What is your secret?



  • Beastette
    Beastette Posts: 1,497 Member
    Step 1: Get sons. They eat half of every meal you try to consume.
    Step 2: All my friends are smoking hot. Not only am I constantly inspired, I always have a spotter or running buddy. Food isn't the center of our social time, the gym is.
    Step 3: Don't let anyone or anything get in your way. Commit.
    Step 4: Chuck Norris
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    Manually creating a caloric deficit is completely unnecessary because a properly nourished human body will automatically regulate its own caloric intake by suppressing hunger after enough calories have been consumed for its needs. If the person is overweight, the body will automatically create this deficit by simply forcing the person to eat less.
    I suspect you are describing a perfect scenario where a human body is completely free of distraction, stress, etc. and has good whole food available. It is a scenario that might work in a clinical setting. So while it may be possible, I don't think it's realistic. I also doubt the "don't worry the human body will take care of itself" diet plan is going to catch on.

    But for the sake of argument, let's say you are completely correct. Let's assume that counting calories is completely unnecessary. Why then are you a member of MyFitnessPal, a website designed around counting calories? Why participate in something so fundamentally opposed to your own beliefs?
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    Harley Riders succeed at motorcycling just as well as Ducati and Honda riders.
    I want to debate this.
  • AlbertPooHoles
    AlbertPooHoles Posts: 530 Member
    Why then are you a member of MyFitnessPal, a website designed around counting calories? Why participate in something so fundamentally opposed to your own beliefs?
    Scoping hot chicks' profile pics, hoping that their profiles aren't private.
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    Manually creating a caloric deficit is completely unnecessary because a properly nourished human body will automatically regulate its own caloric intake by suppressing hunger after enough calories have been consumed for its needs. If the person is overweight, the body will automatically create this deficit by simply forcing the person to eat less.
    I suspect you are describing a perfect scenario where a human body is completely free of distraction, stress, etc. and has good whole food available. It is a scenario that might work in a clinical setting. So while it may be possible, I don't think it's realistic. I also doubt the "don't worry the human body will take care of itself" diet plan is going to catch on.

    But for the sake of argument, let's say you are completely correct. Let's assume that counting calories is completely unnecessary. Why then are you a member of MyFitnessPal, a website designed around counting calories? Why participate in something so fundamentally opposed to your own beliefs?

    I like the fact that you are at least giving me a critical assessment of my statements instead of just dismissing it without any counter-argument like some others. The reason I believe what I believe besides experiencing it firsthand is that also there is a large community of people who are able to lose weight without counting calories on paleo-style diets while eating to satiation.

    And I already answered your other question. I joined MyFitnessPal specifically for a forum to discuss weight loss, not for the purposes of counting calories.
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    I just recently learned about negative calorie foods, their are foods that only have a small amount of calories so the body basicaly burns up the calories digesting them leaving you with a calorie deficit I think it's called thermogenetic or something like that. this is the list of food I found when I googled negative calorie foods:


    I can't wait to try this myself! good luck

    oh geez! Stop spreading that myth and use the search button on the forum.
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member

    I'm here to share my experiences in unwanted weight gain and the battle to lose it, same as anybody. I'm not against tracking foods, nutrients, or even calories. I just have a major disagreement with the philosophy often used to manage weight loss. Thats all.

    Let's not single me out. People are saying as fact that the key is to weight loss is to manually create a caloric deficit. I happen to have a strong opinion against that. So why is only my side wrong but theirs isn't? There is no definitive proof that either is fact.

    Of course there are plenty of proves that you need to create a calorie deficit to lose weight. You're just choosing to ignore them.
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    This lovely thread is turning into a misinformation trainwreck of epic proportions.

  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679

    I'm here to share my experiences in unwanted weight gain and the battle to lose it, same as anybody. I'm not against tracking foods, nutrients, or even calories. I just have a major disagreement with the philosophy often used to manage weight loss. Thats all.

    Let's not single me out. People are saying as fact that the key is to weight loss is to manually create a caloric deficit. I happen to have a strong opinion against that. So why is only my side wrong but theirs isn't? There is no definitive proof that either is fact.

    Of course there are plenty of proves that you need to create a calorie deficit to lose weight. You're just choosing to ignore them.

    I wholeheartedly agree that a caloric deficit is associated with weight loss just as a bank account balance grows when the deposit amounts exceed the amounts withdrawn.
  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member

    This is the kind of response that frustrates me. Its as if the willpower to eat less is trivial.

    I have an addiction to refined carbs. If I eat pizza for dinner, I will eat 3-4 slices and then be good for an hour or two. Then I feel the need to eat 2 more slices. So I end up eating 6 pieces at 350 pieces a pop after already eating 1500+ calories during the early part of the day. So I eat 3500 calories or more for all I know and don't burn that much. I have no willpower.

    Yet at the same time, I exercise like a maniac. I am a long distance runner, and I will head to my gym at 9pm, do 30-45 mins of lifting and run 6-8 miles on the treadmill. I will do this 3-4 times a week and GAIN WEIGHT. My body wants to be overweight. The more I workout, the more I eat as long as I always have a caloric surplus, my body is happy.

    Why do I have the willpower to work my tail off at the gym, but I don't have the willpower to put down a slice of pizza. Come on, there is something wrong with this picture.

    For many people with a weight problem, moderation doesn't exist. I don't believe in portion control at all, but I do believe in cheat days, but the less frequent the better.

