Anti-Cheese Billboards.. Really?? (pic)



  • clairification
    clairification Posts: 71 Member
    For a group commited to responsible medicine they sure know how to throw *personal responsibility* out the window. No single food is to blame for weight gain. As a native Wisconsinite, cheese lover and individual who refuses to pawn off the size of my jeans on anything but my bad choices, this is total insanity!

    To quote William H. Macy in Thank You For Smoking: "The Great State of Vermont will NOT apologize for its cheese!" Neither should you!
  • adamsonam
    adamsonam Posts: 127
    I'd be more understanding if it was your thighs/ abs on donuts or potato chips. But really? cheese?

    This is absolutely what I was thinking. McDonald's (which I love) and other such chains, Krispy Kreme, Paula Deen and southern cooking but CHEESE?!?!?! They just look like fools for these billboards but it's getting them press and there is no such thing as bad press right?!
  • Just1forMe
    Just1forMe Posts: 624 Member
    The guy who founded the organization is a VEGAN, promoting a VEGAN cook book. Need I say more? (no offense to Vegans...just sayin'...I'm sure he thinks this will help cookbook sales...)
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    What's better than cheese? Fried cheese! OK, jk.

    This is crazy!

    Mmmmm Deep fried Camembert yummy :love:
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    Agree, absolutely! Target the processed food, the McDonald's of the world, not cheese. Don't think those people got their thighs and guts from too much cheese. Learn moderation, that's the key.

    Why not stop looking for targets? :smile:
  • dendra7
    dendra7 Posts: 113 Member
    I only avoid it because it makes my gut hurt and become super inflamed which I think fed into my inability to lose weight. I didn't even know it was making me sick until I tried cutting it out of my diet for 2 weeks to test for sensitivities. Certainly not everyone has that kind of issue but for those of us who do....allergy = inflammation = bloated yucky mess.

    As a person who avoids cow dairy - it is REALLY hard to avoid it if you go to potlucks, dinner with friends, or anywhere but home. I have to special order everything and ask for an ingredient list and sometimes, they STILL try to cheese my food!!

    Try cutting all cow's milk out of your diet for a day or two and you'll see how much cheese and milk are really in your diet. It might be more than you think. But certainly - this ad is a little bit overkill...but aren't ALL ads a little over the top? I'm sure that Taco Bell Steak Taco monstrosity is going to really taste better than a real, grilled steak...right?
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member
    Americans eat a LOT of cheese. While it does, arguably, have some nutritional benefits, it is high in fat and calories, and people tend to eat WAY more of it than they think they do, especially when it's melted. I think you can eat almost anything in moderation and still be okay health-wise, but they do have a point, Americans have gone WAY overboard on the cheese and other high fat dairy.

    Also, keep in mind that the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine is very pro-vegan. I'm not saying they're wrong (I tend to think they're correct on many points), but you have to consider the source.
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    I'm anti-cheese, but not because it makes people overweight. These billboards are pretty silly.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    Before you attack the billboards, I would advise you to read the book Whitewashed: The Disturbing Truth about Cow's Milk and Your Health. Milk products are not all they are cracked up to be. Many people are not aware that 2% milk has approximately 34 calories of fat for every 100 calories (34% fat).

    Milk is linked to obesity, heart disease, cataracts, cancer (ovarian, breast, and prostate), Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, arthritis/joint pain, allergy/headaches/back pain, Crohn's disease, infertility, severe menstrual cramps, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (basically mad-cow disease in humans), and tuberculosis.

    The cassein in cow's milk is what causes most of the problems when it comes to diseases caused by milk. Cassein is more concentrated in cheese.

    When a calf drinks it's mother's milk, its weight doubles in 47 days. Cow's milk contains 15% calories as protein. Human's milk contains 5% calories as protein. Children who drink cow's milk are often overweight due to the doubling rate of cow's milk. Clearly, human's were not meant to drink cow's milk or eat products made from cow's milk. If we were, we would not suffer so many disease from cow's milk.

    Now, with hormones being injected into cows to make them produce more milk, we are seeing children developing faster than they should be. Seven year old girls now have breast and boys are getting breast as well. All from tainted cow's milk. Since cheese is made from cow's milk, it is included as being a culprit to this early development process.

    All I am saying is that one needs to read about how detrimental certain foods, such as cow's milk, are to humans before condemning any advertisement.

    One thing for you to meditate upon: Human's are the only mammals that drink the milk of another mammal. That milk was specially formulated for that mammal's offspring, not for humans. So drinking that milk is not good for humans because it has an overabundance of nutrients in it that were meant to help the calf grow. No wonder Americans are overweight. They drink and eat more milk and milk products than any other people on this planet.

