I was doing sooo well, gym 4-5 times a week, actually enjoyed it, eating better & logging, drinking more water, lost 45lbs, went from a size 16 to a 10. Felt great and was happy with how i looked

About 3 weeks b4 Thanksgiving we did some minor remodeling & repairs to our house, new tile in the kitchen & bathrooms, new floors etc. I decided that before the floors got done I should paint so every nite, for 2 weeks after work and cooking dinner I would paint for about 2 hours, EVERY room in the house got repainted (excpet one bedroom) every inch of trim, up the ladder down the ladder, i called it cardio. lol. then while the floors were being done, it was kind of hard to cook with the fridge in the livingroom & the stove in the hall, we had a week of takeout, then thanksgiving, then the christmas hooplah started i was working late & had so much to do........................

Been to the gym MAYBE 6 times since christmas
i cant seem to get back into the habit, not drinking the water & gained back 6 hard lost pounds

I keep my gym bag in the car, drive past it on the way home from work but i just drive right past

i WANTED to lose 15 more, but i think i would be happy at the weight i am, just a little more toned, which WONT happen if i dont go to the gym

I was doing 30 day shred at the beginning but the at home thing doesnt work for me, the dogs jump all over me & if i lock them up the bark like crazy

any of you have/had this problem? How do i get back into the swing of the gym?


  • Bikini27
    Bikini27 Posts: 1,290 Member
    Pack your gym bag, grab your keys, and go. All you can do to get back into it is to go and repeat as soon as possible. :flowerforyou:
    And don't beat yourself up if you skip tomorrow. :wink: You'll have another chance the next day.
  • Make a plan "just for today" So "Just for today I will go to the gym. "Just for today" I will track my food. I like to plan that way. It also help to write down a goal for each day. Mine is never gets fully done...the just for today keeps kicking in. And let's face it no one likes to do laundry.
  • robinrkirkland
    robinrkirkland Posts: 26 Member
    Today its plus 6 pounds tomorrow its gone but only if you go to the gym. Make yourself stop at the gym, no oh I'll do it tomorrow. The first day is always the hardest but you won't know until you make yourself get in the door. You can do it!
  • slbeutler
    slbeutler Posts: 205
    Just do it! Once you get back into it you will feel great. Find a class you like and start going so that if you don't show up people will wonder where you are.

    On a side note, this is totally serious, watch the show The Dog whisperer. I am addicted and you might find some techniques to get your dogs under control.
  • EricMurano
    EricMurano Posts: 825 Member
    I'm going to sound like a prick but trust me, I have your best interests at heart

    Just GO. I stopped reading after "I keep my gym bag in the car, drive past it on the way home from work but i just drive right past ".

    No more excuses. GO!

    You'll catch the bug again. You just have to push through the laziness for the first week. It always takes only a week to get back in the flow.

    In life you will always get these derailments. You need to learn how to overcome them to back on the wagon.

    You cared enough about it to post this topic so you care enough to barrel through the laziness.

    I know Nike is the devil (or something) but their slogan is dead on: JUST DO IT!

    No more talk, more action.

    </prick mode>
  • dont let your dogs stop you from working out! first of all you should be able to close your dogs off somewhere, for many reasons, without them losing their minds. My 2 dogs were jumping on me too when I started working out, I ended up kicking one in the face (not hard) I felt bad, but hey they gotta learn somehow to respect your personal space.
  • EricMurano
    EricMurano Posts: 825 Member
    I might add that there are people with genuine time constraints that REALLY can't make it to the gym. Some people are disabled and can never work out. Can you imagine what someone who's crippled who used to love working out would think if they saw this post? They would give anything for one more session in the gym but they can never ever have that wish granted.
  • giggles1973
    giggles1973 Posts: 143 Member
    I'm going to sound like a prick but trust me, I have your best interests at heart

    Just GO. I stopped reading after "I keep my gym bag in the car, drive past it on the way home from work but i just drive right past ".

    No more excuses. GO!

    You'll catch the bug again. You just have to push through the laziness for the first week. It always takes only a week to get back in the flow.

    In life you will always get these derailments. You need to learn how to overcome them to back on the wagon.

    You cared enough about it to post this topic so you care enough to barrel through the laziness.

    I know Nike is the devil (or something) but their slogan is dead on: JUST DO IT!

    No more talk, more action.

