Moms who have lost the weight without the gym!

Ok, so I am needing some inspiration (I haven't lost anything this last week!)

Moms (or even non-moms), how have you lost the weight without going to the gym everyday? I have 2 little kids and are a one income family, so I can't afford to go to the gym. What kind of exercises did you do to lose the weight? What have you been doing to tone up? How did you change your eating habits? How much weight did you lose? Pictures are always a plus! And thank you so much! :smile:


  • anulle2009
    anulle2009 Posts: 580 Member
    I do have a gym membership but I also do stuff at home. I was busting my butt in the gym for like the past 2 months and nothing. I started doing the 30 day shred by Jillian and lost more inches in 3 weeks then i did in the gym. I also looked up on You tube home exercise to do and how to do them. Jillian's video isnt all that pricey and maybe look into a swiss ball too. I just started using that also.
    Food wise, I started looking up healthier recipes on
    Google is a wonderful thing!
  • mommymeg2
    mommymeg2 Posts: 145 Member
    I am a SAHM to two boys, ages 3 and 2 so I know what it's like to be pressed for time! Since December 30 I have lost 15 pounds and haven't stepped foot in the gym. I completely plan to add weight lifting to my life in Feb but it has all been lost with diet alone. I eat clean food (for the most part, I eat some chips or an ice cream treat almost daily) but have stayed within my calories. I drink over a gallon of water as well. My diary is public if you want to take a look :)

    The most important thing is to stick with it! It isn't a change that is temporary, but a forever lifestyle we have to learn to love and embrace!
  • ks_mommaof5
    ks_mommaof5 Posts: 73 Member
    hello! i'm working mom of five (ages 14 through 6) and can completely understand your dilemma! i'm still a work in progress, but am having great success in my first month by using at-home workout videos. i've had the video i swear by for over 10 years and have used it successfully to fully lose pregnancy weight after the births of each of my first three kids. half price books has a good assortment of fitness videos at reasonable prices (as does amazon).

    i engage my kids in my workouts ... which helps keep them occupied! when they were young, i made a set of "dumbbells" out of scrap fabric and filled them with clearance dry beans ... super safe and fun. they also had their own little "steps" for my step workout. they loved marching along with me and talking with them was my no-cost heartrate monitor ... if i couldn't talk, i was pushing it too hard! i also walk with them. everywhere. if they fit into a stroller it's an awesome way to walk/run and get fresh air together.

    hope this helps ... YOU CAN DO IT! :)
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    I have an elliptical machine, I use lots of DVDs (most of them are under $10 each) and hand weights aren't too expensive, but you can also use anything in the house for weights if you don't have the funds. There are lots of exercises on youtube as well. I've lost 20 lbs in the last 6 months doing at home exercises. I have pics in my profile from doing the 30 Day Shred in December - I lost 6 lbs and 2 inches, with an inch and a quarter of that being in my waist.

    For eating, I just log everything I eat and try to keep my intake between 1600 - 1800 calories and at least 100 grams of protein each day. I don't cut anything out, just keep portions under control.
  • AndiJ2011
    AndiJ2011 Posts: 82 Member

    I eat less (create a healthy deficit for yourself) and just move more. I've had great results with the 30 Day Shred workout DVD. My belly has gone down tremendously in just a couple weeks. I can't believe it myself. Sorry I don't have the exact inches lost. I just go by how I look & feel to determine weight loss progress (as well as how my clothes fit).

    I also lift weights 3 - 4 days a week (4, 6, 10 & 12 lb dumbbells). And some sort of cardio a few times out the week. You'll do fine!
  • Cbcarter08
    Cbcarter08 Posts: 33 Member
    I'm a part-time working mom of one 2 year old and I have a gym membership but I never have time to go. What I've been doing instead is workout DVDs. The best DVD I've found and its only $9.67 at Walmart is Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred workout. All you need are some 3-5 lb weights. Each workout only takes about 24 minutes to complete and it has 3 levels so you don't get bored. I did the 1st level for 10 days, took a day off, the 2nd for 10 days, day off, then 3rd for 10 days. I combined that with eating 1200 cals a day and I did some cardio on my treadmill 3 times a week. I didn't measure my inches but I lost 7 lbs. I'm 5'8" and I was 157 when I started and 150 when I finished. I looked a lot more toned too. Everyone is different but that seemed to work really well for me! Now I've just started her Killer Buns and Thighs workout and 6 wk 6 pk abs. They seem good too.

    I also have my 2 year old do the workout with me. She uses crayons or curlers for weights and we have tons of fun! Good luck!
  • coloradotara
    coloradotara Posts: 29 Member
    Thank you so much ladies! Very helpful!! I do have a treadmill and a couple of Miss Jillian's videos. I've been power walking on the treadmill, but would like to kick it up and do C25K. I've started 30DS a couple times, but never finished...I need to just stick to it!! Been working on the food, I recently discovered Skinny Taste through Pinterest and absolutely love the recipes...I've made probably 4 things in the last few days from it! Thank you again so much! And congratulations to all of you on a job well done...great inspiration for sure!!

