Would appreciate diary feedback

Hi all... I'd appreciate feedback from some of you successful people who have lost weight in a healthy way (ie no pills, no starving), or from professionals who know nutrition/fitness.

I started tracking a few weeks ago. From Saturday to Wednesday I dropped 1.2 lb, then from Wednesday to Wednesday I gained it back. Which our trainer warned us might happen, and I'm not hung up on it because I have made a LOT of small successes the last two weeks and I am celebrating that. I'm planning to sit down with her next week sometime and go over my journal, but she's away for the next several days so I thought I'd come here and see if I can get some ideas to incorporate and/or bring with me.

What I'd like is some feedback on the diet side of things... suggestions for adjustments that might help, balancing of the macros, and so on. Aside from drinking more water, that is, because I already know I'm low on that. That's my goal for this week.

Thanks :smile:


  • rjt1000
    rjt1000 Posts: 700 Member
    reduce your carbs and increase your protein. You're eating 4x as much carb calories as protein. Bump up your fiber (those green leafy veggies!).

    I'm down 25 pounds since Sept. Keeping my carbs under 150g/day. Eating lean meats, fish, veggies. And exercising.
  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 959 Member
    Thanks :smile: I don't want to find myself wandering into "low-carb diet" territory, because then I get cranky and back into having unhealthy cravings, but you're right. I do need to more consciously boost up the protein intake. Mentally I've been thinking in terms of 70-100g per day, but not necessarily planning meals to ensure that. Reading one of Tosca Reno's books last night reminded me of that, too.
  • rjt1000
    rjt1000 Posts: 700 Member
    Thanks :smile: I don't want to find myself wandering into "low-carb diet" territory, because then I get cranky and back into having unhealthy cravings, but you're right. I do need to more consciously boost up the protein intake. Mentally I've been thinking in terms of 70-100g per day, but not necessarily planning meals to ensure that. Reading one of Tosca Reno's books last night reminded me of that, too.
    150 g of carbs a day is not low carb. And try to eat healthy carbs. Veggies rather than grains and starch. WHole grains if you eat grains. Skip potatoes as they are a weird thing. Cooked potatoes (no matter how cooked) have almost same effect on your blood sugar levels as straight glucose. Every meal should have protein and fiber, fiber to make you feel full and protein to curb hunger pangs an hour down the road. Eat at least 150calories a meal. Anything less and you'll just snack more 45 minutes later.
  • TammyLML
    TammyLML Posts: 429 Member
    RJT said it well I think but I just wanted too add a couple of things, the first being, all carbs are most definitely not created equal. :) Veggies, especially leafy greens can't be beat for fiber content (not to mention energy!) Replacing some of the starches (pasta, potatoes, breads) with veggies should help. I noticed you had spaghetti the last couple of days - have you ever tried spaghetti squash instead of pasta? It's good! :)

    And the other thing, only that 1 pound fluctuation can happen just from water weight, the time of day, etc. (I've fluctuated more than a pound in a matter of hours, nevermind days!) Yeah don't worry about it. :) Do you take measurements as well as weighing? Especially if you're exercising regularly, you might lose inches but not pounds.

    Good luck to ya, feel free to "friend" me! :)

    Cheers, Tammy
  • make sure that every meal and snack has a balance of protein/carbs and fat. Pure carb snacks cause you to be hungry again too soon. Eat 2 tablespoons peanut butter with your apple and you will feel much more satisfied. Also you should not go more than 3-4 hours without eating something-this keeps your metabolism up because your body will not be worried about starvation.
    a great plan to look at that is mot "low-carb", but rather good carbs is 40-30-30 (better known as the Zone)
    lastly ban sugar (except from fruit) from your diet! Completely and totally ban any form of sugar (corn syrup, fructose, any "ose")-you will be amazed at the difference that makes
  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 959 Member
    Thanks :smile:

    I adjusted my settings to 40/30/30... now I don't think I can eat that much protein in a day. LOL So I'm shooting for 100g protein or more. Making a few changes, like tonight's stir fry I put over baby spinach instead of rice. It worked!

    Tammy - I sent you a friend request. :) I actually lived in Greenville once upon a time! I was there for a semester of university before I decided that was way too far away from my family & boyfriend.
  • TammyLML
    TammyLML Posts: 429 Member
    Awesome! It really is a small world! :happy: