Turbo Jammers 3/23-3/29



  • megan0313
    megan0313 Posts: 394
    Janet, so sorry to hear about the water...I also had a similar problem a few years ago. We have a tri-level and our master bedroom and bath are in the "basement". The sump pump broke one day and we came home to about 4 inches of water! If DH would have mentioned selling I'd have had the For Sale sign out before he finished the sentence! :laugh: At least I got a new bedroom (and a top of the line sump pump) out of it. :tongue: Hopefully things will be better for you today. :flowerforyou:

    Beeks! Good to see you...we missed you!

    Good job on yesterday's workouts everyone! Not sure what I'm doing today, I did the CP3 with the extra turbos yesterday and really liked it...I think I want to work on toning and strength today though. It's cold and rainy here and what I really want is to plop on the couch in front of the fire...:ohwell:

    Have a great day everyone!
  • rintin88
    rintin88 Posts: 30 Member
    hey all! hope everyone is having a good week! i was ambitious yesterday and did TS, 20 min, and Ab Jam. Def feeling the effects of that today but i've got plenty of energy so i'm off to do CP1 and some more ab jam! HappyThursday!
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hey Family,
    Hope all are doing great on this Thursday ~ it's a brand new day.... so far so good:happy:
    Checking in w/ 20 min so far for today and another 20 min and sculpt on for after work!!

    Rintin- great job on yesterday's workouts!! That was quite a Combo!! I try to maje sure I do some cardio before I do sculpt to get my heart rate up - I need to burn more calories after the workout! (who am I kidding ~ i need to burn more calories , period!!)

    Amy- Great job on CP3 ~ you asked if I lost my weight w/ TJ - no, only doing this since Jan 09. I've tried a variety of things(fad diets- no success there!, atkins- lost about 33lbs, weight watchers- lost 55lbs (gained back 17lbs really , really fast after I quit going to meetings~ just cldn't afford it anymore). I've always been working out but never this much and to this intensity level(various ball work outs, taebo, FIRM -which I still use sometimes the cardio/weights dvd) Since I stumble on MFP and this thread I've lost 14.6lbs and am more toned and have better endurance than I've ever had. Still have a long way to goal (150lbs) Then we'll see where to go from there:wink: TJ has made exercising fun and exciting ~ and the ladies on this thread have been great support, information and encouragement! Hope you stick around!!

    Megan- you're a nut!! I wouldn't mind a new bedroom(i'm thinking hardwoods... ahhhhh) One day:laugh: Right now we're doing good to get the chicken for dinner we complain about, LOL!
    Great job on you continuing to tailor your workouts ~ let me know how that goes!

    Beeks - Good to see you my friend ~ glad you're still at it!!

    Love to all and have a great jammin day,

    BTW: Does anyone of you fitness experts know about "ZIG ZAGGING" Where's Beans???? :wink:
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Hey Family,
    I'm going to whine just for a moment! :grumble: Good news is my student/employee did show up and she passed her test!! Woo Hoo!! (Amy, I teach collection law in a collection agency) So I'm going home and there's like this tornado right over our area. DH is at a meeting ,no big deal, right? Well after I finished CP3 and was feeling great I walk to the front door and there is WATER IN THE HOUSE.....again:explode: Beings how I've been to this rodeo b4, I took out the trusty shop vac and cleaned up the mess There are towels in the dryer as we speak. DH calls to say he's on the way home, I tell him about the water drama and he says "lets just sell the house" Sounds like a solution to me.:noway: .... This issue would have been fixed a long time ago if DH hadn't been trying to cut corners and get the cheapest deal to fix our drainage problem. I don't get that at all. Pay the money and get it done right..:huh: what a concept. I'm choosing not to have this conversation with him right now~ i'm too pissed, lol I know better.
    Ok, so this is not the "woo hoo, TJ post" Apoloogies for being a drag ~ I just had to get that off of me before I went to sleep.

