Brag on your spouse/SO! :0)



  • GoldenGirl1979
    GoldenGirl1979 Posts: 716 Member
    awwww... what a cute idea!!

    1. i love that my husband is my best friend
    2. i love that he makes me laugh all the time (last nite i was on the floor from laughing so hard :laugh: )
    3. i love that he's a good father & does an excellent job w/our daughter
    4. i love that he cleans the house & washes the dishes :wink:
    5. i love the way he looks at me & the way he loves me
    6. i love that we still run around the house, joke & play like we're kids
    7. i love that he's handy & can fix stuff
    8. i love that he is smoking hot :smokin:
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    I married up big time!

    She's given me 5 strong, healthy boys.
    She's fit - very fit!
    She's educated - MBA
    She's got some important job - so important that I can't even really say what she even does.
    Computer something or other.
    Tough as nails - totally results oriented and a natural leader

    She's been married to me 28 years which is her only fault.

    Nobody's perfect!:flowerforyou:
  • Levi_Hansen
    Levi_Hansen Posts: 44 Member
    She understands the child inside the man.
    She knows that I will do my share to help raise our children right.
    She supports me when I need to have guy time

    Most importantly: My wife was the first one to see through my b.s. and love me anyway.
  • monocot
    monocot Posts: 475 Member
    1. I love that he eats What ever I make even if it's Burnt or has things in it he doesn't like
    2. I Love how he shovels my walk for me even though he lives across town
    3. I Love that he humors me when I have a nightmare or am in the middle of a nightmare, No Matter how Retarded it is.
    4. I Love that he walks to my House at the end of his shift even when its at 4am Even Though he has his own bed across town.
    5. I love that he keeps a goatee and long hair because i Like those features on a man. and without his goatee my chin would be rubbed down from making out like teenagers.
    9 years and going! XD
  • getfitdiva
    getfitdiva Posts: 1,148 Member
    I like this idea too!

    I love that we pretty much grew up together and he is my best friend (really he gets me!)
    I love that he's a Godly man which makes our marriage stronger and stronger each year.
    I love his personality, humor, and how he motivates me to be better.
    I love how he is with our two kids . . . the best father figure ever!
    I love that he's more in love w/ me then we were as teenagers and I still feel special.
    I love that he takes care of our car maintenance and is handy.
    I love that he cooks dinner every week night after he picks up the kids.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    1. I love that my husband takes care of me, he scrapes the snow off of my car in the morning.
    2. I love that my husband takes care of himself, he is fit and sexy.
    3. I love that my husband is kind, he always helps people when others ignore (like a car stalled in traffic or a blind woman trying to board the subway).
    4. I love the way we fit together spooning.
    5. I love that he is so smart, he's always right about everything, which might be annoying, but it comes in handy for trivia-he knows history, geography, sports and music.
  • princessputz
    princessputz Posts: 283 Member
    I love that he tells me I'm beautiful every morning.
    I love that he takes the time away from his video games to "tuck" me in at night - even in the middle of a battle.
    I love that he does the dishes because he knows its my least favorite chore.
    I love that he holds my hand whenever we are out and is proud to show hes with me.
    Hes my best friend, and always will be, my one true love.
  • KimmyEB
    KimmyEB Posts: 1,208 Member
    1. I love that my boyfriend loves me just the way I am, no matter how I decide to be. :heart:
    2. I love that my boyfriend keeps his commitments--if he says he's going to do something, then he does it.
    3. I love that my boyfriend has helped keep me grounded. By that, I mean, I used to go out almost every single night drinking, to parties, wasting money, not keeping up with my health or finances, etc. He inspired and helped me to quit drinking complete (almost 2 years since I had a drink, yay!), no more partying all the time, INSANELY GOOD with our finances both singular and combined (we live together), and helps me stay healthier...which leads in to...
    4. I love that my boyfriend not only encourages me to eat healthier and work out, but he does it with me. He's into trying new foods, so helping us eat healthier together isn't usually difficult. And he works out with me, which is awesome...he is the best work-out buddy in that he keeps me accountable, pushes me farther, and acts as a "coach" with encouragement.
    5. I love everything about his physical appearance. Especially his strong arms. :happy:
  • ansata
    ansata Posts: 52
    My husband loves me warts and all...I have one wart on my elbow :grumble:
    He is very inspiring as he has been working out for two years on his body ....WOWZA!!:love::love: :love:
    He knows the ultimate goal is so I can finally work at home with my horses and he supports it too!
    He keeps us afloat on with our company
    He loves God before me!
    He likes my family
    He has a wonderful mom and dad and step parents
    He compliments me and encourages me
    HE cleans the house because I hate it (Had to cook and clean after everyone at my house growing up)
    He will be affectionate in public and also tells his friends how much he cares about me!
    HE will cater to my every whim I want
    He knows I am sensible with money and often compliments me for that when his friends wives are over drafting their checkbooks
    He will sheepishly admit I was right
    He is loving to his mom and shows it publicly too!
    He seeks my advice
    He and I developed a disclaimer system when we have to have the hard discussion talks! :explode:
    He loves me for who I am
    He is who I would love to be
  • Helenatrandom
    Helenatrandom Posts: 1,166 Member
    1) I love that my husband fell in love with me even though I'm large, yet he encourages me when I want to become healthier and lose weight. He says I'm beautiful no matter what. :blushing:
    2) He let my mom move in with us when she got sick so she wouldn't have to go to a nursing home.
    3) He helps me with my resumes, but never complains that I haven't found a job.
    4) He hates to cook, but when I broke my toes last year, he did ALL the cooking for about a month, including Thanksgiving dinner.
    5) He does the shoveling and snow blowing. Even when I offer to help, he tells me to be ready with the hot chocolate.

