Clean Eating...?!



  • aekaya
    aekaya Posts: 163 Member
    Best sum-up of clean-eating: Eat foods that are ingredients, not foods that have ingredients.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    It means eating non-processed or minimally processed food. The idea of clean eating is to eat food that is as close to its natural state as possible. So, for example, Chicken McNuggets: markedly unclean. Boneless skinless chicken breasts: quite a bit cleaner, but go through plenty of procesing. Whole chicken: best option for most people. Chicken that you kill yourself, clean, cook and eat: ideal.

    This is more of a standard of living / personal preference moreso than a requirement for success. As long as you're hitting your nutritional goals, you will succeed; regardless of clean or "dirty" eating.

  • newata
    newata Posts: 75 Member