I hate exercise. Help?



  • lexgem
    lexgem Posts: 163
    I didn't read through this whole thread, but you can start with some dancing games if you think that is fun. Or a more "formal" dance class like salsa. You can also try to walk more, if you enjoy nature or live near to some nice parks it can be really beneficial in more than one way (for me, walking and running outside has helped me beat the winter blues so far). Riding a bike to & from work or just for fun might work.
    I enjoy being in water, perhaps a water aerobics class would be fun? I know I enjoyed them when I was just getting started.
  • amandavictoria80
    amandavictoria80 Posts: 734 Member
    Are you listening to music while you exercise? I know I hate it too but, music helps. also getting it over with first thing in the am is key for me. The longer I put it off UGGGGGGGG.

    I second this. I personally can't work out without music. I just can't push myself the same. Plus, without music the time totally drags.
  • Papa_Swearingen
    Papa_Swearingen Posts: 139 Member
    Here's the plan... go to your nearest animal shelter and adopt a puppy. Name it something cool, like "spike" or "david hasselhoff", and then see if you can keep up with its energy. By that I mean, its going to be a playful and ornery little puppy that doesn't stop.... the only thing that calms it down is lots of exercise. You can walk him/her for miles, or even run them.

    Either way you will be forced to exercise, its impossible to be bored doing it AND you will have saved a doggy. I think its a good plan.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Here's the plan... go to your nearest animal shelter and adopt a puppy. Name it something cool, like "spike" or "david hasselhoff", and then see if you can keep up with its energy. By that I mean, its going to be a playful and ornery little puppy that doesn't stop.... the only thing that calms it down is lots of exercise. You can walk him/her for miles, or even run them.

    Either way you will be forced to exercise, its impossible to be bored doing it AND you will have saved a doggy. I think its a good plan.

    LOVE this!
  • AmyG1982
    AmyG1982 Posts: 1,040 Member
    Get a Kinect! its a game, thats fun. lol. I love the sports and the dance games! and I feel it the next day every time
  • TonyaCrego
    TonyaCrego Posts: 59 Member
    what exercise experience have you had so far?

    -I've tried to be a runner. I want to like it so much, but I don't.
    -I've tried yoga. I want to be a yogi! But it makes my back hurt? Clearly I'm doing something wrong.
    -I have an exercise bike in my living room. It's ok but boring and, to be honest, I'd rather just sit on my couch and watch tv. Haha.
    -I've tried dancey stuff. I have dvds, but I feel silly and sweaty and like I want to sit down.
    -I've tried pilates. If there was anything that I didn't HATE it would be this. But it still doesn't inspire me to get up and do it often.
    -I've done random machines at the gym. That stair thing, elliptical and the rower machine. Blah.

    I don't know. I've tried different stuff. I think I'm just lazy and unsure of how to overcome that. I wish I was one of those people who loved to go for a run or just couldn't wait for their yoga class that night. But, I'd rather watch The Bachelor on my couch. And this is where my problem begins. :)

    WOW...u sound just like me! It would be so much easier and fun if i had a partner to do it with! I also hate SWEATING!!! However...I am finally ready to get my weight off and im gonna do it! I started jillian michaels 30 day shred with a group on here. you should check it out! I think this dvd is gonna work for me bc its levels and level 1 isnt that bad and i didnt sweat a lot but still felt the burn. PLUS Its ONLY 20 minutes :) I can do 20 min. for the kind of results i have seen ppl post! Just do it then you got all day to watch tv or, in my case, play on the computer :)
  • JanetLM73
    JanetLM73 Posts: 1,277 Member
    I don't like it either, I just started my weightloss journey for 1000 time. I bought a stationary bike and put it in my room in front on the TV....I watch the TV and listen to the ipod very loud.

    I started off doing 20 minutes, today I did an hour for the first time and cried when I was done, I NEVER thought I would be able to do it, I'm seeing the benefits of it, my hubby told me today that my butt was getting smaller :laugh:
  • whynotnana
    whynotnana Posts: 26 Member
    How about try to do some exercise (toning, or dance video ) maybe 3 time a week to start? Even if you only do 10 to 15 minutes maybe twice a day? I look at it as it is better than none at all. It will make you feel better and you might progress a little as you start to feel better. Look at it as if anything is worth a shot to lose the weight!
  • amandavictoria80
    amandavictoria80 Posts: 734 Member
    I totally understand how you feel. I felt the exact same way. And I am a very lazy person. I'd sit on the couch all day long watching TV and movies if I could. And I could. And you can too if you want to. It just depends what you want more.

    There are many people who don't like to exercise. In fact, very few actually "enjoy" it. But that's why it's called WORKINGout. It's work! It's not easy or every single person would be in shape and fit.

    No one on here can make you do it hun. That's the hardest thing I learned. I did the same thing as you. I posted on the forums just like this hoping someone would give me the answer and a fire would light under my *kitten*. It doesn't happen that way. YOU are the one that has to light that fire. YOU need to find your motivation. No one can do this for you. And I promise you, time will go on whether or not you're working out or sitting on the couch.

    I won't tell you that with time you'll enjoy it, become addicted, blah blah blah. But one thing I can say is, with working out, there is something wonderful that does happen. You get a sense of empowerment and self worth. THIS is what makes all the hard workouts worth it! THIS is what people get addicted to.

