Diet Soda



  • jazzalea
    jazzalea Posts: 412 Member
    I just don't understand why everyone picks on diet soda but it's ok to buy diet anything else.....

    from my own point of view I couldn't have survived without it.... I drink a half a can BEFORE my dinner... the carbon makes me feel fuller before I start and a half can with my dinner....and I'm good to go.... I'm happy... my food isn't dry and sluggish in there and whatever I had for dinner was washed down with a pleasant taste that I enjoy.... I don't find it triggers cravings... if anything .... if' I find I'm craving something... I will try a diet coke....soothes my flavor craving and hydrates me to stop my brain.... 9 times out of 10 it works!

    FREE THE ASPARTAME!!!!!!!!!!!
  • avk9802
    avk9802 Posts: 84 Member
    Diet soda is not good for you because of the artificial ingredients that can mess with hormones and hinder weight loss. Also, the sodium content in diet soda makes you retain water weight so you feel bloated, heavy, and might not see any difference in the scale number (although you may be losing weight)

    Coffee is actually okay to drink. In fact, it can help you lose weight. I drink black coffee and so that's 0 calories but it stimulates your metabolism so therefore; you are burning more calories through out the day. Coffee is natural. It's a good caffeine.
  • jrsey86
    jrsey86 Posts: 186 Member
    Check out these links:

    Before you get freaked out that soda can take rust off of a bumper or dissintigrate a tooth (but not a Twinkie!) over a short period of time, here is what I know to be true: everybody's different. For me, I find that all soda leaves me bloated and unsatisfied. Diet soda has aspartame, which gives me massive headaches for some reason. Therefore, I try to stay away from soda. That's not to say that I don't enjoy a soda every now and then...I do. But after giving it up for weight stability reasons, I find that I don't like the taste as much as I used to.

    Also, my mother's doctor advised her to avoid soda. She has osteopenia, a precurser to osteoporosis, and was advised to avoid both soda and coffee, as they can leech calcium from your bones and prevent the absorption of new calcium. I tried to find an article online supporting that, but I was unable to find one.

    I know people who love diet soda and have lost weight with it. I have others who disagree. Ultimately, I feel that it comes down to moderation and personal preference. It's your body, do with it what you will.

    Hope that helps!
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    I have lost 293 lbs. drinking 2-3 24 oz. bottles of Diet Pepsi a day... I still get my water intake in too but I am not stopping anytime soon.... It is the one thing from the beginning I said I would not give up......
  • theroadto100
    theroadto100 Posts: 209 Member
    I think it really depends on the person. A lot of people says it causes you to "crave" calories, but I've never had that kind of problem.
  • fatboy235
    fatboy235 Posts: 147 Member
    from what i've read and according to the doctor I see, he said that any type of man made sugar substitute is bad for you because of the chemical composition and it's links to causing some types of cancers. Everyone's body is different and will act in different ways. A can or two a day is not going to kill you more than anything else will. Now if your drinking 2 liters or more than that can have a significant inpact on your health. I drink flavored seltzer water (water with fizz) and coffee (black)
  • TheGoblinRoad
    TheGoblinRoad Posts: 835 Member
    Diet soda is good for fighting goblins off.


    On a serious note, I notice that when i don't drink diet soda, I crave sweet food less.
  • pniana
    pniana Posts: 254 Member
    I don't drink soda, diet or otherwise for my own reasons. But, to address your question about it being "worse that coffee". Coffee isn't bad! Read this.
  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    Diet soda is not good for you because of the artificial ingredients that can mess with hormones and hinder weight loss.
    Do you have a source on this? I doubt it.
    Coffee is natural. It's a good caffeine.

    Where do you think the caffeine in soda comes from?
  • nikki1anna
    Diet sodas make me ill... my body can't tolerate the artifical sweetners. Also I don't need it. If I'm thristy I drink water if I want soda I'll get some in moderation in that once a week meal of my choice =)
  • ebaymommy
    ebaymommy Posts: 1,067 Member
    I love diet soda. I've tried to get off of it and found that I overate when I was off of it. I don't drink at all. I don't smoke. If diet soda is the only "bad" thing I do, then so be it. It helps keep me full and helps me with my sweet tooth as well.

    Amen to that! I drink 1 can a day. Love it, have no plans to give it up. I eat really well, drink water by the buckets full, work my *kitten* off in the gym and darn it, I need a piece of dark chocolate and a diet mt. dew for sanity and indulgence reasons.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Hi There,
    I'm sure its been posted a trillion times... I couldn't find it in the forum? And I'm new so not really sure where to look.