    P.S...KS...I am going to have to make hand weights for my little ones! I have a 1 year old and 3 year old. When I started 30DS the first time, my 3 year old was all into it and I had a set of 1lb weights that I let her use, but I was still nervous about her dropping them on her toes! Thanks for the idea!
  • Mom0fTwo
    Mom0fTwo Posts: 326 Member
    well i have 2 kids and have lost the weight once before (20 lbs) and now doing it again, i don't use the gym cause for me it is expensive and i have no car and it is far for me, so i walk a lot and have done the 30ds once but i have issues with repetitive videos cause i get annoyed with their voices lol, so now i am going the 100 workout you can do it any where any time and i love it waaay more cause i just put on my own music and done in 30 mins, i try to do it as fast as i can and log it as circuit training i am drenched after for sure, my 1 year old tries to work out with me it is adorable her trying to do crunches lol when i get better at it i plan to do it 2x per day, i also add arm raises or curls to the squats cause lets face it they are boring lost 8lbs, in 3 months which is good for me cause i hate to exercise lol

    lame website but they give a good example of what leg lift they mean (i suck at those still) so sometimes i substitute the reverse crunch or bicycle crunch,

    you can add me if you like :)
  • knapowell
    knapowell Posts: 230 Member
    I had a gym membership, but I dropped that several months ago. I go to a Zumba class that is offered free at a local church. Actually, there are 3 that I know of in my immediate area - you could look into that, they usually allow kids to come with you. I do Zumba, on youtube while my kids are watching tv or doing homework. Anytime it is pretty, I bundle the kids up and take them for a walk after my oldest gets home from school. I bought several sets of pretty heavy weights, and I have found loads of videos on youtube for strength training with and without equipment. Anytime my husband can take my youngest to preschool, I go jogging. My husband is very supportive, and helps me out anytime he can get home early, and on weekends so I can get some good workout time.

    We are a one income family also, so I worried about the cost of food, but I am actually spending less. I buy tons of frozen vegetables, and chicken. I love for new recipes and Pinterest! Most of my vegetables are eaten plain, no casseroles, sauces, butter, etc. and I eat A LOT of chicken and turkey. I have started making a lot more homemade things, such as desserts, bread, pizza, flour tortillas. That helps, because I know exactly what goes into them. My diary is not always the cleanest, but it is open.

    I just jumped right into eating healthy and exercising on November 8, 2010 and haven't looked back. As of this morning I am less than 1 pound away from 130 pounds GONE. I don't exercise everyday. I don't make any food totally off limits. If I am really craving something, I make room for it. I eat dessert every night. I haven't had weight loss surgery or used pills. I log my food faithfully (with a couple of exceptions). I exercise at least 4-6 days per week, even if it is only for 30 minutes.

    My profile picture is from several months ago, I need to get new pictures up (hopefully this weekend), but there are several before pictures on my profile page.
  • cnkan0119
    cnkan0119 Posts: 114 Member
    My progress has been slow but the more motivated you are, the better. I have the same issue and it also helps that I am not a big fan of the gym. I will say that when I was consistent with MFP I had a steady loss of weight and inches. I made sure to log everything that I ate, staying within my cals and getting in my workout. I will say that I did not eat all of the exercise calories back. It's easier to workout early before I wake my son up but for a while I did two a days and I usually put on one of his favorite shows in the evening when I worked out. There are plenty of videos to do, there's exercise tv, a lot of possibilities outside of the gym. Invest in a heart rate monitor and you can see how many cals you are burning by whatever you do at home. One evening I danced to 6 songs on the Just Dance 3 for Kinect and burned like 350 cals.
  • blessedmomof8
    blessedmomof8 Posts: 215 Member
    Wiggles! When my kids were little I would play their Wiggles dvd and move like the actor did with a simple side step in between songs. The kids were entertained and would even join in.

    Now I use workout dvds. We also are a one income family plus I homeschool my 8 kids so the workout dvds are something I can fit in where I can.

    Have a blessed week!:flowerforyou:
  • Stacyanne324
    Stacyanne324 Posts: 780 Member
    I am still pretty new here but I am a Stay at Home Mom to three small kids (ages 2-5) and although we do have a Family Membership to the local YMCA I never go. It's too hard for me to get there during the hours my husband is home (or it cuts into our time together at night and I don't want that) and although I could take the kids and put them in the child care that just seems too much of a hassle so I don't.
    I have lost 12 pounds since November and what I've been doing is watching what I eat so I stay around 1200-1300 calories most days and exercising for 30 minutes five days a week. Right now I'm doing Jillian Michael DVD's becuase they are great for toning and losing weight and I can easily do them in the living room. I generally do it in the afternoon when I put my youngest down for a nap. Then I can set my 3 year old up with some paper and crayons or something to busy her or some days she'll watch and try to exercise with me. Either way it's only a half hour and not that long where she gets really fussy about it.