    At least I got my workout in:happy: I'm going to check on the towels now:laugh:

    Hope you all have a great nite :flowerforyou:

    Tomorow is a new day (Thank God) I'm going to check the towels:bigsmile:

    Oh, Dragonfly...that stinks!!!! I hope today is going better for you!!!
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Hello fellow jammers and new jammers!! Long time no talk!!! Well I have been one super busy little mama .. so sorry for no updates in like a couple weeks! Grr! But I have been doing some workouts .. when I didn't have to race to the rink! But gotta run .. my youngins are calling!

    Hope y'all are having a great week! :drinker:

    Hi, Beeks! Good to see you! Been busy around here, too! WTG on keeping up w/ the workouts:flowerforyou:
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    LOL You're silly, Janet. I don't know much about ZigZagging, but I found this online:


    You put in your body weight & go from there! It looks interesting, but I'm not a very good calorie counter. :embarassed:

    I think I'm taking a rest day today. I did an hour on the elliptical at the gym yesterday (went for Zumba & decided I didn't want to deal with people :laugh:) and my calf is a bit sore. PLUS, I'm loaning TJ to a friend right now & only have FB & PK&J so I'm going through a bit of withdrawl! ACK!

    Rintin - that's one of my favorite combos!

    Megan - You're too funny! I'll be here ready for you when you are ready to jump into ChaLEAN extreme! I'm excited to hear what you think of it!

    Amy - Goooooood job on the calorie burn! WOO! That's one of the main reasons I just LOVE TJ!

    Hi, Beeks! Glad to see you back!

    Lyn - Glad you are feeling better & that it was quickly over for you! *hugs*

    There's my two cents for the day. :laugh: OH! I might be going to a HipHop Hustle/TurboKick class tomorrow night. The lady that I met & got me started on the coaching & everything is doing a class at the gym I go to & I reaaaaaallly want to go. We'll see what DH's work schedule says about that. Humph. His work getting in the way of all my fun. LOL
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Hi, Kelly! Glad to see you! :bigsmile:
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Rintin...great job! Keep it up!

    Amy...that's awesome! Keep up the good work!

    Hi, Megan! Love how your customizing your own workouts. Great job!

    Hi, dragonfly! Thanks for sharing your story! WTG on this AM's workout and enjoy tonight's as well!

    Hello, to everyone! Hope everyone is having a great week (minus dragonfly's water incident:tongue: )!
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Oh, yeah checking in w/ P,K,&J and TS for the day:smile:
  • Beeks5
    Beeks5 Posts: 41
    Good day ladies .. somehow I managed to fit in ab jam and 20 minute! My energy seems to be coming back more and more! Its amazing! Well I have to say I am proud of myself I made it through my first motivation breaker! Usually with other workouts I would reach a point after about 3 months where I would be bored with working out! But I have been sticking with it and now I am back at working out everyday again! I am just so happy to see the weight come off and I want it to keep coming off till I reach my goal! I'm also sorry for not coming on here for so long .. It won't happen again (hopefully!)!

    Its nice to see some new faces in the group! I tell ya I have been one heck of a saleswoman for turbo jam here .. I have my sister in law doing it! Spreading the word!!

    Well I am off .. back to life as a mommy! Take care all you Jammers!!:laugh: :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,323 Member
    Thanks, ladies! I hate to admit it, but I am usually pretty bad at personals, so please forgive me. I will try harder. :wink: :wink:

    I don't think I am going to Jam today. I did the 30DS already, and I don't think I'll have time to do it. I guess I could maybe do Ab Jam if DH will give me 20 minutes. I also thought about doing yoga tonight, but that's like 50 minutes or something. I just don't want to shower again. LOL
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Thanks, ladies! I hate to admit it, but I am usually pretty bad at personals, so please forgive me. I will try harder. :wink: :wink:

    I don't think I am going to Jam today. I did the 30DS already, and I don't think I'll have time to do it. I guess I could maybe do Ab Jam if DH will give me 20 minutes. I also thought about doing yoga tonight, but that's like 50 minutes or something. I just don't want to shower again. LOL

