Moms who have lost the weight without the gym!



  • laursey
    laursey Posts: 307
    I work out a home with 3 and 5 pound weights. I do the Jillian Michaels dvds. They're 25-35 minutes each and totally doable. My kids know all the moves now. I've lost 42 pounds and haven't been to the gym once (however I do treat myself to some hot yoga here and there.) If it's warm outside, you can do lots at the park, step ups, sit ups, tricep dips using the bench. I got a jogging/bike stroller so my kids could come with me. Also, Zumba is lots of fun and your kids would probably love dancing with you.
  • amusco_rn
    I'm a mom of 2, I work part-time nights as a nurse, and I am going to grad school so my schedule is very difficult to fit exercise into - but I'm doing it. No excuses is my motto. After my older daughter was born, my husband bought me a treadmill (I asked for one - he wasn't trying to tell me I was fat!) and it was one of the best investments we have made. I started the C25K program and within 4 months ran my 1st 5K. 4 months later I ran my 1st half marathon. I really got into running after that. I bought a jogging stroller and away I went!

    I was at the height of my "running career" when I became pregnant with our younger daughter. I ran all the way through the pregnancy - running my 5th half marathon at 26 weeks pg. Between running post-partum and breastfeeding, I was in the best shape of my life after she was born. I gained probably 10lbs back after I stopped BFing and I am currently in the midst of P90x. I've fallen away from running for a bit because I've lost a little bit of my former love for the treadmill. And P90x being an hour workout per night, it's usually after 10pm by the time I finish working out.

    I try to eat healthy but I also don't deprive myself of a nice treat here and there. I try hard to maintain a high protein/low carb diet I'm really starting to see definition in my arms and around my waist. Good luck on your journey! It's definitely doable with commitment and determination. I often times feel like every small victory, be it, pounds lost, or muscle gained, means so much more to me because I know how much more difficult it is for me to fit in the time to be healthy.
  • lilsassymom
    lilsassymom Posts: 407 Member
    I am a stay at home mom to 3 kids ages 4yrs, 3yrs and 5 months. Before my last pregnancy I decided I wanted to be in better shape so I lost 24 lbs working out at home. My baby is 5 (almost 6 months) and I have lost ALL my pregnancy weight and a couple more on top of that. I am now working on losing another 7-10 more because I was still a little overweight before I got pregnant. I also am hoping to tone up some as well.

    I don't have a gym membership as I would rather spend that money each month on investing in my own workout equipment such as workout dvds, dumbbells, etc. All the weight I have lost (before my last pregnancy and now) I have lost on my own at home. I have had a gym membership in the past, but it is sooo much easier to make a commitment and stick to it when I work out at home.

    As far as working out goes I do it first thing in the morning after I have fed my kids breakfast and they are still in a good mood---because later in the day they tend to get moody and tired. Both of my children (our baby is too little still obviously) get to pick a 1/2 hour cartoon show on TiVo in the morning---but they know they can't watch them til I get my workout done. I think that gives them incentive to allow me my "mommy workout time." I hope you can find something that works for you:smile: .

    As far as workouts go I have tons of Jillian Michaels dvds. I have stuck with her for the majority of my weight loss because I see results with her. I started off with 3,5,and 8 lb weights. I just started lifting to ChaLean Extreme dvds and so I bought 10,12,15, and 20 lb weights to add to my collection. I didn't buy the adjustable weights because I have heard horror stories with those....but my advice is to just start small and build your way up and soon enough you will have your own collection at home of workout equipment. You don't need any elliptical/treadmill equipment to lose weight---just some dumbbells, mat, dvds. Just invest in some dvds that gets you moving and motivated. You also need to find a "trainer" that inspires and encourages you---I love Jillian Michaels but I know some people don't. Good Luck!

    Anyone feel free to add me:smile: .
  • tasnim81
    tasnim81 Posts: 91 Member
    I lost 21 pounds since october and haven't been to a gym even once. I eat healthy and use the free programs over at, sometimes Leslie Sansone videos from :smile:
  • Zoe2901
    Zoe2901 Posts: 73 Member
    I have two small boys ages 1 and 2 and abit and at the end of the summer wheni started this i would go running with them in the buggy and lowered my calories and i lost 28 lbs then i had a few months off i couldnt get motivated and started again janurary 10th and have lost aother 9 lbs and i have again been wathcing my calories and sticking to 1800 a day ( im breastfeeding). Ad i have been exercising maybe three times a week a mixture of zumba n the wii and weight lifting and i really think that the weights have contributed to me losing again.
  • krisnatm
    krisnatm Posts: 34 Member
    I have 2 young daughters and I am also a stay at home mom without a gym membership. I lost 55 lbs to reach my goal weight by lowering my calories, tracking my calories, exercising to various videos, riding my stationary bike, silly dancing in the living room with the gilrs, walking the neighborhood with the girls, lots of housework, drinking lots of water, and a lot of prayer :)
  • mrsmifsud
    mrsmifsud Posts: 2 Member
    . mum of 3 - 12/ 10/ 5 i walk a bit, do a class of aqua aerobics a week, for £5 but my main help has been 'fitness evolved 2012' on the xbox kinect system. if your hubby has an xbox its a great investment- fits into your own schedule as and when you have time, and is really fun and diverse. also has its own mfp kinda thing going on. good luck :)
  • ratherbeskiing
    ratherbeskiing Posts: 847 Member
    I am NOT a mom- but I do have two cats ;) I do not like the gym setting that's why I do not go. I will admit I did buy somethings:
    1-Nike +- I went from running 1/2 mile to a 10k
    2- Wii- I have Jillian, EA active 2 and the wii fit that comes with it- I love it.
    3- HRM- 100% if u have extra money get one BEST THING I EVER GOT.
    4- Elliptical- got it of craigslist for $300. awesome for cold days or days where you have 15 min. I put mine in front of the tv.
    5- I also have 30 ds

    That being said I also had a bike so I bike. I also enjoy hiking and do that in the summer and unless you go to a state park it is free.

