Food Confessions!



  • teresaj0315
    teresaj0315 Posts: 26 Member
    I had a lunch date today and we went chinese buffet ~ and it's my bosses birthday so I bought a lo-cal coffee cake ~ no one knows it's low cal and I won't let them see the package. But another co-worker brought in oh sooo good choc chip cookies ~ today is a bad day. Thank goodness for tonight ~ Salsa Dancing!!! I'll get to work off some of these calories.
  • teresaj0315
    teresaj0315 Posts: 26 Member
    I sit here at my desk reading all of your confessions and I'm laughing ~ at least we are owning up to our temptations. I have a lot more to confess but I'll stick to this ~ i haven't worked out in about 2 weeks (AND I GAINED THIS WEEK ~ BIG SURPRISE)!!!! I'm feeling it today ~ going home and changing clothes and hitting the gym ~ i feel bloated and lethargic ~ NEED MORE ENERGY!
  • live4turns
    live4turns Posts: 314 Member
    I confess to thinking about buying cookies ever since waking up this morning. what a mindjob....
  • atadley
    atadley Posts: 18 Member
    Haha, this is my life :smile:
  • Brilliantbritt27
    This morning..... I threw away my half full container of Nutella. I cannot be trusted with this stuff. I thought I could be, and I was good for a long time with it. Lately, I cant stop eating this $#it! I threw it out... buried it under some yucky stuff in the garbage too so I dont try to resurrect it!

    Man... I ate so much freaking nutella last night... :embarassed:

    Im crazy addicted to nutella, its already been logged in my journal both days ive been here. Once on bread for breakfast before class and another because i was having a rough day and wanted a spoonful. That stuff is so ridiciously addictive and delicious.
  • andreacord
    Hmm let's see:

    -Overdid it on gin and tonic this weekend .. and the hungry drunk girl in me decided it was perfectly okay to eat 4 subway cookies .. I was way, way under for the day so I didn't do TOO much damage .. but still!:grumble:

    This was a few months ago :
    -My ex and I broke up and it was really rough, over the course of two days I ate an ENTIRE box of poptarts and cheesecake. Safeway sells these 1/4 of a cheesecake sampler things .. 1200 calories in 4 slices.

    That's pretty much the worst I've ever been since starting on here.
  • live4turns
    live4turns Posts: 314 Member
    Giants game this past half a box of wheat thins with sharp cheddar....and dug into a spread of calamari, fish sticks & french fries with the s/o

    Then we busted open the oreos....I had 2 double stuff and 3 white fudge. That's 440 calories in cookies alone. The End. Monday was a new day :tongue:

    This Sunday will be much worse food wise but it doesn't matter. I'm not even going to log this Sunday.

  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    I've been sick all week so on top of not being able to work out I have been eating junk. I've been good during the day but at night I have been reverting back to snacking - goldfish pretzels here and there and Edy's 1/2 fat ice cream every night! Granted I haven't been taking huge bowls. I was using small kid sized bowls. But still - every night! I've got to stop!
  • live4turns
    live4turns Posts: 314 Member
    I've been sick all week so on top of not being able to work out I have been eating junk. I've been good during the day but at night I have been reverting back to snacking - goldfish pretzels here and there and Edy's 1/2 fat ice cream every night! Granted I haven't been taking huge bowls. I was using small kid sized bowls. But still - every night! I've got to stop!

    i used to eat Edy's 1/2 fat all the time until i found Turkey Hill Frozen Yogurt. They have a few flavors but all of them are either 90 cals/serving or 110 cals/serving and either nonfat or lowfat. they taste exactly like ice cream. its 68g/serving so it's not bad.

    my fave flavors are mint cookies 'n cream and chocolate marshmallow. I tried the Neapolitan and it kinda sucked.
  • musicstardust67
    musicstardust67 Posts: 299 Member
    Last week I went to red lobster. I had the lobster and used the awesome buttery dipping sauce, a few of the biscuits, not to mention the shrimp nachos (delicious!). I also had the cheesecake fantasy at cold stone creamery. Their ice cream is a major guilty pleasure for me omg. I also had 2 chocolates tonight. Blah. Food is awesome lol.

    Oh ya and the big mac and fries last week lol
  • cimonenchina
    Beware of Nutella!!
  • cimonenchina
    This morning..... I threw away my half full container of Nutella. I cannot be trusted with this stuff. I thought I could be, and I was good for a long time with it. Lately, I cant stop eating this $#it! I threw it out... buried it under some yucky stuff in the garbage too so I dont try to resurrect it!

    Man... I ate so much freaking nutella last night... :embarassed:

    Me too!!! I keep sneaking into my kitchen and just eating a spoonful of it! 2 lbs kill you!
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    I confess to having a Deathcake Royale ( and a slice of mushroom pizza for lunch. I REGRET NOTHING.
  • emczech5
    emczech5 Posts: 224 Member
    Monday, I had a small brownie sundae with vanilla ice cream, hot fudge, whipped cream, cashews and a cherry (or two) on top. Yesterday, I went out for Thai for lunch. Today, I found a half a chocolate orange hiding in my cupboard (thankfully not a whole one.) Hopefully, I don't keep this up all week. Zumba tomorrow!
  • Churble
    Churble Posts: 85 Member
    I ate 14 Triple Ginger Snaps tonight. I just couldn't stop going back. A serving is 6, so there were several "just one more" cookies.
  • Lainn
    Lainn Posts: 281 Member
    I think "that time of the month" is upon me cause I cannot seem to stop snacking. Chocolate and chips...that is where I lose it. And I am hungry all the stinking time lately. Jerk.

    So I went to the store and bought some of those 100 calories pack things. They sit on my counter taunting me to eat the entire box. I hates them already.

    I am literally sitting here playing "the game" in my head. You know how it goes... "Just one more snack won't hurt. But then I would have to log it and I would be over. But I am hungry. Just ignore will stop. But what about starvation mode? Hmmmmm? Do you want to GAIN weight cause you are not eating? True...that would be bad....heeeeeey wait a minute. Shut up I am not going to starve! Damn thought that would work. I am not getting up and getting a snack...nope just not going to do it. Nope nope nope. *sniff sniff* those Onion rings smell so good. Wait how did this bag get open and in my hands?"