Hi, My name is...... and I'm addicted to......



  • Hi, my name is Tabitha and I'm addicted to Pocky, Coffee, and my Wii
  • Hi! My name is Amanda and I'm addicted to those frozen coke things from the gas station!!
  • samb
    samb Posts: 464 Member
    Hi, my name is Samantha and I'm addicted to MFP & strawberries (& fudge & pb balls when they're around), oh and sex you all forgot that one! lol :P
  • jacquejl
    jacquejl Posts: 193 Member
    My name is Robert Palmer and I'm Addicted to Love

    **this....a great sense of humor!!!
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Hi, My name Elizabeth, and I'm addicted to bacon, cheese, and hamburgers.
  • COFFEE! I drink ridiculous amounts of coffee. Oh yeah and my name is Len :)
  • Hello everyone my name is Steve (Hi, Steve) and I'm a candy addict (Everyone applaudes and welcomes me to the anonymous group)!

  • sportsjunkee70
    sportsjunkee70 Posts: 173 Member
    My name is Manny and I am addicted to sweet tea, enchiladas, and The Game of Thrones

    I am also addicted to sex - - - wait can you be addicted to something that you haven't had in forever? lol
  • wwww1199
    wwww1199 Posts: 228 Member
  • Donners185
    Donners185 Posts: 329 Member
    Hi my name is Laura and i am addicted to cheese :cry:
  • tmarie2715
    tmarie2715 Posts: 1,111 Member
    My addition is MFP. :(
  • princessputz
    princessputz Posts: 283 Member
    Hi, my name is Kristen and I'm addicted to MFP, bacon, and fresh fruit .

    I'm also addicted to sex....but like Manny it's been a few days le sigh (that's french for sigh).
  • bigtone34
    bigtone34 Posts: 136
    My name is Tony and I only have one addiction left and that is coffee!
  • MoogieOh
    MoogieOh Posts: 141
    My name is a secret and I'm addicted to 2 min noodles! :D
  • lilcupcake213
    lilcupcake213 Posts: 545 Member
    Hi. My name is Tina and I'm addicted to cashews :tongue:
  • LoriBarefoot
    LoriBarefoot Posts: 218 Member
    Hi, my name is Lori and I'm addicted to my Kindle Fire!....and Avenged Sevenfold.
  • MummyOfSeven
    MummyOfSeven Posts: 314 Member
    Hi, my name is Zee and I'm addicted to doughnuts :smile:
  • newmrswood
    newmrswood Posts: 167 Member
    Hi my name is Heather and i'm addicted to anything sweet, writing, MFP, __, and reading....not necissarily in that order (My MFP friends will get the "__" reference)
  • mazza33
    mazza33 Posts: 123 Member
    Hi my name is Mary and im addicted to crisps (chips in the U.S. - every type I can get my hands on :love: ), pickled onions and Facebook! x :heart:
  • GinNouveau
    GinNouveau Posts: 143 Member
    HI my name is Joe...and i work in a button factory..I have a wife..and a family..one day my boss say Joe..are you busy? I said NO. :drinker:

    Apparently that was the wrong thing to say, because fired me for being honest but unproductive. I was standing around not pushing buttons on company time. I guess I dont really blame him. My wife took the kids and moved in with her mother, so now I just drink a lot. My name is Joe...I worked in a button factory...I had a wife...and a family...:drinker: