For the Ladies - Mirena?



  • QueenJayJay
    QueenJayJay Posts: 1,139
    I'm going to record my responses next to each in bold text. I hope this will help you make an informed decision. :flowerforyou:

    I've just googled it and these are the common side effects

    Very common (affect more than 1 in 10 people)
    Change in menstrual bleeding, such as spotting, lighter bleeding or stopping of bleeding. --- It's SUPPOSED to stop your period.
    Development of fluid filled sacks (cysts) in the ovaries. --- This did happen to me, once. It wasn't that bad.
    Common (affect between 1 in 10 and 1 in 100 people)
    Depression. --- nope
    Nervousness. --- nope
    Headache. --- nope
    Decreased sex drive. --- heck nope!
    Abdominal pain. --- nope
    Nausea. --- nope
    Acne. --- my skin is actually clearer.
    Back or pelvic pain. --- nope
    Painful periods. --- I don't have one now.
    Breast pain or tenderness. --- nope
    Vaginal inflammation or discharge. --- some spotting around when my TOM would have been
    Weight gain. --- try 53 lbs. lost
  • QueenJayJay
    QueenJayJay Posts: 1,139
    I don't usually reply to anything on the forums but this is something I am pretty passionate about. MIRENA WILL MAKE YOU FAT AND THE DOCTOR WILL NEVER ADMIT THAT MIRENA IS A WEIGHT GAIN PROBLEM. I had Mirena after the birth of my daughter- within 3 mos I gained 45 pounds that I couldn't lose... after the 5 years of Mirena I had the unit removed and I IMMEDIATELY lost 70 pounds and was back to my pre-pregnancy weight. I lost all the weight in 10 months. I never had a weight problem before mirena and I didn't have a problem after Mirena- so it HAD to be the mirena that kept me fat for exactly 5 years- it can't be a coincidence. I REALLY hope you read this. I wish someone had told me the truth but I got Mirena 9.5 years ago so back then not a lot was known about it... but that stuff IS THE DEVIL.

    I've lost 53 lbs. since getting a mirena.
  • jalysia
    jalysia Posts: 43
    I am on my 2nd one... With the first I do not remember if there was any weight gain, I was already overweight and still using the "Oh its just baby fat" excuse since I had birthed a baby within the last year. This time however, I was doing good losing post-baby weight, but when I got it I did notice a slight change in weight, followed but Thanksgiving and Christmas where I ate far too much. Since really getting active and serious about my food intake and such, I haven't had much problem losing weight. I couldn't say for sure how it compares to when you don't have one, but I lost abt this same amt in a month last year when I was off the mirena and on the pill. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful!
  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member
    I had the copper one just before. I am really lucky that I decided to get it changed to the hormonal one after 4 years because it was falling out and I was basically unprotected. I guess there is always a risk.
  • QueenJayJay
    QueenJayJay Posts: 1,139
    I got a mirena six months ago. I have since lost 53 pounds.

    1. The mirena did not cause me to lose this weight. Diet and exercise did.
    2. Whether it had any effect on how quickly I lost the weight, I do not know. I don't really focus on outside factors, or get discouraged when I plateau. I just buckle down and work harder. ...and this attitude didn't come easily. It's taken me years of yo-yoing up and down with my weight, trying fad diets, etc. to learn to focus and change my lifestyle and attitude.

    Talk to me when you've been at a plateau for six months despite trying EVERYING, including being so desperate you drop down to 500 calories a day just so the scale will move and still it doesn't.

    Before Mirena, I ate healthy and exercised and dropped 2 pounds a week despite being in a healthy weight range. After Mirens, I continued eating right and exercising and gained 20 pounds back and can't lose it.

    I know not everyone has that experience, but some of us DO. I've had blood work. I've talked to my doctor about my diet and exercise. There is no other explanation. And the gains started a month after I got the IUD.

    And it sucks because I need to be on a hormonal BC unless I want to be out of commission for a week or more every month and the pill -- after 13 years -- was no longer an option. This was pretty much it because I will NOT get the shot.

    You're free to check my diary -- it's open and honest -- if you don't believe me.

