Foods you love that most people hate...



  • honu18
    honu18 Posts: 294 Member
    I love spinach and broccoli. Never used to. Otherwise, I'm a picky eater and really don't eat anything ridiculous haha.
  • opajee
    opajee Posts: 69
    I love tofu, plain, and by itself. So delicious! I could eat a block of it and still want more lol
  • wifeygonzo
    wifeygonzo Posts: 287 Member
    Brussel sprouts
  • diegogirl
    Sushi ..... Yum Yummmmy Yum could have Sushi every single day and never get fed up xxx SUSHI LOVER HERE>> LOL
  • zoe4friends
    zoe4friends Posts: 727 Member
    I like pretty much all the foods, except olives.
    I like liver, all kinds of vegetables, love onions, and there are lots of different foods that I've tried and like that most people won't dare: one example would be lamb tongue or cow tongue and I loved it. :-)
  • Kasya007
    Kasya007 Posts: 165 Member
    I eat almost anything (except fast food...yuck, that is not food), but the items I eat that turn up the most noses are all seafood, with the top four being Mediterranean squid stew, kippers, sardines & oysters.

    Oh, I almost forgot...

    I also have yet to find someone that can stand being around me when I am about to grill beef tenderloin, as I usually end up eating half of it raw before it even gets to the grill. Oh my gosh, it's so delicious! If only restaurants would serve it raw, alas, blue rare will have to do. :D
  • missbethea
    missbethea Posts: 280 Member
    Chicken Livers.

    I. Love. Chicken. Livers.

    And people look at me like I'm insane when I eat them.
  • CocoaBeautiful78
    Wow I can't believe how many people like liver! I can't stand it and didn't think anyone else liked it either lol
  • duharvalgt
    It's strange but I eat lemons and limes whole ,they're like the best fruits ever :)
  • BlackRangerX
    BlackRangerX Posts: 133 Member
    i love pig feet..
  • victoriousnrltm
    Sardines... in olive oil! yummmmm love olives & brussel sprouts too!
  • jenslife82
    Broccoli and Hummus. Not together obviously lol
    ooo I actually take raw broccoli and dip it in hummus :) yummy with most veggies actually !
  • jenslife82
    i love pig feet..
    I have seen this in jar's in the grocery store.. how do you eat it?
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    Liverwurst, though I don't eat it much if at all anymore. I used to love it on a sandwich with onions and spicy mustard with a side of doritos!

    It makes a great high value treat for the dogs, too!

    I love olives, too.
  • jenslife82
    I absolutely love canned fish. sardines, kippers, oysters, salmon.. mmmmm I also love most fish fresh. Most people I know hate fish.. and I'm from Maine.. Go figure lol
  • speedyf
    speedyf Posts: 1,571 Member
    i love pig feet..
    I have seen this in jar's in the grocery store.. how do you eat it?

    Funny.... I'm actually cooking a pig feet stew tonight!
    My grandmother use to cook that meal, like most grandmothers around here! :wink:
  • clairification
    clairification Posts: 71 Member
    Feta-I could eat it with a spoon!
    Grilled cheese sandwiches with dill pickles...dipped in ketchup. pretty much any form, including raw.
  • PeaceLoveVeggies
    PeaceLoveVeggies Posts: 682 Member
    Oh I forgot! My family hates chick peas (garbanzos). I love them!
  • firesoforion
    firesoforion Posts: 1,017 Member
    I love, love, love olives.

    Actually, certainly all the plant based products on this list, and some of the others, I like.

    Now this is not so much a "most people hate" as "most people who didn't grow up with it won't try" food. My Belgian friend said that people in Belgium eat their tuna salad/tuna mayonnaise sandwiches with canned peaches. No one else would try it, but I went home that day and bought tuna, mayonnaise and canned peaches. It is delicious. The only other person I've been able to convince to try it was my mom, and she liked it too. You just don't know until you try it.
  • BettyyRoss
    BettyyRoss Posts: 100 Member
    avocados and eggplants