Soda: Why we drink it, how to stop



  • resolu
    resolu Posts: 12
    If someone is posting something as scientific fact then they have to back it up. i have spent a lot of my own time reading numerous (and often conflicting) articles about the health impact of soda. i don't think it's up to me to have to find the proof myself if someone is categorically stating 'this is how it is'.

    You're absolutely right! I mean, why shouldn't we be able to drink things you can use to clean out carburators??? Seriously, though.. I didn't see anywhere that this article was stated as scientific fact. I see a post where Foggeh was giving a strong opinion in a way she thought would be helpful to people, listing some good reasons to quit. Believe it or not, that's up to you. But unless someone is a Dr or nutritionist, taking any posts as scientific fact is well... DUH!
  • TripleJ3
    TripleJ3 Posts: 945 Member
    Luckily I guess for me I am not a huge soda person. Occasionally I'll want one, a root beer/Dr.Pepper/Pibb but I probably have one or two sodas per year. I get water or ice tea at restaurants.

    The only time I was ever heavily into Coke was when Jack was involved!
  • Buca412
    Buca412 Posts: 367 Member
    Thoughts on sparkling water? :huh:
  • MattGetsMad
    MattGetsMad Posts: 429 Member
    Thoughts on sparkling water? :huh:

    Just don't get one with added sodium or anything else. La Coix makes a nice one. Nothing like water though.
  • Mister_Slick
    G'day guys and girls,

    This might be a really (really) stupid question, but I've just started with MFP. If I have a glass or two of (regular) coke, and still keep under my daily calorie limit, is this a problem? Will I still put on weight despite the fact I'm under? Diet Coke and Coke Zero tastes like battery acid to me. Obviously not drinking coke altogether is always going to be ideal, but I'm wondering if it's a problem to have the occasional glass here and there.

    Thanks in advance!
  • MattGetsMad
    MattGetsMad Posts: 429 Member
    G'day guys and girls,

    This might be a really (really) stupid question, but I've just started with MFP. If I have a glass or two of (regular) coke, and still keep under my daily calorie limit, is this a problem? Will I still put on weight despite the fact I'm under? Diet Coke and Coke Zero tastes like battery acid to me. Obviously not drinking coke altogether is always going to be ideal, but I'm wondering if it's a problem to have the occasional glass here and there.

    Thanks in advance!

    If you're at a calorie deficit, you'll lose weight. I'm pretty anti-soda, but if it's your thing and you can fit it in, more power to ya. Good luck meeting your goals!
  • Mister_Slick
    Thanks for the answer Caddymatt, much appreciated!
  • ludogx87
    ludogx87 Posts: 286 Member
    i live in the uk, and i drink - pepsi max - and diet irn bru -- looking at the bottle of pepsi max i have here - 1 calorie per 250ml, i drink 2 500ml bottles at most per day so i am having an extra 4 calories a day from this or 28 calories a week.... not really gunna push me over the line to gain a pound there.

    and i like it. i actually enjoy drinkin fizzy juice. so why stop? coz its bad for me? so is alcohol. so in being in the sun too long. so is bleaching my hair and watching the tv late at night without my glasses and a million other things. but i still do all of this and im doin OK.... oh and am still losing weight so i dont think al be cutting out my pepsi max habit anytime soon.
  • Jacquibennett
    Jacquibennett Posts: 95 Member
    I haven't read every comment here, but thank you for posting this.
    I have an awful addiction to Diet Coke and have wanted to stop for a long time however every time I have tried the headaches start, and being someone that suffers from migraines anyway (for other medical reasons) I almost fear getting headaches because of what they could become.
    I am definitely going to try the Caffiene pill idea in an attempt to get myself off the stuff. I can easily drink 4 cans whilst I'm at work and then a 2 litre bottle at home!! Which is disgusting and horrific.

    So thanks again to all the useful comments/info above! :smile:
  • SnookiBaby92
    I am doing weight watchers and on their pro point plan diet fizzy drinks are of 0 points value meaning u can drink as much as you want and doesnt effect your daily allowance of 29 :)