    Why is Diet Soda so bad? I saw someone posted it can slow your weight loss down, why is this?

    I only drink it and water (and the occasional glass of white wine).

    Is it really worse then coffee?
    I don't drink diet soda or any soda, because though tasting good, I do not trust these companies and all the chemicals and addictive substances they lace these products with. At least I know what's in the coffee I brew but prefer just water with a twist of lemon.

    By Summer, I want to be completely free of caffeine.
  • LadyCABMS
    LadyCABMS Posts: 4 Member
    I don't know about the health effects, but it just taste so bad I'd rather have water. I have found that most fruit juices also contain more sugar than most regular sodas...bummer Im an oceanspray addict! I just find my one vise and compensate by reducing portion size or not eating somethin else. I hate diet soda and most diet foods at all. Who can't tell the difference in real cane sugar and arty sweetners? If anyone has any tips let me know...please!

  • bejuled74
    bejuled74 Posts: 191 Member
    I drink Coke Zero and I have cut back a LOT. I have it occaisionally. I have heard a list of reasons why it's bad for you...artificial sweeteners are bad, carbonation is bad, it's sweet so it makes you crave sweet foods, there is no nutritional value....but there is one thing that has really stuck with me and it's why I cut back drastically on my intake. I have a friend that worked for a coke distributer who will not touch the stuff. He said he's seen it eat through stainless steel machinery. Of course not from just a little spill but from a prolonged leak in a box for a fountain drink machine...but it makes me wonder what's going on inside my body after drinking it for years and years if it can eat through metal. I used to drink regular soda for a long time and I was having digestive I stopped and my problems did get better. Fortunately I haven't had the same issues with Coke Zero.
  • swiftfox82
    i have found that it contains nothing good for you so why drink it? It's more addicting than regular soda and everything in it is fake. Drinking water is much better. In the long run drinking diet soda will not help you lose wieght, it will hinder weight loss according to do your own research instead of asking for peoples opinions. There is a lot of debate on this subject ...from personal experience I will have to say the soda hinders health and weight loss.

    I highly recommend going to that site for all the cons associated with artificial sweeteners in diet soda!

    I happen to think it's way gross I haven't had it for years and years and if I take a sip of it now it's repulsive! There are enough bad things put into our food and produce these days that are toxic why would anyone make their body (especially the liver) work harder to remove these toxins?
  • CheleLynn44
    CheleLynn44 Posts: 339 Member
    If I could handle the yucky aftertaste I would definitely have one a day. But unfortunately I find the aftertaste yucky!! :sad:

    I am a firm believer in anything in moderation. Especially when we are trying to make lifelong lifestyle changes!! Have to be able to do it forever, not just a few months till we lose the weight!!
  • adkatie
    adkatie Posts: 44 Member
    Count me in for the "it's my guilty pleasure" club. It's my one thing I allow myself as much as I want. I could probably have less of it, but I cling to this one "indulgence". I drink lots of water too. I make sure of that.
  • shariTN
    shariTN Posts: 53
    Diet soda is BAD for you. But I still drink it (embarrassed face). I am a pretty healthy eater, but Coke Zero is my weakness and it actually helps me stick to my diet at times. I have gone off of it for a while but then always decide to have that ONE. Which of course turns into more. Anyway, you really shouldn't drink them, but I don't necessarily think they inhibit weight loss in of themselves.
  • ericabrothers
    I tend to agree. If cokes are the only bad thing that I do (I'm from the South US so everything to us is coke) then I'm doing pretty good. I've never smoked, don't drink often enough for it to count, don't do any recreational drugs so I think a coke or 2 a days is fine. You can take everything to the extreme. I work in health care and I don't wash my hands near as much as I prob should. If I go from a sick child to a well child of course I wash my hands but overall I should prob wash them more. On the flip side I almost NEVER get sick. I honestly can't remember the last time I've called out sick and I"ve been a nurse for over 5 years. So everything in moderation is fine as far as I'm concerned.
  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    Diet soda is BAD for you. But I still drink it (embarrassed face). I am a pretty healthy eater, but Coke Zero is my weakness and it actually helps me stick to my diet at times. I have gone off of it for a while but then always decide to have that ONE. Which of course turns into more. Anyway, you really shouldn't drink them, but I don't necessarily think they inhibit weight loss in of themselves.

    Why is it bad?