    Yes, the fact that we are obese in the U.S. can also be blamed for over-eating other foods and our penchant for sitting around like lazy pigs, but lets look at the foods we eat and understand how they affect our bodies before it is too late. And let's not count on the FDA for protection from the agricultural industry and the foods that it produces. They've done a perfectly crappy job of protecting us so far.

    My three and five year olds love milk and drink it frequently - They are both fifth percentile in weight - hardly obese by any stretch (they are also fairly high in the charts for height). As a kid, milk was all we drank - unless it was water from the hose. We had milk for snacks at school and for every meal. I was never obese until I started eating very high calorie foods and drinking sodas non-stop. I also ate a lot of cheese and yogurt as a child and mine do as well. Once again, not the cause of anything.
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    They will pry cheese from my cold, dead hands.

    And even though I've eaten my share of cheese all my life, I have never had thighs or a belly like the ones pictured.

    Also, my love affair with cheese has nothing to do with being told I need dairy. It's because cheese is yummy.


    This for sure.
  • feistymoon
    omg reading this has made me crave cheese lol, I don't care about the belly gimme some soft blue on a cracker NOW tee hee
  • chargermama0501
    The PCRM can suck it sideways.

  • ragekage21
    ragekage21 Posts: 106 Member
    LOL. Vegan propaganda. There's nothing untrue/exaggerated about the fact that people who do not eat cheese and dairy have a lower average BMI and nearly no risk for heart disease. Every day, more and more doctors are prescribing vegan diets for their at-risk patients.

    Ads are sensational; that's what they do. And they aren't focusing on "junk" foods because we all know those are crap for you. Of course no one becomes obese just because of cheese, but I think a lot of people don't know just how many calories, and how much saturated fat, is packed into one serving of the stuff. Yes, it's a good source of protein, but there are others that don't clog your arteries.

    And let's not jump to attack me for being some "crazy vegan." I am a cheese-eater, possibly even a cheese addict. :-P But I am a vegetarian and went vegan for about 6 weeks, and I have to say I've never felt better. But I missed pizza.
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member
    That's ridiculous. Let's face it, French and Italian women eat cheese every day and aren't exactly burdened by obesity.

    I've eaten cheese pretty much every day since I joined MFP and I'm still losing :smile:

    Actually, recent studies have found Italian children and nearly as fat as American children. There is more to it than cheese, clearly, but Americans are over-doing the cheese.
  • onedayillbamilf
    onedayillbamilf Posts: 662 Member
    These make me giggle!!!
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member
    LOL. Vegan propaganda. There's nothing untrue/exaggerated about the fact that people who do not eat cheese and dairy have a lower average BMI and nearly no risk for heart disease. Every day, more and more doctors are prescribing vegan diets for their at-risk patients.

    Ads are sensational; that's what they do. And they aren't focusing on "junk" foods because we all know those are crap for you. Of course no one becomes obese just because of cheese, but I think a lot of people don't know just how many calories, and how much saturated fat, is packed into one serving of the stuff. Yes, it's a good source of protein, but there are others that don't clog your arteries.

    And let's not jump to attack me for being some "crazy vegan." I am a cheese-eater, possibly even a cheese addict. :-P But I am a vegetarian and went vegan for about 6 weeks, and I have to say I've never felt better. But I missed pizza.

    Very well said!
  • ragekage21
    ragekage21 Posts: 106 Member
    Cheese didn't make me get overweight, eating fatty foods did...cheese was the last of my problems with weight.

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter

    Cheese is a VERY fatty food. And I guarantee it was on a lot of the other fatty foods you eat. I know it's on all of my favorites!
  • Pookylou
    Pookylou Posts: 988 Member
    They will pry cheese from my cold, dead hands.

    And even though I've eaten my share of cheese all my life, I have never had thighs or a belly like the ones pictured.

    Also, my love affair with cheese has nothing to do with being told I need dairy. It's because cheese is yummy.

    ^^^^^^^^^ This. A millions times this. I love cheese.................. mmmmmm cheese :love:
    Like everything it's good in moderation, or on toast, or in souffle. or IN MY BELLY *cough* sorry:flowerforyou:
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    Cheese has lots of health benefits. The problem is that people put cheese on everything... mabye they should say too much processed cheese? lol Or don't have EXTRA

    That ad should be for too much sugar, or too much fatty foods, or too much But cheese?

    This is funny. No wonder there are so many people out there that don't know how to eat properly...the media is giving us the wrong messages.
  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    OMG - my thighs are obviously made of well placed deep fried pork belly chunks and my belly rolls are powdered donuts and chicken grease. Those billboards could be used for a real purpose **eyeroll** nothing like people paying to take up space.

    No 'batwing' billboards yet?