30 day shred



  • AmyLou9903
    I have been doing 30 day shred for a week now and am starting to feel results. I'm moving to Level 2 on Monday, even though the anterior arm raises are still difficult (probably will be forever--I have no muscle mass in my arms!).

    Also bought the Boost Metabolism cardio dvd and YEOWZA did that ever hurt. I did that one yesterday and it was the first time I've ever not been able to finish a dvd. The floor circuit is KILLER. (Planks to push-ups and back again anyone??) And there is lots of jumping, jumping, jumping. I've done a TON of fitness dvds and that one by FAR takes the cake as far as difficulty for even the semi-fit. Yikes.

    My whole body is somewhat sore today from it. However, I stuck to my guns and did the 30-Day Shred again! Now if only I could get my eating under control, I'd be smokin' hot! :) One thing at a time, right?
  • Living4Me
    Living4Me Posts: 33
    I am so upset. I ordered it from Netflix. 3 days in a row it said it was available. The day I am scheduled to get new movies. It pops up that there is a short wait. That sucks. Now I have to wait a bit longer for it to arrive. Not cool at all.
  • Shadowpaws
    Shadowpaws Posts: 109
    Got my dvd today. Starting tomorrow afternoon!

    Wish me luck!
  • Living4Me
    Living4Me Posts: 33
    Yay!!! I returned the other DVD without even seeing it. I am getting the 30-Day shred. Woo Hoo:drinker:
  • pipinana
    pipinana Posts: 2,356 Member
    Got my dvd today. Starting tomorrow afternoon!

    Wish me luck!

    SO?? :bigsmile: How'd it go?? :wink: