How often do you REALLY weigh in?



  • I weigh myself daily. But I only record on MFP once per week, on Wednesdays. As long as it doesn't discourage you, there is no reason you can't weigh yourself multiple times a day and so forth. In some ways its interesting to take note of the fluctuations and the way certain foods, exercise, etc effect your weight on a daily basis.

    i think it's ok to weight more than once a week as long as it doesn't discourage you!! :)
  • nursegnet
    nursegnet Posts: 155 Member
    I record once a week most of the time. I have my wii fit as a scale and that is the only scale I will go by now. I like weighing weekly because when I weighed daily it either depressed me or gave me false hope.
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    I weigh every day but only log a loss if I see it for 3 days in a row.
  • Scorpioangel
    Scorpioangel Posts: 951 Member
    I do it every day usually just to see fluctuations and understand them :)
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Does your scale really show a difference the next day? I can understand that sodium might really affect it with retaining water, or if you don't "go" every day. But if your sodium is in check and things are moving, the stuff you ate yesterday didn't convert into weight *yet* did it?
  • whoreheyR1
    whoreheyR1 Posts: 135 Member
    I also weigh in almost every day, but only log it once a week... usually on either Sunday or Monday.
  • Winnetka75
    Winnetka75 Posts: 5 Member
    Every day! I'm new to this whole thing, but weighing myself daily seems to be helping to keep me in check.
  • Every. Freaking. Day.

  • emrys1976
    emrys1976 Posts: 213 Member
    Well, I have a compulsion surrounding the scale so... 10-15 times a day. I don't recommend it :ohwell:
  • If I see a scale, I step on it. Guilty. I don't have scale guilt, though. I think it's interesting to see how my weight fluctuates throughout the day, depending on what I've eaten, drank, or what exercise I've done. It's more for my amusement than anything. :)
  • mlc3409
    mlc3409 Posts: 45 Member
    I weigh myself daily but only log it once a week (same day and same time each week)

    I am the same way. I get on the scale sometimes Daily just to make sure how something I ate the day before reacted with my body like bloated me or not. I only do a "REGULAR" weigh in once a week on Sunday Morning, no clothes on, and before 8am LOL That is the weight that I log every week.
  • I don't own a weighing scale in the dorm (I know, cheap, but I'm kinda broke, lol). The weighing scale that's closest to me is in the gym but it's a 15 minute walk and I usually don't hit the gyms until the evening. So I have decided every Sunday, as soon as I wake up and finish washing up in the morning, before I eat I'll walk to the gym and weigh myself there at the same time with somewhat similar clothes and such. I try not to weigh myself everyday because I know that there's weight fluctuations from water content/food etc, and I wouldn't want to be discouraged if I weight more at some point.
  • Every morning and evening, but thats just to keep me sane cos Im impacient and cant wait, I only record one weigh in a week though
  • pspetralia
    pspetralia Posts: 963 Member
    I weigh myself daily and once I hit a new low two days in a row I log it on MFP. You really have to be able to handle fluctuations if you are going to weigh yourself daily. It took me awhile to get that comfortable and not be disappointed or depressed when it when up slightly.
  • jazzalea
    jazzalea Posts: 412 Member
    Every time I'm near the scale and there is an opportunity to strip down to buck naked and see where I'm at.....

    I know .... I need help
  • silhouettes
    silhouettes Posts: 517 Member
    I turned off my weight loss on my profile because it was starting to annoy me, people critizing me for inputting my weigh here daily.. but I do, because I want to KNOW. I "officially" count a loss on Sundays, but throughout the week, I weigh daily in the morning and log in.

    I even weigh before bed to get an idea what I'd weigh in the morning, I've come to realize I loose about 2lbs at night, interesting teehee.

    It can be fusterating when you gain, but I like it because I can look back and see what I ate that made me gain so I can adjust the amount/what I eat from then on out!

    It helps me actually.
  • Log in on Monday but weigh everyday, can't stop myself.
  • rubygarcia86
    rubygarcia86 Posts: 73 Member
    well at first i did once a week and this week ive been doing it every day in the morning before i eat anything..
  • Maybe a couple time a week, but I only log it on Monday's. I try to set a goal for the week to give me a short term goal to look forward to. My goal this week is to go from currently 180.7 to Sunday. We'll see!!!
  • Twinsmama75
    Twinsmama75 Posts: 76 Member
    So basically, what you all are telling me is that on Monday mornings, we are all naked standing on scales?? :laugh:

    I won't even wear undies if I'm weighing! LMBO...because if I do, then I'm SURE they would weigh at least 3 lbs! Right??