: 844 Member
    Umm... did that say 250 pounds lost, or am I seeing things? (hits side of head and goes crosseyed)

    It did, it really did.
  • shellholz
    shellholz Posts: 13 Member
    Run in your jeans!! It holds everything in a little bit and not let anything jiggle. And make sure if you are affraid of breaking an ankle or another body part run on pavement don't do an off road little trail. I'd stick with the walking for a little while longer, but in intervals, walk as hard and as fast as you can really pump your arms and get your hips into it. When you are out of breath and can't do it any longer just slow down to a comfortable pace for a few mins or until you get your breath back then do it again.
  • beautifulbeast11
    beautifulbeast11 Posts: 202 Member
    Running in water. It's easier on the joints but still a great workout.
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    I have been able to do 2 hours solid of cardio/resistance training when I weighed almost 250lbs (I now weigh significantly less and I am more in shape).. You need to work up to it is all. I started out doing 10 mins on the elliptical. I found the elliptical easier on my knees and ankles than walking. I worked up to 15 mins.. Then 20 mins.. Then 40 and so on.. then I tried some resistance stuff, with the help from a PT.. started off low and worked my way up.
  • reneepugh
    reneepugh Posts: 522 Member
    Invest in an exercise bike! I love mine and would not part with it. I love the programs and I started out only riding mine for 30 minutes before getting tired and now I can ride my bike for an hour on the hardest program and I burn from 700-1000 calories. It is also better on your joints when you are carrying extra weight.
  • megmo_7
    megmo_7 Posts: 98 Member
    I am severly overweight and always had issues with basic cardio because I have poor knees. I recently turned to swimming and it is amazing the results I am already seeing. At first I was embarassed about getting in the pool around other people but said screw it and just did it. I do water aerobics once or twice a week and swim an hour 3 days a week. I highly suggest swimming. It works your whole body! I have noticed a big difference in my arms and legs. My knees no longer hurt and it burns close to 1000 calories just swimming at a leisurely pace for an hour.
  • drea73
    drea73 Posts: 20
    You just have to do it,. I am currently 293. I do Chalean Extreme at least 3-4 times a week and toss in the 30 Day Shed occasionally, oh and I signed up for Karate this month. Knocked a guy flat on his behind last week during sparring. Was dripping with sweat at the end of the night.

    The only one limiting what you can do is you. Not many women will walk into a karate class at 300 pounds (I was 304 when I started) But I did. Because this is my year and I am not going to do what fat people do I am going to have a active lifestyle. Fake it until I make it. I am going to do what fit people do until I get fit myself.
  • sukatx
    sukatx Posts: 103
    Have you tried an elliptical trainer? When I read your post, I felt like you sounded just like me. I was 70 lbs. overweight and all the exercise I could do was walking. After a while, I felt like I was ready to do more. So I got in the elliptical. It took a while for me to get the hang of it, but eventually I noticed it getting easier and easier. So, I changed the settings to make it more challenging.
  • bcr1559
    bcr1559 Posts: 62 Member
    In March of 2011, my sister-in-law and I decided we were going to start running. She was 70 lbs. overweight and I was 30 lbs. heavier then I am know. We used the training and it was great! We ran a 5k in June and then trained more and ran a half marathon in October. If you want to run I highly recommend it! Good luck!
  • I do Zumba because I love to dance and the wii fit
  • tross0924
    tross0924 Posts: 909 Member
    Hi everyone....I am looking for any suggestions or tips. I walk every night at a fairly good pace and enjoy it but have the urge to run...unfortunatley I am probably 70lbs overweight and I dont think I can run...Im afraid I may break an ankle or something. Anyone out there been through this?? I really would like to be able to run or jog at some point but dont know where to begin?

    Begin now.

    Run until your heart rate gets nice and high (even if this is as little as 15 seconds), then walk until it hits 120 (even if this is 5 minutes), then run again. Lather rinse repeat. You aren't going to break an ankle. You're bone density increased with your weight. You're bones are strong. Mine were double density of a normal persona and are still off the charts.

    You might get little aches and pains in your knees, ankles, calves, hips. Deal with these as they come up, if they come up, but not doing it because you're afraid of what might happen results in nothing happening.