    Different levels of hormones affect people differently. All I can say is that it didn't cause it for me. I know the depo shot, and some pills have caused it for me, and some pills have not. Every woman's hormones are different, which is why we have so many BC options. I think the OP should take everyone's experience into consideration, but she ultimately just has to try it herself and see how it reacts with her body.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I'm going to record my responses next to each in bold text. I hope this will help you make an informed decision. :flowerforyou:

    I've just googled it and these are the common side effects

    Very common (affect more than 1 in 10 people)
    Change in menstrual bleeding, such as spotting, lighter bleeding or stopping of bleeding. --- It's SUPPOSED to stop your period.
    Development of fluid filled sacks (cysts) in the ovaries. --- This did happen to me, once. It wasn't that bad.
    Common (affect between 1 in 10 and 1 in 100 people)
    Depression. --- nope
    Nervousness. --- nope
    Headache. --- nope
    Decreased sex drive. --- heck nope!
    Abdominal pain. --- nope
    Nausea. --- nope
    Acne. --- my skin is actually clearer.
    Back or pelvic pain. --- nope
    Painful periods. --- I don't have one now.
    Breast pain or tenderness. --- nope
    Vaginal inflammation or discharge. --- some spotting around when my TOM would have been
    Weight gain. --- try 53 lbs. lost

    If you look on the Mirena website it tells you that there is a small percentage of Mirena users who gain weight for no other obvious reason than they got on Mirena.

    It's lovely that you haven't and many others haven't. But quit with the self-righteousness. Some of us have gained BECAUSE OF MIRENA. Just because you didn't doesn't mean we didn't.
  • liroez29
    liroez29 Posts: 221
    I am on Mirena has not affected my weight. However, I do have occasional cramping, and spotting. I think the worst part about Mirena for me is the spotting, I never know when it is going to happen, but usually it is not enough to even reach my underwear. I have had a cyst on my ovary recently, but I have PCOS, so this is normal for me. Overall, probably the best birth control I have ever used, it does not mess with my hormones, I don't have to worry about taking a pill every day, or a patch a week or anything, nice to be worry free in that area! Plus, for me anyway, birth control pills make me CRAZY....literally!!! Good luck to you!
  • QueenJayJay
    QueenJayJay Posts: 1,139
    I'm going to record my responses next to each in bold text. I hope this will help you make an informed decision. :flowerforyou:

    I've just googled it and these are the common side effects

    Very common (affect more than 1 in 10 people)
    Change in menstrual bleeding, such as spotting, lighter bleeding or stopping of bleeding. --- It's SUPPOSED to stop your period.
    Development of fluid filled sacks (cysts) in the ovaries. --- This did happen to me, once. It wasn't that bad.
    Common (affect between 1 in 10 and 1 in 100 people)
    Depression. --- nope
    Nervousness. --- nope
    Headache. --- nope
    Decreased sex drive. --- heck nope!
    Abdominal pain. --- nope
    Nausea. --- nope
    Acne. --- my skin is actually clearer.
    Back or pelvic pain. --- nope
    Painful periods. --- I don't have one now.
    Breast pain or tenderness. --- nope
    Vaginal inflammation or discharge. --- some spotting around when my TOM would have been
    Weight gain. --- try 53 lbs. lost

    If you look on the Mirena website it tells you that there is a small percentage of Mirena users who gain weight for no other obvious reason than they got on Mirena.

    It's lovely that you haven't and many others haven't. But quit with the self-righteousness. Some of us have gained BECAUSE OF MIRENA. Just because you didn't doesn't mean we didn't.

