"Starvation Mode" As explained by WeightWatchers.



  • 2fit4fat
    2fit4fat Posts: 559 Member
    lol had to read that a couple of times.. the way they worded it wasnt the greatest for me haha (or maybe its just too late and my brain is shutting off) but thanks for posting! good to read from them
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    bump to read later. thanks to the OP for posting this! I'm constantly wondering about this issue since I've always thought starvation mode was a myth as well. nice to have some scientific backup to support my theory. people need to think logically and remember that losing weight is simple math.. calories in < calories out. and as long as you're doing that, no matter what the calorie deficit, you WILL lose weight. goodnight everyone :)

    some of this ^

    Also, People who have had weight loss surgery have a VERY restricked calorie intake for a very long time. It increases over time little by little but the weight loss continues. Just saying......
    I enjoyed your artical, thanks for posting.:flowerforyou:
  • cakeums
    cakeums Posts: 231 Member
    its true..its a myth.

    this whole myth is based on a study done in the 40s. Its called the Minnesota starvation study. It took like 30 healthy muscular service men and basically 'starved' them. they intook 3000 some calories, normal intake for these men. then they cut it in half for a few months. They all lost weight steadily, and the scientists adjusted the calories of each man, because everyone's metabolism is different, as to make sure they lost weight at a predictable manor. (this is where the myth comes from). the fact is, they all lost weight period. this study wasnt about weight loss, but mostly about how the body reacts to starvation, and ultimately how to re feed someone who is technically starving.

    its not healthy to starve yourself to lose weight. and i never endorse this. but, the fact is, there is no such thing as starvation mode. It is physiologically impossible for a person to 'hold onto fat' on a calorie deficit. and even more so impossible to 'store fat' on a calorie deficit. our bodies need a certain amount of energy/calories to function. our brains, livers, muscles, other organs etc. if we dont feed our bodies enough, it takes that energy from fat. and if we restrict too much to some extent gets energy from muscle. but mostly it catabolizes muscle to provide amino acids and enzymes for biological reactions/functions in the body.

    In true starvation, you use your fat, then muscle. after that is gone, your body starts to basically eat itself to survive. it'll break down organ tissues and organs will shut down. this how people die from starvation..organ failure. so all our talk about starvation mode.."i only eat 1400 calories a day", "oh you are in starvation mode eat more"..all this is a slap in the face to those who are truely starving. go tell them you cant lose weight because you arent eating enough.

    Then why didn't I lose a single pound when I was eating 400-700 net calories a day for 6 months?

    i think each of our bodies are different, and what works for me, might not work for you, and vice versa... take my cousin, she pukes everything up... yes, dumb, stupid, and dangerous... she maybe absorbes 300 calories a day, and shes as thin as a rail... not in starvation mode... me, i actually attempted the "starve yourself" thing in high school, and ate around 800 calories a day... and i never lost a pound!!! here i am now, eating 1200 GOOD calories a day, and the weight is dropping off! to each thier own, i guess!

    Not in starvation mode? She is killing herself, that is the definition of "starvation mode!" It does not mean a person will get fat, it means that their body is literally shutting down because it is trying to survive off its own tissues, down to the organs. She will probably die of a heart attack or kidney failure one day if she doesn't get help. I'm not saying this to be a jerk, I am saying this because I have friends who have, at some point in time, battled with anorexia and/or bulimia - to the point of many stays in inpatient facilities between the 3 of them; one of them is still very much in the thick of it and I worry that I will be notified that she has died in the near future - and it goes much deeper than being "dumb, stupid, and dangerous." Maybe you should encourage her to get some help.

    woah... i said its dangerous. thats not the myth that they are speaking of. they are saying that you will stop loosing weight in starvation mode, and my point was that my cousin is withering away... thats my point. YES, SHE WILL DIE, MAYBE SOON... BUT THATS NOT THE MYTH BEING DISCUSSED... THATS A FACT!!! THE MYTH IS THAT YOU WILL STOP LOOSING WEIGHT... AND SHES STILL LOOSING WEIGHT, DAILY! THERE IS A BIG DIFFERENCE BETWEEN FACT AND MYTH. fact = my cousin is going to die from puking her guts up. according to the myth, she wouldnt be loosing weight, however, SHE IS!