    You crack me up w/ the shower comment, because 9 times out of 10 I'm walking stinky (shhhh...). I tend to workout during nap time and then again once the kiddos are in bed. It's hard enough to manage one shower a day let alone two:tongue: Anyways, I don't shower (unless we must go somewhere) until after my second workout. I feel for you!
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    OK, Sara...so what is a HipHopHustle/Turbo Kick class? Sounds interesting!
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,323 Member
    Thanks, ladies! I hate to admit it, but I am usually pretty bad at personals, so please forgive me. I will try harder. :wink: :wink:

    I don't think I am going to Jam today. I did the 30DS already, and I don't think I'll have time to do it. I guess I could maybe do Ab Jam if DH will give me 20 minutes. I also thought about doing yoga tonight, but that's like 50 minutes or something. I just don't want to shower again. LOL

    You crack me up w/ the shower comment, because 9 times out of 10 I'm walking stinky (shhhh...). I tend to workout during nap time and then again once the kiddos are in bed. It's hard enough to manage one shower a day let alone two:tongue: Anyways, I don't shower (unless we must go somewhere) until after my second workout. I feel for you!
    I don't mind myself as a bit stinky, especially since I do try to freshen up, but DH complains.
  • Kimono
    Kimono Posts: 367
    I just got Turbo Jam Lower Body Jam in the mail today, ready to try it out tomorrow. Hope it is good.
  • wmcnicol
    wmcnicol Posts: 144
    Hey everyone!! Haven't had time to check in with the Turbo Jam thread in a while. Been doing the 20 min. workout but now that has gotten to easy. And that feels amazing. I went from being DEAD after the 20 min. workout to still being able to carry on a conversation through the whole thing. So now I'm stepping it up to the CP1. I have also started the AB jam but I had a question.. does the laying on the floor exercises hurt anyone Else's neck?? I got through about 3 minutes of the floor ones and had to stop cause my neck was killing me. I wasn't pulling on it or anything so I'm not sure why. Anyways... glad everyone is doing so great!!!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    OK, Sara...so what is a HipHopHustle/Turbo Kick class? Sounds interesting!

    I was checking in real quick before running out the door.

    Here's some info. on HHH w/ some videos:


    Off to TurboKick for the morning! YAY! TTYL!
  • megan0313
    megan0313 Posts: 394
    Hi Everyone!
    Checking in for a sec...not sure what I'm doing today, hopefully I'll get in PK&J and Ab Jam. The kids are off today and I'm getting ready for my 7 and 17 yr old's birthdays. Of course it involves 2 seperate events since I can't seem to talk my 17 yr old son into an "American Girl" B-Day Party and of course my 7 y/o won't compromise on her party! :laugh:

    wmcnicol...Great job on your workouts! It's so motivating to feel ourselves becoming stronger! :drinker: As far as Ab Jam...my neck used to bother me alot on the floor part, and I realized that it was because I was using my back and neck to push through the sets rather than my abs. Those exercises are very challenging when done correctly, so I forced myself to focus on form rather than completing all of the reps at first. A couple of things that help me is to make sure I'm keeping my lower back on the floor and imagine pushing my belly button down towards the floor. Another thing is that I actually "visualize" my ab muscles contracting as I do the exercises. It sounds a little strange, but it definitely helps me use the right muscles.

    Keep up the great work everyone!!
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,323 Member
    Megan---You have a 17 year old?!? You don't look like you could possibly have a teenager!

    I am aiming for a Cardio Party tonight, and I plan on having a splurge tonight for dessert if I can get that in. Of course, with TJ and the 30DS, it appears I will still be under on my "remaining" calories because of those 2 and breastfeeding my 2 month old. This calorie counting is confusing me. Ugh!
  • Kimono
    Kimono Posts: 367
    How do you log lower body jam? Just got done, feel the burn.