    Do I have to stop at 5? :wink:
    II guess I'd better. I could be here all night!
  • sherrirb
    sherrirb Posts: 1,649 Member
    :happy: Awesome thread idea! But I dont know if I can stop at 5!!! :laugh:

    What I love about my husband:

    1. I love that I am married to the most awesome man in the world! Sorry, single ladies you can stop looking now because he's mine! :tongue:
    2. I love that my husband was raised in a Godly home and has good Christian values.
    3. I love that he easily and naturally assumed the role of being the Head of our household.
    4. I love that even though he makes most decisions for our home, he listens to me and takes into consideration what I have to say.
    5. I love his handsome, boyish looks.
    6. I love that he is my workout partner.
    7. I love that we love to do the same things and how he wants to do EVERYTHING with me.
    8. I love how he tells me all day long how much he loves me and takes my hand whenever we are walking together in public, as if he's saying to the world, "She's mine"!
    9. I love that he is my best friend and always makes me laugh.
    10. I love how patient he is with me, I can tend to fly off the handle at the littlest things and he doesnt get upset with me.
  • SarahBrown1979
    SarahBrown1979 Posts: 229 Member
    Love it!

    1. He is so support with everything we do, including our weight loss
    2. Puts me 1st before himself even when he doesn't feel well
    3. So Romantic
    4. We work as a team, If I cook he cleans and he cooks I clean.
    5. Most Important - He loves me for who I am and what I look like and doesn't care what I look like.

    Love him so much and Can't wait to Marry him!!
  • kimtpa1417
    kimtpa1417 Posts: 461 Member
    1. I love my boyfriend because he considers my son and I his family.
    2. I love my boyfriend because he never misses one of my sons games.
    3. I love my boyfriend because he will call me baby in front of family friends and strangers.
    4. I love my boyfriend because he is a manly man and can fix anything.
    5. I love my boyfriend because he will do everything he can to help others.
    6. I love my boyfriends sexy blue eyes and black hair.
    7. I love my boyfriend because he likes to cuddle just as much as i do.

    I could keep going and going
  • CBM23
    CBM23 Posts: 36
    1) I love how supportive he is, in everything I do :)
    2) I love that hes a romantic, candles, poems, songs, the works )
    3) I love that we can talk about anything.
    4) I love that he's strong, he can pick me up, spin me around and tell me how tiny I am. I appreciate the little white lie :)
    5) I love how much he loves me <3
  • My husband makes a big sacrifice being away from home sometimes months at a time. Email is the only form of communication. He always manages to find time out of his busy schedule to write me long loving emails that can turn a bad day into a great day.

    I love how every time he returns home we pick off right where we left off.

    He is an amazing dad.

    He loves me no matter what, chubby & all.

    My husband is my best friend, we even get pedicures together. LOL

    Edit: Military husbands should get the biggest shoutout! They sacrifice time away from home, holidays, missing baby's first everything including birth. I LOVE my husband for proudly serving in the US Navy!
  • 1. My husband has the SEXIEST calves ever.
    2. He lets me watch all my stupid reality shows whenever I want, without a single complaint!
    3. He is willing to pick up the slack on chores when I have busy weeks, and tries to have dinner ready when I get home from work.
    4. He would do ANYTHING for me :-)
    5. He loves me, and defends me to his family/friends/co-workers
  • I love y husband is a cute goof ball
    I love my husband works at dead end jobs just to provide for me
    i love my husband has the sweetest personality
    i love my husband has a great body
    I love my husband will do anything for our son and I
  • 1. i love that even if i wasn't on this website, i'm still the most beautiful woman to him in the world
    2. i love the way he looks at me and makes smoochy noises
    3. i love that he expects me to be the best i can be
    4. i love his desire to succeed in work, relationships and overall life
    5. i love how he has a different baseball hat for every outfit
    6. i love how he consoles me at 4 in the morning when i'm worried and cannot sleep
    7. i love how invested he is in our happiness together.
    8. i love his smile
    9. i love his eyes
    10. i love that he has found a passion in his life/career
    11. i love his sense of humor and that i have to laugh at ALL of his jokes
    12. i love that he has a secret mistress: Warhammer
    13. I love that his secret mistress warhammer is often beaten out by the other mistress: Xbox
    14. i love his tenacity, spunk, and laughter
    15. i love him!!!!
  • raisingbabyk
    raisingbabyk Posts: 442 Member
    1. My husband is an amazing Dad and is willing to help with everything when he is not at work, even though I'm a stay at home mommy.
    2. I love how kind and caring he is to everyone, even strangers, without giving it a second thought.
    3. I love how he supports me 100% in anything I chose to do.
    4. I love how hard he works for our son and I.
    5. I love that my husband is my best friend.
  • JessWolf1002
    JessWolf1002 Posts: 82 Member
    1. He PROUDLY serves his country and has been for the last 9 years as an Army Soldier
    2. He selflessly provides for our family so I can be a stay at home mom
    3. Not only does he support my goals for weight loss, he actually works out with me every night, even though he has PT every morning at 6 am and goes to the gym during lunch.
    4. He is great with the kids and always gives me a night out with the girls when I need it
    5. He is an AMAZING cook and will even cook dinner for us after working a 12 hour day
    6. He always puts me and the kids before his own wants and needs
    7. HE CLEANS... And not just a little bit here or there... He will clean the entire house with me on the weekends
    8. He gives the kids a bath every night so I can have 20 minutes to myself

    There's many more, but these were the ones I came up with quickly :)