    I said I wasn't trying to be a jerk...sorry if I hit a nerve, I was not trying to start an argument. It's hard to tell tone from the internet, and your post about it made it seem like, "Eh, no big deal, it's stupid but the fact of the matter is that she's not in starvation mode." I didn't realize you were trying to say that she is not in the interpretation of starvation mode that is widely talked about on MFP. It struck a nerve with me (the bulimia thing) because this is something that has been coming up a lot with my friends and some friends of friends lately, so it's been in the front of my mind today...I'm sorry that someone you love is dying from it too.
  • airlily
    airlily Posts: 212 Member
    Also, People who have had weight loss surgery have a VERY restricked calorie intake for a very long time. It increases over time little by little but the weight loss continues. Just saying......
    I enjoyed your artical, thanks for posting.:flowerforyou:

    Kaiser recommended the gastric bypass, but I am not a fan of that, especially since I know I can lose it on my own. I've lost about 2 pounds a week since mid October, and I thought that was good until, after my check-up last Thursday, she mentioned a restrictive 600 calorie liquid diet. I've been researching myself ragged, and I just don't feel comfortable with it. My blood pressure is 128/82, my blood sugar was 110 -- I don't see the need for surgery or restrictive diets, especially if I'm losing gradually on MFP and am physically fine at the moment.

    Thanks for the information. :)
  • cakeums
    cakeums Posts: 231 Member
    Also, People who have had weight loss surgery have a VERY restricked calorie intake for a very long time. It increases over time little by little but the weight loss continues. Just saying......
    I enjoyed your artical, thanks for posting.:flowerforyou:

    Kaiser recommended the gastric bypass, but I am not a fan of that, especially since I know I can lose it on my own. I've lost about 2 pounds a week since mid October, and I thought that was good until, after my check-up last Thursday, she mentioned a restrictive 600 calorie liquid diet. I've been researching myself ragged, and I just don't feel comfortable with it. My blood pressure is 128/82, my blood sugar was 110 -- I don't see the need for surgery or restrictive diets, especially if I'm losing gradually on MFP and am physically fine at the moment.

    Thanks for the information. :)

    Was the diet something marketed by a pharma company? Some doctors will push certain medications, products, etc. when they have had a recent rep visit. (Not saying pharma and reps are bad, it just is the way the business is.)
  • Chriztii
    It is way too confusing!!!!!! I know that you need the calories so that your body doesnt go into starvation mode......I just dont get it? Not a big help here!

    I know! I've read several different studies, and have pursued the forums here, and at other sites, and all I seem to find is more of the same. I'm tempted to just experiment on myself and keep a record of symptoms and effects.

    one of the final symtons is death. so maybe you should stop just before that one.

    I loled :P Good advice there ;) ... Try it out and record i recon, give us an accurate report when you're done!
  • airlily
    airlily Posts: 212 Member
    Was the diet something marketed by a pharma company? Some doctors will push certain medications, products, etc. when they have had a recent rep visit. (Not saying pharma and reps are bad, it just is the way the business is.)

    I am not sure. I didn't even think of that possibility. That would really disturb me to think my doctor was more interested in peddling a company's product more than my health. Then, when I develop a condition from it, they would probably drop my coverage.

    Again, thank you for the information. :)

    P.S. I was referring to documenting/recording the results of this liquid diet Kaiser has recommended; however, I am very reluctant now to even try it, even if my doctor thinks I could benefit from it.
  • ShaSimone
    ShaSimone Posts: 276
    Food is Fuel.

    keep it simple, a car doesn't run if it doesn't have fuel, neither will your body which is why you feel sluggish, tired, grouchy when you don't have enough fuel.