    I beg your pardon? The OP asked for our experiences. I was sharing mine with her. I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you didn't read my earlier post before posting this.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I'm going to record my responses next to each in bold text. I hope this will help you make an informed decision. :flowerforyou:

    I've just googled it and these are the common side effects

    Very common (affect more than 1 in 10 people)
    Change in menstrual bleeding, such as spotting, lighter bleeding or stopping of bleeding. --- It's SUPPOSED to stop your period.
    Development of fluid filled sacks (cysts) in the ovaries. --- This did happen to me, once. It wasn't that bad.
    Common (affect between 1 in 10 and 1 in 100 people)
    Depression. --- nope
    Nervousness. --- nope
    Headache. --- nope
    Decreased sex drive. --- heck nope!
    Abdominal pain. --- nope
    Nausea. --- nope
    Acne. --- my skin is actually clearer.
    Back or pelvic pain. --- nope
    Painful periods. --- I don't have one now.
    Breast pain or tenderness. --- nope
    Vaginal inflammation or discharge. --- some spotting around when my TOM would have been
    Weight gain. --- try 53 lbs. lost

    If you look on the Mirena website it tells you that there is a small percentage of Mirena users who gain weight for no other obvious reason than they got on Mirena.

    It's lovely that you haven't and many others haven't. But quit with the self-righteousness. Some of us have gained BECAUSE OF MIRENA. Just because you didn't doesn't mean we didn't.

    I beg your pardon? The OP asked for our experiences. I was sharing mine with her. I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you didn't read my earlier post before posting this.

    I did post before I read your last post, which I totally agree with. But your earlier posts strongly imply (and maybe you didn't mean to) that those of us saying we gained on Mirena just aren't working hard enough or being honest. If that's not what you meant, I apologize.
  • wildhehr2
    wildhehr2 Posts: 122 Member
    I love Mirena. I'm 3.5 years into it. Spotted regularly for the first 6 months, and then it stopped. I didn't gain weight on it (had it inserted post partum), and although my weight loss is slow, I'm losing inches, so I don't think that's the mirena's fault. The only side effect I've had that's been bothersome was pelvic pain, but I didn't attribute that to the Mirena until I read a previous poster's comment about not being able to walk when it hits--which happens to me somewhat regularly. But it goes away quickly. I absolutely love it, and I do recommend it to others--as long as they understand that my results won't necessarily be their results.
  • raras1615
    I had a Mirena put in in Jan 2010. I loved not having to think about birth control but that's about all I liked about it. It really made me pretty crazy- my husband can attest to this. I also gained about 30lbs on it, now I do realize that really the food I ate put those pounds on but I had a very hard time controling my appetite and felt like I was PMSing about 3 weeks out of the month. I started have very light periods about 20 days apart. I also felt so bloated almost to the point where I felt pregnant a few times. I finally had it taken out in December 2011. I feel so much better, now of course the weight did not come flying off (like I had hoped) but I feel more like myself. I can eat the right amount of calories and I feel like working out more often.
  • QueenJayJay
    QueenJayJay Posts: 1,139
    I did post before I read your last post, which I totally agree with. But your earlier posts strongly imply (and maybe you didn't mean to) that those of us saying we gained on Mirena just aren't working hard enough or being honest. If that's not what you meant, I apologize.

    That is absolutely not what I meant. I meant that I (me, myself, and I) used LOTS of excuses before I've gotten to the point where I am. I have struggled very hard to get to where I ignore other factors, because that's just what I've figured out that I have to do, through trial and error. I was simply saying that because I've had to condition myself to this mindset in order to lose and keep it off, if my mirena had caused plateau, etc. I probably wouldn't have realized it.
  • grobbygru
    grobbygru Posts: 295 Member
    A friend of mine gained weight while on Mirena, but it was in the form of a baby. Twice. Clearly that was not the proper form of BC for her. (Either that or her doc had inserted it wrong) I don't think she gained any weight from it prior to that little mishap, though, if that helps any.

    THAT would be the worst kind of weight anyone could gain!!! Thanks for the warning - not that I use mine for that - but good to know it's a possibility - as was one of my friends tubal ligations!!!!!

    I've heard several people say that if you have a normal heavy period (spotting is normal) to go have it checked, because it probably came out.

    Cheers - I actually did go and get it checked on Friday anyways as it was exactly a month and that is when she said she wanted to check all was ok with it. Altho heavy (and slightly more painful) it wasn't as heavy as a natural one or one on the mini pill. This is the only reason I am on it (heavy periods) - that is the only reason I have been on any BC since I have been 14 - so I wouldn't expect mine to go away completely st8 up. Just hoping like mad.
    I won't ever be needing it for BC anyways - so no real problems. Good to keep in mind though.

