My Wedding ring doesn't fit ;(



  • smlamb33
    smlamb33 Posts: 342 Member
    I have lost a considerable amount of weight and yes my fingers did too! I am not getting mine sized down until I lose all that I want to lose because, each time you resize them, whether it's bigger or smaller, it weakens the band. The more times you resize it, the higher the risk is that the band could become fragile and break. Then you would lose your ring. Once you lose all the weight that you want, then resize your rings. :)
  • zlem
    zlem Posts: 92
    Will my fingers get smaller?


    still early days ito this weightloss thing for me but I've definitely noticed my fingers are getting smaller, no wedding ring but I wear a ring my mother gave me and it used to be a little tight and now it's quite loose, scared I'm gonna lose it.
  • mytime60
    mytime60 Posts: 176 Member
    I would wait awhile. I had mine resized a few years ago when I gained a lot of weight. They charge for the gold they put in; and I paid $80 six years ago and now gold has skyrocketed. I now have lost 25+ and my rings are loose again. And I will have to have them resized down.
  • dlyeates
    dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
    My rings stopped fitting me around month 4 or 5 with both pregnancies. With my son I got it back on around 3 months after he was born. With my daughter it didn't happen until I started this journey and it was right before Christmas (she was 19 months).

    But I knew I was going to lose the weight so I waited (and waited and waited) and I finally got it back on. Now it's starting to twist a lot!!! Who the time I'm done I may need to get it and my 10 year wedding anniversary band resized the other way!!!!

    You can do it if you put your mind to it. Set goals and make that one of them!!
  • LeahFerri
    LeahFerri Posts: 186 Member
    Not a wedding ring, but I have a ring that I would hate to lose. It was WAY too big (size 7) when I got it (estate piece). I had it resized to 5.75 this summer, so I'm no longer in danger of losing it, but it's getting to be a bit big again. I wouldn't get it resized bigger; that's more expensive. I would wait and potentially have to have it resized only once.
  • BRISAjustAltered
    BRISAjustAltered Posts: 260 Member
    YES, your fingers get smaller!!! I made the mistake of having my engagement ring upsized, then, I just had it downsized again.
  • I wouldn't get it resized! A lot of people have told me that when women are pregnant they wear it around their neck and then put it back on later!! Good luck with whatever you decide!!
  • My wedding ring doesn't fit either :( I currently wear mine on my necklace. I'm hoping that I can lose enough weight to wear it again. So far I've lost 10 lbs and I haven't tried to slip it on. I don't want to be disappointed if it doesn't fit yet.
  • Ashlea82
    Ashlea82 Posts: 191
    i have the same problem tho mine is getting to lose (engagement ring not wedding ring) my plan is to wear it on a necklace once it gets dangerous (might fall off or something) and wait untill im closer to my goal b4 i get it resized, the more its resized the weaker it gets so i would not resize untill your done or close to done losing weight
    but its your call if you feel lost without it resize it (especially if it doesn't have diamonds set in it)
  • RollinDawg
    RollinDawg Posts: 235 Member
    Through my pregnancy I gained about 60 lbs and as a result my wedding ring doesn't fit me anymore. My husband wants me to get it re- sized but I am afraid that once I loose weight it will be too big. Has anyone else had this problem? Will my fingers get smaller?

    Got a few friends that put their ring on a necklace while they were pregnant
  • EricMurano
    EricMurano Posts: 825 Member
    Through my pregnancy I gained about 60 lbs and as a result my wedding ring doesn't fit me anymore. My husband wants me to get it re- sized but I am afraid that once I loose weight it will be too big. Has anyone else had this problem? Will my fingers get smaller?

    Don't resize it, just lose the weight like you planned :)
  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    Through my pregnancy I gained about 60 lbs and as a result my wedding ring doesn't fit me anymore. My husband wants me to get it re- sized but I am afraid that once I loose weight it will be too big. Has anyone else had this problem? Will my fingers get smaller?

    I quit wearing my rings in the third trimester; they've been tight for a few years but now they spin! I would only get mine re-sized for the reason my mother did -- arthritis made her knuckles too big to get them on and off, so hers has a hinge.
  • zombiemomjo
    zombiemomjo Posts: 494 Member
    I was so swollen with my pregnancies that I couldn't wear my rings. I went to Walmart and bought the gaudiest fake diamond band they had (half as a joke and half because my real ring is quite simple and I wanted some bling). I got more compliments on that $8 ring than I ever imagined possible. So my advice would be to get a cheap, fun replacement until your fingers have slimmed down with the rest of you. :) and you can enjoy the looks on stnges' faces when you tell them they can get one too for $8.
  • My wedding band is really small, so when I gain weight it doesn't fit, when I lose weight it fits perfect. When I gained weight with my daughter I wore it on a chain around my neck for about 4 months, then when I lost weight it slipped my rings back on!!! Yep, your fingers will get smaller, as well as everything else! : )
  • tinacc1
    tinacc1 Posts: 57 Member
    I had the same thing too. but my youngest is 10 years old! No more excuses. I've been up and down for years, but I won't get my ring resized. When it goes on this time (hopefully by June) it's staying on! My Mom always said "Nothing tastes as good as 'thin; feels". ..I like to change it to how 'healthy' feels, but whatever works, right? Good Luck Hun, we're all in this together.
  • DLDzioba
    DLDzioba Posts: 422 Member
    I just got engaged in October and I started MFP in january my engagement ring is already getting a little loose.

    I say don't resize the ring yet. My mom used to work in a jewelry store and explained how ring resizing works to me. The problem is that every time you resize a ring it weakens the metal the ring is made out of.
  • Shweedog
    Shweedog Posts: 883 Member
    Although I was not pregnant the first place I noticed weight loss when I started MFP was in my fingers. Afetr about 10 lbs my rings slid right off without assistance and I had to get them all resized smaller. So yes, your fingers will shrink when you lose the weight.
  • KatFierce
    KatFierce Posts: 252 Member
    mine didnt fit after both my pregnancies I gained like 60 the first pregnancy and 40 the second, dont get it resized, they will go down naturally over a few weeks, and then use here to loose more and itll go down. Mine now 4 months after having baby is too BIG!
  • Katie41907
    Katie41907 Posts: 27 Member
    The more your ring is resized the looser the stones become. I'd advise against it.
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    When gold is heated to rezise it weakens the gold. Doing this even a few times can totally ruin the ring. Better to do it just once. I can't wear my engagement ring for the same reason but they told me to wait whilst I'm loosing weight as it will ruin it and become weak... So it breaks my heart but I'm waiting x