    Food is Fuel.
  • mrstword
    Like someone else said,no one knows for sure 100% but I definitely have heard the "starvation mode" being more true than what they are saying in this article. Kinda seems like a sales ploy to me. :/
  • TeresaWash
    Interesting.... thanks for the post OP!
  • Loves418
    Loves418 Posts: 330 Member
    I am not going to lie this all gives me a massive headache :sick: eat your workout calories don't eat them..do this do that...ALL I WANT IS TO JUST LOSE WEIGHT !!!!! 35 pounds of miserable pain in the neck I hate weight.(AND YES AT 5ft tall that is a lot of weight!! :wink: )..Amazing how it comes on so fast but trying to lose it is a whole different ballgame....When someone gets the right answer look me up and help me out...till then off I go to struggle to lose weight this week!!:grumble: :grumble: :grumble:
  • dfborders
    dfborders Posts: 474 Member
    Please note that when I have ever used the term "starvation mode" I certainly mean no disrespect to people or children who are actually starving due to lack of available food or to people who are annorexic. I really don't think anyone means disrespect to those people. I have grown up with this myth called "starvation mode" and while I realize it is the wrong term (or at this point researcheres are telling it is the wrong term - just like eggs are now good for us but they weren't a few years ago) - I also realize many people use the term to explain plateaus, etc. I am certainly not going to take offense to someone using the wrong terminology since most of us are not doctors or scientists and are laymen trying to do our best to make our health better all around and we get discouraged when we hit plateaus (not to mention the scientists and researchers can barely explain why "starvation mode" is incorrect coherently).
  • CallmeSbo
    CallmeSbo Posts: 611 Member
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    Decent article, but it doesn't give you the whole picture. There's more going on than a reduction in metabolic rate.
  • Cat_296
    Cat_296 Posts: 40
    For those of you interested in some of the science relating to severe calorie restriction here are a couple of links to some of the more interesting (and less dense on medical jargon) papers:

    Physiological effects of severe calorie restriction - 8 people spent 2 years in a biosphere!!

    The Response to Calorie Restriction in Mammals Shows Features Also Common to Hibernation.....Off the back of the above paper.....(this is only an abstract)

    One year behavioural treatment of obesity: moderate vs severe calorie intake restriction
    http://knowledgetranslation.ca/sysrev/articles/project21/Wadden TA J Consult Clin Psychol 1994 62 1 165 71-20090717164244.pdf

    And for anyone wanting to know more - just go to Google Scholar and type in 'severe caloric restriction'....there is tons of stuff about this out there relating to physiological effects, psychological effects, effects on susceptibility to cancer - you name it, someone has probably done a study on it........
  • MeRevisitedAgain
    MeRevisitedAgain Posts: 38 Member
    its true..its a myth.

    this whole myth is based on a study done in the 40s. Its called the Minnesota starvation study. It took like 30 healthy muscular service men and basically 'starved' them. they intook 3000 some calories, normal intake for these men. then they cut it in half for a few months. They all lost weight steadily, and the scientists adjusted the calories of each man, because everyone's metabolism is different, as to make sure they lost weight at a predictable manor. (this is where the myth comes from). the fact is, they all lost weight period. this study wasnt about weight loss, but mostly about how the body reacts to starvation, and ultimately how to re feed someone who is technically starving.

    its not healthy to starve yourself to lose weight. and i never endorse this. but, the fact is, there is no such thing as starvation mode. It is physiologically impossible for a person to 'hold onto fat' on a calorie deficit. and even more so impossible to 'store fat' on a calorie deficit. our bodies need a certain amount of energy/calories to function. our brains, livers, muscles, other organs etc. if we dont feed our bodies enough, it takes that energy from fat. and if we restrict too much to some extent gets energy from muscle. but mostly it catabolizes muscle to provide amino acids and enzymes for biological reactions/functions in the body.

    In true starvation, you use your fat, then muscle. after that is gone, your body starts to basically eat itself to survive. it'll break down organ tissues and organs will shut down. this how people die from starvation..organ failure. so all our talk about starvation mode.."i only eat 1400 calories a day", "oh you are in starvation mode eat more"..all this is a slap in the face to those who are truely starving. go tell them you cant lose weight because you arent eating enough.

  • candiceanderson84
    candiceanderson84 Posts: 43 Member
  • raige123
    raige123 Posts: 352
    I think it is different for different people. I think some people have super efficient metabolisms and if they lower their calorie intake their body is quick to compensate and use less to function. That slows their weight loss. Some people's bodies are kinder and don't make that adjustment, making weight loss easier.

    I think different conclusions are drawn from research because it just isn't the same for everyone. I have no problem losing weight by creating a large deficit. I don't seem to go into "starvation mode". Do what works for you.

    ^^ THIS! ^^ I never have an issue either and lose 3-4 lbs a week consistantly.
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    They are wrong about the end part - research shows that a 150 lbs person who used to weigh 200 has a lower metabolism than a 150 lbs person who has always weight 150 lbs.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    They are wrong about the end part - research shows that a 150 lbs person who used to weigh 200 has a lower metabolism than a 150 lbs person who has always weight 150 lbs.

    what research?