    And recently I've started allowing Sunday as my cheat day. I still log it because it keeps me from going totally hog wild but it helps get me through the week knowing I have that day. And I've noticed that the weeks I've done that and followed it with a couple days of really eating well and exercising I've seen the biggest drops (bigger than when I don't take a cheat day).
  • ilike2moveit
    ilike2moveit Posts: 776 Member
    I have 4 children and lost the baby weight with all of them without going to the gym. I would walk some and mainly just limited my calorie intake. (After baby #4, in my mid 30's,I lost the baby weight and then gained it back and have struggled to keep my weight down ever since. I have always been a thin person so I don't know why I have struggled so much with my weight after having the 4th child) Best of luck to you!
  • Jessie544
    Jessie544 Posts: 127 Member
    There are always things you can do to burn a few extra calories around the house or elsewhere with small ones.... Last year at this time my husband and I started a diet/exercise program and I lost 40 lbs in 5 months... I am starting back up again after gaining 15lbs back, and still wanting to lose another 15-20 on top of that... We have memberships to the YMCA and it's great, but it's not the cheapest, for sure!

    As far as options to burn some calories without the gym, here are my first thoughts, off the top of my head... most of which can have easy excuses not to do, but once you find something that works, stick to it!!

    -take the kids to the park and run around with them... moving is burning!
    -do a workout dvd at home while they nap (my kiddo doesn't nap anymore so that's not an option, lol), watch their favorite cartoon, or while they're eating their lunch and distracted....
    -clean the house like a crazy woman! while you're cleaning the toilets, vacuuming, folding laundry, sweeping, mopping.... do it FAST and quick-pased and you're guaranteed to sweat!

    I don't know what you're schedule is like or what your home/family life is like.... but there's always a way to burn SOME calories... good luck to ya mama!
  • melissa0001
    melissa0001 Posts: 313 Member
    I just posted a blog about my last year. I had a membership toa gym for one month, otherwise it was all at home and outside.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I lost weight as a mom without the gym, and as a grandmom. I've done so many things over the years to get/remain in shape.

    Run, walk, bike, hike, rollerblade, DVDs (lots of DVDs), TV workouts, step aerobics jumped rope, hoola hoop, home exercise equipment (at different times I've had a treadmill, eliptical, stairmaster, free step, universal weight thingy, thigh master (that Suzanne Somers thing, surprising good workout for your thighs), practiced sports with the kids, calethenics, danced, pretty much anything I could think of that kept me moving and fit my schedule at the time.
  • tistal
    tistal Posts: 869 Member
    SAHM too, both kids in school (one part time, pre-k), 1 income, TIGHT budget! No gym membership here either. I coupon like crazy to save $$ on food, including the stuff that only I eat. I do 30 Day Shred (day 8 today) and Zumba on the Wii sometimes twice a day! I list 5.4lbs my first week (I just started last Monday)!!
  • rltolle
    rltolle Posts: 17
    I use the Wii (just dance and zumba) with my kids and they love it. i'm exercising and playing with the kids.
  • arogers98
    arogers98 Posts: 38 Member
    I have a membership and used it faithfully 6x per week until kids got out for Christmas break. Just used our home treadmill during that time. Bought 30DS and Ripped in 30 over the holidays. Started 30DS this month. I'm going to be canceling my gym membership at the end if my 12 month commitment. I have gotten bigger results in doing 30 DS for the first 10 days than I ever did going to the gym. 4 lbs and 4 inches in 10 days.
  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 795 Member
    I lost 40 lb three years ago at home alone with the kids while DH was away for training...

    - LOTS of walking, usually with a toddler in a backpack carrier while the 4yo had a playdate
    - My ab routine at least once a day on my bedroom floor would be full sit-ups, crunches, reverse crunches, plank, side plank.
    - Legs, I did a lot of leg raises.
    - For arms, while I was watching the kids in the bathtub I did wall push-ups and then did tricep dips off the toilet (it's the perfect height)
    - On a mini trampoline, I would do sort of jumping jacks with 5-lb weights in my hands, not raising them all the way up, just to shoulder height, or as bicep curls.
    - I bought a second-hand recumbent bike for $40 and got on it every night after the kids went to bed. That's when I did my reading.
    - Later on we bought a Wii and have a few fitness games for it. Lots of fun.

    I'm back to square one after being really lazy for a couple of years... sad to say... but I joined a competition that includes a trainer, have a few friends who are motivating me to get to the gym. There is a social aspect to this kind of fitness training that wasn't there when I did it alone at home... but I don't know if it's any "better."
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