Has anyone tried Prescription Weight Loss???



  • ahjenny
    ahjenny Posts: 293 Member
    This is something she needs to take up with her doctor. Maybe they can order some blood tests to see if there's something going on within her body. There may be a medical issue for her not being able to lose weight despite her best efforts. If she goes for this program, she needs to learn how to change her habits for the better, because once she's off the program, she'll probably gain back all the weight she lost if she goes back to her old ways. Good luck to her.
  • Thatsdatdiva601
    Thatsdatdiva601 Posts: 209 Member
    Yes, I've tried those weight loss meds twice in my life. I lost 30lbs first go around but gained the 30 back plus 20 addition. The 2nd time around I lost about 20 and gained about 50. So yes it works but once you are off them you become extremely hungry, like out of control hungry. I've been a member here since Dec 2011, and have lost 22 lbs by pretty much eating whatever under 1200 cal and watching my portions with only 30 min of exercise per day. This is my first time doing weight loss naturally and is loving l,y results and feels 10 x better.
  • handy05
    handy05 Posts: 53 Member
    [/quote] And to the guy who thinks she hasn't been trying...Before my 3 month course of phentermine and metformin to wake my body up, I was swimming 4 days a week, and 45 minutes at a time, and not losing a lb. Some people, especially women, need a kick start. Our dang hormones can mess up even the most honest attempts. Case in point - in a month where I eat healthy every day, and exercise 6 days a week, I will lose 2-3 lbs for 2 of the weeks and 0.3-0.8 lbs a week for each of the other weeks. Doing exactly the same thing.

    Thank you, i have this problem with losing the weight! Now I know its not me, or that I'm not doing the right thing!