    You're making so many excuses it's not even funny. If you eat 6 slices of pizza, it's your own damn fault. Nobody is forcing you to eat that much. Nobody is forcing you to make bad food choices.

    Good critical thinking skills. You totally missed the point.

    Anyways I removed carbs (my weakness) from my diet, didn't count calories at all, and lost 15 lbs so far.


    Of course you keep ignoring the fact that the majority of calories in pizza come from FAT.

    BBBUT fat is sposed ta be soooo satiating dat itz impossible to overeat.

    What happened.
  • enigrebua
    enigrebua Posts: 113 Member
    My secret is pretty simple!

    More fibre, more water, less carbs. My body just seems to respond better to a diet when I implement these things along with some exercise. I definitely don't punish myself if I have the odd treat though, not at all. No point changing your habits drastically as you won't be able to maintain your goal weight long term.
  • proudmommylmb
    proudmommylmb Posts: 39 Member
    Get pregnant

    Have baby

    Run after said baby. Wash bottles. wash toys. Hoover the house everyday. Clean, cook, run run run run.

    Oh, and then exercise every morning

  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679

    Of course you keep ignoring the fact that the majority of calories in pizza come from FAT.

    BBBUT fat is sposed ta be soooo satiating dat itz impossible to overeat.

    What happened.

    Even if you go by the premise that carbs are not inherently bad, eating them in abundance goes against the design of the human body. It just wasn't convenient for early humans to eat 60% carbs. Look I have the same problem with pasta that has very little fat. I can eat as much fat as I want and my body knows how to regulate its intake without manual intervention.
  • PerfectPout
    PerfectPout Posts: 195 Member
    watch your sodium/salt intake and drink LOTS of WATER!!!!!!
  • Tara4boys
    Tara4boys Posts: 515 Member
    Some funny replies.

    There are no secrets that I know of. If there was, I would write a book about it and it would no longer be a secret.

    "Hard work" of course is the key as others have said.

    However, to me there is one key, important ingredient that comes before others.

    Something that could mean the difference between remaining a fatty, packing on even more weight or taking charge to transform your life around and shedding the kilos/pounds.

    I call it..... (drumroll)....

    The "pivotal" * moment.

    *There are many different words for this: some call it "the aha moment", others call it "the time of realisation" or just plain "D'oh"

    It's that point of time when you become so disgusted with what you are doing or where you at, that you have no choice but to mentally commit yourself to a change of lifestyle. This pivotal moment could be something serious such a health scare (the doc tells you lose weight or you will die). Or it could be simply a smaller but important trigger such as eating a particularly very high calorie loaded meal or realising that you are at your heaviest ever weight.

    Its ONLY when you have such a pivotal moment (imho) and you are prepared to make real, permanent lifestyle changes that you will have the self-motivation to change your life.

    You see, without such a pivotal moment, you probably won't bother to lose weight (or if you do, your efforts will be short lived). You need to WANT to do this for yourself. Yes, you can draw inspiration from others, but at the end its about what YOU want.

    ^^^^THIS ^^^^

    I heard a quote that said "change happens when the pain of staying the same exceeds the pain of making a change" That's where I am.

    LOGGING everything - good days and bad days. I love how MFP has on its news feed consecutive days logged in. I don't want to break my streak. I eat SO MUCH better when I plan ahead and log. Being conscious of what I am eating helps. Also OPEN your food diary so others can see it. There is that competitive bone in my body that doesn't want my "friends" to see that I succumbed to 4 reeces cups.

    Feel free to add me as friend.
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LIFT HEAVY WEIGHTS.. yes it is believe me, ever since I started to pump heavy iron, I had a dramatic transformation that I never thought it would be possible for someone who was formerly obese. I started to get smaller & lose inches in a flash. I'm not kidding
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    I'm sorry but, my secret weapons, which have helped enormously toward my 50 pound loss, are not available to just anyone!
    It's my oldest daughter and my husband! They are on MFP too and we talk about what we are doing all the time. I give them both lots of credit for their encouragement and lively discussions. They have also both been very supportive in trying new recipes and changing the way we eat. My husband has been my best exercise booster, going for walks, to the gym and buying me a Jazzercise membership for Christmas. :love:
  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member

    Of course you keep ignoring the fact that the majority of calories in pizza come from FAT.

    BBBUT fat is sposed ta be soooo satiating dat itz impossible to overeat.

    What happened.

    Even if you go by the premise that carbs are not inherently bad, eating them in abundance goes against the design of the human body. It just wasn't convenient for early humans to eat 60% carbs. Look I have the same problem with pasta that has very little fat. I can eat as much fat as I want and my body knows how to regulate its intake without manual intervention.

    Stop talking about things you clearly don't understand.

    First of all, the human body wasn't designed. It evolved.
    And it evolved to eat a variety of foods.
    Just because it wasn't convenient for early man to eat 60% carbs, this doesn't mean that it is somehow detrimental to modern man (who, despite what you may think) have evolved quite a bit since then. You keep confusing "available" with "optimal".
  • GThorp
    GThorp Posts: 2
    Intermittent fasting.

    This plus eating high-fat, low-carb.
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679

    Stop talking about things you clearly don't understand.

    First of all, the human body wasn't designed. It evolved.
    And it evolved to eat a variety of foods.
    Just because it wasn't convenient for early man to eat 60% carbs, this doesn't mean that it is somehow detrimental to modern man (who, despite what you may think) have evolved quite a bit since then. You keep confusing "available" with "optimal".

    My apologies. You are right, I have crossed the line. We have evolved such that the current western diet is optimal for human health.