    I wish you tons of luck! Feel free to add me if you need support. :)
  • callikia
    callikia Posts: 226 Member
    Trust me, in the beginning it's not about liking it. I told people all the time, "I drag my *kitten* kicking and screaming to the gym. And then I kick and scream through my workout too. I don't care if I'm crying all the way through and acting like a 4-year-old with a case of the i-dun-wannas, at least I'm doing it." It took me a while, but now I don't feel "right" if my exercise routine is off. I made it a habit with those days forcing myself to do it instead of the lazy things I wanted to do instead...and now the drive to the gym is second nature after work and I actually feel strange when I don't/can't go because of injury.

    That being said - my favorite exercise (because I, like you, get bored easily), is circuit training. I downloaded the Nike Training Club/Camp (can't remember) app on my iPhone and it puts me through my paces. There are moments I think, "I CAN'T DO IT ANYMORE!" and then she tells me do something else and I'm saved. Killer workout. Makes me feel like a warrior. And stops that nagging "I'm bored" lazy person in my head.
  • TriforceRaven
    TriforceRaven Posts: 115 Member
    Try swimming! I am on a swim team, and absolutely LOVE it! You burn a bunch of calories (as long as your not resting the whole time lol) and you gain muscle quickly. You can do it for the rest of your life too, and even modify your workout easily if injured.

    Also try listening to music or just walking on the treadmill/eliptical or dumbbells or something while you watch TV.
  • Jay0hwhy
    if anything, i would start with walking around the block a few times. i remember when i first started working out, it was walking and just getting some air. my mom was sick at the time and it felt like, as long as i can move around, maybe i can handle everything going on.

    long story short, its your decision if you want to work out. find something you like to do. move more, if anything, just to prolong your life.
  • amandavictoria80
    amandavictoria80 Posts: 734 Member
    Here's the plan... go to your nearest animal shelter and adopt a puppy. Name it something cool, like "spike" or "david hasselhoff", and then see if you can keep up with its energy. By that I mean, its going to be a playful and ornery little puppy that doesn't stop.... the only thing that calms it down is lots of exercise. You can walk him/her for miles, or even run them.

    Either way you will be forced to exercise, its impossible to be bored doing it AND you will have saved a doggy. I think its a good plan.

    I have to disagree with this. I know someone who did do this and now that poor big dog doesn't get the exercise he needs.
  • Paolinat
    Paolinat Posts: 81 Member
    You hit the nail on the head. "But, I'd rather watch The Bachelor on my couch. And this is where my problem begins. :)"

    As you workout more:
    You will get endorphins.
    You will get more healthy.
    You will lose weight.
    You will become more toned.
    You will feel good about yourself.
    You will look good.
    Because of all the above and more...


    Some days are easier than others. It is hard to like any program from the start because it all is pretty painful because : YOU'D "rather watch The Bachelor on (your) couch.

    Stop making excuses and start being the person you want to be.

    By the way, in life, you don't get everything you want and you are not going to like everything you have to do (pay bills, go to work, etc.)
    Exercising is you paying the bill for eating and sitting on the couch watching tv.
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    I was once in your shoes. Last year I hated working out and especially hated running. I decided I was going to lose weight and unless I ate salads and water all day everyday then I wasn't going to get my results without movement. Therefore, I turned up the discipline and made myself go to the gym or do a workout video (almost everyday). Gradually, I started enjoying it. It wasn't my top favorite thing to do, but it didn't feel like such a hassle or burden. More or less, it was a habit. Yes, it did make me feel great afterwards and I found myself being more productive and motivated in other ares of my life such as chores and homework. Eventually, I started running and found I really enjoyed it because I could actually run. I conditioned myself well enough to run 3 miles. I was ecstatic!
  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    I heard this one time and it rang true with me....

    The first 5 minutes of anything you're not looking forward to will suck! Your body and mind collectively do not want to do it. But once you get through the first 5 minutes it gets better all of a sudden. That goes with almost anything.

    Maybe you should try some combative exercises like martial arts or kickboxing. It's empowering and fun!

    Bottom line is ...if you don't do anything you're not going to get any results. Good luck.
  • vick9180
    vick9180 Posts: 144 Member
    I've perused through the responses and am surprised that only like 2 people suggested you get a workout partner. That takes the monotony out of exercising and keeps you accountable so you actually do it. Get a workout plan together, like Monday you go for a walk, Tuesday you lift, Wednesday is a pilates class, etc. You get the point. But just do it with someone and pinpoint a time to meet up so you make yourself go. You obviously know that it's good for you by the sounds of things, but you haven't found your niche just yet. But exercising is definitely more enjoyable when you can make it a social event.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,692 Member
    So no matter how hard I try or how many different fitness activities I try, I hate to work out. I just hate it. Everyone always says that you get that high after working out if you do it long enough. Or you get "addicted" to it after a while. Not me! I'm not sure what my issue is, but I just hate it so much.

    Any tips on how to not hate it? I get that it's helping my heart and making me healthy, blah blah, and while I care in theory, that doesn't make me hate it less. I also get that it's an imperative part of my "journey" or whatever you want to call it and that I won't get far without it. It seems that that doesn't make me hate it less either. HELP! I will never get where I want to be if I just hate every second that I work out. There are literally like 493 things I'd rather be doing at any given time.

    Advice would be helpful. Anybody been here and has since seen the proverbial light?

    Maybe hypnosis would help... :)
    You gotta HATE being overweight more than you HATE exercise. That's all it boils down to.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • BelleHeart
    BelleHeart Posts: 281 Member
    you should try zumba!! Its dance but youre working at the same time! you can burn like 1000 calories in one class! Its too much fun!
  • beckylawrence70
    beckylawrence70 Posts: 752 Member
    I'd have to say for me what makes it better is when u start to see results.