

  • Poison5119
    Poison5119 Posts: 1,460 Member
    In order to at least maintain your current losses, you have some 'general upkeep' to consider. Try to get back into it. You don't have to commit to a huge time deficit, just enough to tickle that exercise bone.

    I have to say I was the same way, I let myself slip over the course of a few measely months... I lost about 30+ lbs the first time around, and let things slide.
    Within a year, all that weight came back.... and here I was I thought it couldn't happen to me, but it did, and it will happen to you unless you take control of the situation!!!!!
    We have to remember we are NOT UNIQUE in that respect! Nothing about you makes you different or 'above it'... please reconsider some very simple choices and maintain all your hard work!!!!!!!
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Let the dogs bark for 20 minutes. Or hire a neighbor kid to take them out for a walk for half an hour. Or go to the gym. Set up some kind of reward for yourself to accomplish it. 25 out of 30 gold stars on the calendar and you get something as a reward.
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    man up, bite the bullet and go. Noone can force you to.
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,223 Member
    Take your dogs out for 30 min as a warm up, come back throw their butts outside or in a spare room and get your workout on!

    I consider walking my dogs a workout, and depending on how good (or bad) they are sometimes it takes all my energy. ;) They may bark less if they're worn out too....
  • It had been about 2 years since I had been to the gym. Sounds horrible paying a monthly membership to drive by it and say, yup maybe tomorrow. On Nov 20th I realized no one but me can do it for me! I walked into that gym gave them my number and said I want a TOUR! The girl looked a little surprised. I explained it had been years since I walked through those doors. With out another second passing she said "Well Welcome Back" with a huge smile. I never felt liked I belonged anywhere more than that moment. Since that day I have gone back about 5 times a week. All you need is to go...everything after that one moment will fit like a puzzle!

    Good Luck and don't forget to tie your shoes! :)
  • bird922
    bird922 Posts: 28 Member
    Be gentle with yourself, but force yourself to take that step and the next step and so on. Do not listen to that voice in your head that says, "but I am so tired and just want to go home". Tell that voice to shut the heck up and take that turn into the gym parking lot. When you get to the gym, do something that feels really good even if you think it is a wimpy workout, at least you are moving. Getting there is more important than what you are doing for exercise at this point. Eventually you will get back into it. Don't think, just do. Your a woman, we do that all the time for things we get very little or no benefit from!
  • Do not listen to that voice in your head that says, "but I am so tired and just want to go home".

    THATS exactly my problem. But I DID go to the gym tonite, not alot, 30 min on the treadmill, but it was something
  • Sabresgal63
    Sabresgal63 Posts: 641 Member
    Well, I saw the weight creeping back up and then I tested my blood sugar................that was enough for me........I want to be alive for my children and their children.
  • Just start going, each day it will get easier again. Before the holidays I had lost 28 pounds, but they messed up my knee injections ( I get every 6 months for arthritis) and it laid me up about a month, well then it was halloween, and thanksgiving, ect. By the time I got back on the scale Jan 1 I had gained back 13 pounds! It was hard, but I had to kick myself in the *kitten* and start going back to the gym, and watching what I ate. But just like the first time, each day it gets a little easier, and they say if you can do anything for 5 weeks, it will than become habit.
  • mommyami1
    mommyami1 Posts: 154 Member
    I was having the same problem getting back on the wagon consistently. For the last month or two there was always an excuse. This week I tried something new. I now have a friend who meets me at the gym at 5:15. We did it Monday and we did it today. It's a standing engagement. No matter how tired I have been I know I have to meet her at the gym or I'll be letting her down.
  • landofoz
    landofoz Posts: 3 Member
    We all hit these spells. Just remember how great you feel when exercising and the extra energy you have to do things like paint your whole house! Remember and invite a friend to the gym so she can enjoy it too. Most gyms have free guest passes. Make a date so you have to go. Good luck and dont beat yourself up - look what you have acomplished.
  • KimbersNewLife
    KimbersNewLife Posts: 646 Member
    I might add that there are people with genuine time constraints that REALLY can't make it to the gym. Some people are disabled and can never work out. Can you imagine what someone who's crippled who used to love working out would think if they saw this post? They would give anything for one more session in the gym but they can never ever have that wish granted.
    Very true, I used to think of my brother's friend in a wheelchair, that got my butt moving. I am so grateful I can workout. And ironically when I run, I imagine a dog is chasing me! Good luck!!!
  • im just really pissed i have to "re-lose" weight i allready lost
    i didnt go tonite, my uncle passed away yesterday (not a bad thing he'd been sick a long time & im sure he's somewhere better playing golf & having a scotch)
    so i was with my aunt after work but i WILL go tomorrow
    thanks everyone for all the encouragement
  • Bikini27
    Bikini27 Posts: 1,290 Member
    Do not listen to that voice in your head that says, "but I am so tired and just want to go home".

    THATS exactly my problem. But I DID go to the gym tonite, not alot, 30 min on the treadmill, but it was something

    GOOD JOB!!
    Sorry to hear about your uncle. Prayers to you and your family.
  • Bikini27
    Bikini27 Posts: 1,290 Member
    It had been about 2 years since I had been to the gym. Sounds horrible paying a monthly membership to drive by it and say, yup maybe tomorrow. On Nov 20th I realized no one but me can do it for me! I walked into that gym gave them my number and said I want a TOUR! The girl looked a little surprised. I explained it had been years since I walked through those doors. With out another second passing she said "Well Welcome Back" with a huge smile. I never felt liked I belonged anywhere more than that moment. Since that day I have gone back about 5 times a week. All you need is to go...everything after that one moment will fit like a puzzle!

    Good Luck and don't forget to tie your shoes! :)

    paid the rent of a couple places :)
    Kick butt!