    Thanks again
  • timkdodson
    FYI my wife has Mirena... and during the time she has had it she has lost about 50lbs... so its not impossible to lose on Mirena. In other news, it has worked really good for us. She doesn't have a regular period anymore, which she likes. Haven't noticed any other side effects other than when she had to have it changed (she has had it for like 5 years) she was REALLY sore and spotting after having it taken out and the new one put in. Overall we give it an 8/10 for birth control!
  • EvelynForsyth
    EvelynForsyth Posts: 272 Member
    Thank you for your honest responses, i have been having a look on other forums and only seem to end up with horror stories about deep depression, crashed cars and massive boobs! (i appreciate not necessarily a horror story for everyone!)
    It has been nice to read about how it has affected you, i know it affects people differently but i feel much more comfortable about getting it fitted and just seeing how i go with it after reading this thread.
    I don't think i gained weight with the depo, i had an unhealthy lifestyle then and would have gained anyway but i do think it is difficult for me to keep weight off, i lost weight after last christmas, 24lbs to be exact, and stopped exercising during the summer and gained 14lbs of those back despite not changing my eating habits. I am looking forward to trying something different and putting my theory to the test.
  • badgerbadger1
    badgerbadger1 Posts: 954 Member
    As I said I am a nurse, but also used to be a birth control counsellor at a women's clinic.

    To be fair, it is possible for some people to gain on mirena. It may not be the only factor, but clearly it is possible and therefore not our place to judge someone elses's experience. Like anything Mirena is very much a YMMV (your mileage may vary) product.

    It IS possible to still have your period on mirena. There is no guarantee that you will stop your periods. I never lost my period, although it was significantly lighter. It is important that you check your strings regularly and if you can't feel them use a back up method until your doctor can confirm it is still in place. The most common time for your body to expel the IUD would be in the first three months, however ALWAYS check your strings at least monthly. If you're not comfortable checking your strings, get used to it or find another method of birth control, because it is that important.

    I did have severe acne on it. Mine was cystic in nature and painful. I did not have serious problems with acne in the past. Sure enough, now 4 months after removal, my face is almost completely clear, and I don't get cystic acne anymore.

    Anyone who suffers with severe depression should reconsider the value of a hormonal birth control method. The "local" hormones still make it into your system and could upset your balance if you struggle with this.

    Mirena is NOT recommended for anyone who is not in a long term monogamous relationship. That is due to the fact that your increased risk of pelvic inflammatory disease is much greater.

    If you don't do well on the pill or on mirena, then depo is a really poor choice of birth control and I would suggest you look at an alternative method.
  • EvelynForsyth
    EvelynForsyth Posts: 272 Member
    Overall we give it an 8/10 for birth control!

  • Stacyanne324
    Stacyanne324 Posts: 780 Member
    I have had Mirena for about a year and a half and love it. I did gain about 20 pounds since having it put in but it was due to eating and drinking too much and not Mirena. Since joining MFP in November I have already taken 11 pounds back off and without too much tremendous effort. I love Mirena.
  • QueenJayJay
    QueenJayJay Posts: 1,139
    This is the only reason I am on it (heavy periods) - that is the only reason I have been on any BC since I have been 14 - so I wouldn't expect mine to go away completely st8 up. Just hoping like mad.

    MFP is a SMALL world! I have PCOS and have dealt with the SAME thing! At 14, I had to go on BC because I literally had a 365 day period. It never stopped. The pills controlled it until I wanted to get pregnant. After my first child, I got the mirena. I had my first period after getting it, but now I just have spotting. Here's hoping the same happens for you! :smile:
  • gabbingfilly
    gabbingfilly Posts: 106 Member
    My best friend had Mirena and not only did she gain a LOT of weight, but her horomones got all out of whack and she acted "crazy" compared to her normal self. Little things would set her off and she's definitely not the type. Once she had it taken out, she said it almost felt like instant relief. She is going to get the Nuva-ring here soon.