    That's what I do - Good Luck :flowerforyou:
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Jillian Michaels DVD's... healthy diet... that is all i did. no gym!

    1. 30 day shred
    2. Ripped in 30
    3. 6 week 6 pack
    4. killer buns and thighs

    26 lb lost on this plan!
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Jillian Michaels DVD's... healthy diet (1400-1600 calories)... that is all i did. no gym! 30 minutes a day. 1 skip day a week

    1. 30 day shred
    2. Ripped in 30
    3. 6 week 6 pack
    4. killer buns and thighs

    26 lb lost on this plan!
  • MommyofTwinies31
    MommyofTwinies31 Posts: 77 Member
    I gave birth to twins last year and had a gym memebership. I did not have the time to and by the time my hubby came home i was too tired. I bought workout dvds and did them at home while the babies were sleeping during the day or i would take them for a walk on nice days and pushing a twin stroller up hill is a workout :bigsmile:
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    I have not stepped inside a gym at all. I run, walk, bike, play tennis,use 30 day shred and yoga meltdown.
  • mrsbeebs
    Bob Harper's videos are all $5. I also check different ones out from the library. I also found 6 mos of the magazine, Fitness, and I've found great toning exercises in them. Also, a treadmill. I started paying more attention to food labels and not buying snack food I like...more of what kids like. Adding more fruits and veggies to diet. Every week I try to focus on another aspect of what I eat to make more healthy decisions. For instance, this week I am being super of cautious of buying foods with weird additives and making tacos with chicken and a turkey meatloaf instead of beef. If you recently hit a plateau, I read something from Jillian Michaels suggested, take a couple days off from exercising and increase your calories by 10%. I forgot why, but it made sense- feel free to message me if you'd like more information, I saved the article from her.
  • katcj
    katcj Posts: 32 Member
    I hate the gym so never go, although I sometimes try swimming but it is expensive and if you have to take the kids then isn't really that good a workout for you. But walking is great and the kids can do that with you (or go in a buggy), run up and down the stairs for three minutes, use tinned food as weights to do toning exercises, housework (vigorous will help burn calories). Maybe get a skipping rope, they're not expensive, push ups, abdominal crunches, tricep (or is it bicep?) dips - put your hands on a step or a chair to do that. There are loads of things you can do. There are also lots of things that you could probably find on the internet, try Youtube to see if you can find any aerobic videos or exercise routines. If you have Sky there's the exercise channels..... or there's always music channels or the radio, get dancing! If you have a Wii, use the Wii Fit or Just Dance games.... wow, I didn't realise there was quite so much actually, I might even be inspired to try one of these myself now! Hope this helps :smile:
  • lilcupcake213
    lilcupcake213 Posts: 545 Member
    I'm a stay at home mommy and wife to a 5 y/o ,3 y/o , and 9 month old. I lost 20 lbs in 4 months and never went to the gym. I did buy Turbo Fire (which is amazing, the only workout I have EVER stuck with) and just ordered 30 day shred for $8 on amazon. I eat 1200 calories a day and my cooking really hasnt changed. I make a "menu" 2 weeks ahead (which saves me money on my grocery bill) and whatever im cooking for my family i change up a little bit for myself (like if the chicken is fried, i bake mine). and substitute sides (the kids eat mashed potatoes, i eat a baked potato). I work out about a 1/2 hour after the kids go to bed to make sure everyone is deffinately sleeping, and thats the only "me" time i have. whenever you can walk anywhere weather its putting the kids on their bikes and walking the neighborhood or parking further away from the supermarket and walking a little more is always a plus. don't let the scale discourage you , always go by your measurements and clothes as motivation. being a mom and having time for yourself is hard, but once you get into a routine, it'll be second nature. dont give up. just always make sure to plan ahead, and invest in some type of scheduled workout program, you'll be glad ya did ! good luck !
  • QueenJayJay
    QueenJayJay Posts: 1,139
    Videos! You can get a lot of them streaming online for very cheap, or sometimes for free.
  • mollyjackson82
    I wake up in the morning and workout before my daughter even wakes up. I have been doing a Supreme 90 Day workout that is like P90X but only $10 from best buy. It is great balance of strenght and cardio! I lost 10 pounds by myself counting calories then 10 pounds on WW then I am coming here for my last little bit. When I am not doing Supreme 90 Days then I am addicted to Jillian's videos. They are short and very intense so I don't have to get up too early. I love my evening time so getting up earlier is my thing. If it isn't yours then you could workout every night after you put the kids to bed, just be careful becuase once you are revved up i heard it is harder to fall asleep. Good luck and find what works for you life and schedule!
  • KWright76
    KWright76 Posts: 72 Member
    bump............ just so I can read later.
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    Ok, so I am needing some inspiration (I haven't lost anything this last week!)

    Moms (or even non-moms), how have you lost the weight without going to the gym everyday? I have 2 little kids and are a one income family, so I can't afford to go to the gym. What kind of exercises did you do to lose the weight? What have you been doing to tone up? How did you change your eating habits? How much weight did you lose? Pictures are always a plus! And thank you so much! :smile:

    i am just like you..a mom to 2 boys (both in school full time) and also a 1 income family, but i walk the boys to school, then keep going from rides, out playing with them..anything to get me moving..i have lost 52 lbs in a year, but i started out with workout games on the wii..just get out and walk or run if nothing else..good luck
  • estwardo
    estwardo Posts: 1 Member
    Options Google it. I just stumbled on it. I'm prego with #6 so I can't do everything but it is very inspiring and FREE.
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