My Wedding ring doesn't fit ;(

Through my pregnancy I gained about 60 lbs and as a result my wedding ring doesn't fit me anymore. My husband wants me to get it re- sized but I am afraid that once I loose weight it will be too big. Has anyone else had this problem? Will my fingers get smaller?


  • rebekah_anne81
    When I was pregnant, I gained about the same. As you work to get the weight off, your fingers will get smaller and your rings will fit again. Mine are almost too big now...they twist on my fingers a lot. But the choice is ultimately yours. :) Hope this helps!
  • frosty73
    frosty73 Posts: 424 Member
    Yup, my fingers have gotten fatter along with the rest of me. I am thrilled that I've lost several lbs. and my ring is getting looser.
    My advice? If you are SERIOUS about losing weight (i.e. you are going to do it no matter what it takes)--- then don't resize the ring. If you want to lose weight but aren't fully committed, go ahead and get it resized. You can always get it smaller later.
    Good luck! ~Jessica
  • reddcat
    reddcat Posts: 314 Member
    Gained exactly 60 with my son too! My opinion is not to get it resized. Just wear it on a chain around your neck in the interim. You WILL get there, it WILL fit again. I think if it like when you blow up a rubber glove.....first the hand part fills up and then the finger area. When you let out some air, it will all shrink down. Ha!
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Get it resized. You don't want to lose it. If you drop weight, you might lose some more in your fingers so you can resize again then.
  • BPayton27
    BPayton27 Posts: 626 Member
    In a word: YES. I have lost over 40 lbs and can no longer wear my wedding bands. They both are too big and slide off VERY easily, especially when I am sweating. They are platinum and I am hesitant to get them resized before I am in maintenance mode. It is likely your fingers will shrink with weight loss. If you can hold off on resizing them that'd be best. You can only do it so many times...
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Don't get it resized yet. I gained 50 pounds with my pregnancy, and couldn't wear my engagement ring, my wedding band was actually a little bigger than the engagement ring, so I was always able to wear it. Anyhow, I am so thankful I never got them resized because now I can officially say my engagement ring is actually TOO BIG now also! If I flick it, it spins all the way around my finger! I am going to buy a ring guard for it and once I have maintained for a year I think I will have it resized.
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    I had mine resized years ago, and then I gained more weight again. Went almost 5 years without wearing it. But for the last few months it fits again!!!! And now it's starting to feel loose!
  • auntied
    auntied Posts: 113 Member
    Yep they will get smaller! I had to get a spacer put on mine didn't want to get it sized till I hit my goal!.
  • colochel
    colochel Posts: 263 Member
    Mine were swollen until about 2 weeks after I delivered... after losing all the fluids they fit again. I wouldn't resize... unless the place you bought it from would do it for free (but I think it's easier to size down than up). Keep the faith! They will fit again! :)
  • tataliciousd89
    You also will have a lot of random water weight for a couple weeks after having a baby. I know for some people it is more a swelling issue than anything.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Through my pregnancy I gained about 60 lbs and as a result my wedding ring doesn't fit me anymore. My husband wants me to get it re- sized but I am afraid that once I loose weight it will be too big. Has anyone else had this problem? Will my fingers get smaller?
    Mine is so big after the weight loss that it falls off my finger.
    I need to have it sized DOWN!
  • polar135
    polar135 Posts: 319 Member
    Mine is to small to wear when i work out. (slips off) i think i am going to get a necklace to wear it with, and then get a second ring that actually fits. I'm also a guy and my ring isn't nearly as expensive as my wife's. lol I look at as a NSV.
  • shmunster
    shmunster Posts: 538 Member
    My wedding rings stopped fitting during pregnancy, we ok for a while but I stacked on the weight after he was born again

    I've lost 50pounds and my rings fit again

    For the inbetween period we got a silver band that hubby gave me out at dinner so I had a wedding ring of sorts, I felt weird without anything on!
  • Carlamere84
    Yup! I gained 75 with my first, and 20 with my second. About a month or two before the due dates for each I took my rings off. With my first I didn't put my rings back on until 6 months later. With my second, I thought the swelling was gone and put the rings on after 2 months; my hand swelled and I had to get the rings cut off and re-sized after several months. The jewler told me that she saw many women do this, and she said after any pregnancy wait at LEAST 6 months after giving birth to put your rings on. I had c-sections so my swelling may have been worse than others.
  • Amy911Gray
    Amy911Gray Posts: 685 Member
    Take your husband to Target and buy a cheap replacement band--something that you do together. Wear that one until you have lost enough weight to wear your wedding ring again. Until then, lock it up somewhere and tell no one.....

    I had a friend lose hers while on a chain in kickboxing class. She never found it again. I had another friend carry hers in her purse. The purse was stolen.

    My wedding set circles around my finger until it drives me crazy, then to the right hand it goes....
  • Sweetchaos66
    Sweetchaos66 Posts: 59 Member
    One of my goals is to be able to take off my wedding ring. Then my husband better be careful :). I really dont want to cut it off and its starting to fit better but i have a ways to go. I have even taken pics of my fingers to see the progress.
  • Kym1610
    Kym1610 Posts: 333 Member
    Mine is too big... I currenlt wear it on a necklace. I am waiting til I am at my goal weight to get it re-sized
  • microwoman999
    microwoman999 Posts: 545 Member
    Don't get it resized try to wait it out! Especially if you are trying to loose weight! The more you resize your ring the more it will wear and ruin! Just wait till you are done loosing weight I have lost a ton and I just wear a ring snuggie until I loose all my weight.
  • PrincessLou71186
    PrincessLou71186 Posts: 747 Member
    I had mine resized because I couldn't bare the idea of not wearing it. I only had two sizes added to it - it needed one adding anyway due to them giving us the wrong size to start with. Once it starts to get too lose I will have it resized again to fit or we will get new ones, we haven't decided yet.

    At the end of the day, on;y you can make the decision. All you have to ask yourself is would you be happy not wearing it on your finger?
  • amac2539
    I gained 70 lbs with my first prenancy....took me years to get it off, only because i did't make the choice to lose weight til the last few years. if you are serious about losing the weight and count your calories...the weight will melt off. trust me i know lol therefore i wouldnt get it resized because before you know it your putting it back on again...also alot of that might be swelling...less salt more water! :0) u can do it!