Anyone have a Blackberry?



  • nikolaim5
    nikolaim5 Posts: 233
    OP, What do you need your phone to do? The only real reason I could see getting a BB is because of the physical keyboard. Beyond that, they are terrible. iPhone and Andriod are so far ahead it's not even funny.
  • Jules0336
    Jules0336 Posts: 137 Member
    I have the new Blackberry Torch and I love it...
  • nokittyno
    nokittyno Posts: 293 Member

    HTC interface is probably the best out right now.

    I really, really liked the HTC. On Rogers - Canadian Company, they hadn't any HTC Devices for awhile since some dispute or another, or some infringement on IPhone - whatever. But I really was always a fan of HTC's hardware, more metal over plastic (Samsung) and their HTC Sense, is appealing and workable.

    I had the Samsung Galaxy S Captive and loved it, but had to sell it at one point. Regretted it. But was so elated when I had my HTC Raider, and of course God saw I was happy, and said: "No" and PLOP - <Insert sink, phone dies> - LOL - kidding, I know god wouldn't do that.

    ...Or would he.

    Kidding. Lol.

    But in all seriousness, I hope OP goes for something more reformed than Blackberry. They're basically the same devices, painted a different colour, added megapixel and branded a new name for a higher price.
  • tnrown87
    tnrown87 Posts: 134 Member
    I have one, it does okay as far as a work phone, but I want something that is fun. RIM can't seem to keep up with Apple, and Google, so I'm switching ASAP. I also heard that RIM's Co-CEO resigned.
  • Jackdog89
    Jackdog89 Posts: 57 Member
    I utterly hate my blackberry. I recommend an Android based phone. My husband has the GOOGLE phone and it rocks.

    My wife was the same way. I switched to Android, she was still rocking the BB. She switched to Android the second our contract was up.

    The Blackberry was a decent phone. However, I've owned more than a couple of them and they all seem to crap out after a year. The same thing happened to my wife.

    As someone else stated RIM (the company that manufacturers BlackBerry) isn't doing so hot right now. It's questionable where that company will be down the road, something to consider if you need support for your new phone.

    The iPhone or many of the Android devices out there would be a good choice for a smartphone.
  • TurtleRunnerNC
    TurtleRunnerNC Posts: 768 Member
    I have a BB Bold for work. It is ok. Better than the BB I had before. Would not ever get for my own phone.

    My personal phone is Android. HTC Evo Shift & I love it!
  • rla331
    rla331 Posts: 27 Member
    >>>>>To the poster above, they all have free GPS (BB, Android, and iPhone).<<<<<

    I have the Droid Razr right now and love it. I had a droid previous to this one as well. Before I got the Razr I was considering the iphone, but they told me that the navigation on the iphone was not free like it is on the droid. (that wasn't the only reason I stuck with droid tho) Personally I think the iphone is way over rated anyway. I can't see anything that it does that a droid doesn't. Just my opinion! :)
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    Blackberries are sadly not the best performance wise. They are unbeatable when it comes to security at least that's what I've heard. Overall though, iPhone and Android are the best experience if you plan on web surfing and downloading some pretty intense games.
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    Decide what you want to use it for first.

    Blackberry is great for email and calendar. Very secure, but doesn't control apps.
    iPhone is great for music, games, apps. Secure and controls apps (unless jailbroken).
    Android is typically cheaper and games and apps. Not secure and doesn't control apps.

    If you're torn between them, go to the store and touch them. See how they feel to you, how intuitive they are. Each was designed for different people, so one will "fit" you better.
  • chelleymarie88
    Decide what you want to use it for first.

    Blackberry is great for email and calendar. Very secure, but doesn't control apps.
    iPhone is great for music, games, apps. Secure and controls apps (unless jailbroken).
    Android is typically cheaper and games and apps. Not secure and doesn't control apps.

    If you're torn between them, go to the store and touch them. See how they feel to you, how intuitive they are. Each was designed for different people, so one will "fit" you better.

    What? Android didn't get enough justice here. How do you mean not secure?
  • twanthe1
    twanthe1 Posts: 407
    Blackberry has been dying a slow painful death for the past 4 years or so.