    </prick mode>

    This is not prickish lol

    Totally agree :)

    Once you go back it will be second nature again :)
  • LHSweeney
    LHSweeney Posts: 87 Member
    The first week back sucks sooooo bad ! so you gotta get in there and knock out that first week as fast as you can ... otherwise you are just going to make it that much harder on yourself. My first week back I walked into the gym/locker room here at work, PUT ON my workout clothes, went and looked at the treadmill, turned around, got in the car, went to Mcdonalds. LOL The next day I tried again and it went better and the rest is history. Just get the first 7 days out of the way : ) There are lots of MFPeeps out here to support you. don't undo all you did :bigsmile:
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    It's all about habits. It takes 30 days to make a habit, but it also takes 30 days to break a habit. You need to take the next 30 days and work on making it a habit again. It won't come naturally, so maybe you need to reward yourself for doing that.

    It's hard, but it will be sooooo worth it.
  • Simply put, you get off your *kitten* and go. But it's entirely up to you. If you're happy with how your life is now, don't go.
  • I have had the same problem before and it is hard to get back in the habit. You just have to go. You have to force yoruself and than realize how happy you are once you are there, or proud of yourself or how you feel after the work out.

    Realizing how I feel after workouts is what drives me to keep up the good work. There are days I have to force myself to go.

    On a side note, if you are happy with your weight but just want more muscle tone, I wouldn't sweat the six lbs. My weight fluctuates a few pounds every day anyway...6 lbs doesn't seem like a big deal, although I understand the way it was gained could be frustrating and disappointing.

    Are you able to take your dogs outside for walks? Outdoors increases optimism and walking the pets can also be great exercise as well as fuzzy bonding.
  • DestinyDarbi
    DestinyDarbi Posts: 260 Member
    I did the same thing right around the same time!! It took me about 2-3 weeks of FORCING myself to get out and run, count my calories, before I could get back into the habit, but I promise, that awesome feeling will return, you just gotta work for it!! Best of luck.. YOU CAN DO IT! :flowerforyou:
  • danascot
    danascot Posts: 100 Member
    when you don't feel like going to the gym, hop on the scale and you'll be reminded of the weight you've gained. that should motivate you!
  • EWilliamson
    EWilliamson Posts: 50 Member
    I agree! You CAN"T be down about just gotta say ok I START today...NO EXCUSES..just like you did before...Pick back up and GO! I read something awhile back that said..whats an HOUR out of your day...thats all it takes to workout...Its hard finding the time but once you do you will be so happy you did it. YOU CAN DO IT :)
  • buy something new for yourself for your workout routine - a new shirt, bra, sweatbands, headphones, water bottle, anything! no matter how little, i always get motivated if i have something new that i'm jazzed about using. sounds silly but it works so who cares!

    gotta go - i'm off to workout with my new heartrate monitor :happy:
  • As for the dogs, mine go nuts too if I lock them up. If I lock them out, however, of the one room I'm working in, it makes all the difference in the world. I know that's not an option for everyone...but if you can, give it a try.

    Get back on the wagon! You'll thank yourself for it!
  • cspence2270
    cspence2270 Posts: 229 Member
    Yes it does-- I'm so much on the same page as you. I had lost 45 lbs- was working out 6 times a week 60 to 75 minutes, could run 3.6 miles without stopping and then the holidays hit--- gained back 5 lbs, decreased workouts to 4-5 times a week for 30 to 60 minutes. Can now only run 2 miles at a time.. blah blah blah- so I decided to stop whinning get my butt back up at 4:30am. I did it before I can do it again. I have come way too far to give up this fight. and so have you. No one can do it for you... all you have to do is make that STOP or MAKE THAT TURN.

    I play the 15 minutes game-- I just have to workout for 15 minutes, then I can qiut-- funny how my 15 minutes usually turns into 45 or 60 or even 75.
  • greeneyedaries
    greeneyedaries Posts: 45 Member
    couple weeks from now you will look down and it will say "12" pounds gained.

    months from now "20" pounds.

    bam, how the heck did this happen, I gained 45 plus pounds back...


    I know those size 10 jeans will look even better...Go Girl!!
  • Kdubuclet
    Kdubuclet Posts: 9 Member
    1. You know what you need to do.
    2. Got this from Fitness RX, if you are tired drink a glass of water, get dressed and go.
    3. Stop making excuses.
    4. Try something new, boxing and conditioning, zumba, swimming, pole dancing classes...something different than you are used to.

    If you don't do it...then don't complain.

    Good Luck to you :D