This is starting to get old!



  • athearenee
    Sugar is the Devil!

    well, I should was my Kryptonite! :tongue:
  • anulle2009
    anulle2009 Posts: 580 Member
    Everyone here is right, its those frozen boxed dinners that are probably holding you up. I used to live on them, and then realized that 2 dollars for a frozen spaghetti dinner, or 5 dollars for a box of whole wheat pasta, tomatoes and seasonings. I would make a huge amount of homemade sauce, then split it into tupperware containers and freeze them. For less than 10 dollars I would have at least 10 frozen spaghetti dinners I loved so much. I actually save 1.00 a meal that way.

    I started cooking turkey burgers, and putting them on whole wheat buns and freezing in containers. I basically make all my meals on Sunday and freeze them. Just like eating frozen meals you love, but cheaper and they don't have 1800mg of sodium :)

    That's what I need to do, prepare everything for the week on the weekend. I normally do it the night before and that's why i get lazy don't feel like making a lunch so I just grab a frozen dinner.. Thanks!!!
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    I just looked at your diary too. I can understand your frustration. Even though you are eating processed foods, you generally aren't going over in sodium. The nurse that suggested that you have your thyroid checked out offered great advice, but before you see your general practitioner, take a look at your potassium. Potassium is a vital nutrient needed to help maintain water balance. It is the natural counter to sodium. Sodium has really caught a bad rap because of its potential for water retention, but it is a necessary nutrient, and nature offers us a counter to its water retention effects with potassium. One thing I have learned since using MFP is that you have to have potassium. Otherwise, it won't matter how little sodium you consume, the balance will still be off. If you are potassium deficient, regardless of your sodium intake, you will still retain water. When I started I developed severe edema, and I almost had to go to the doctor when I realized that potassium was the problem. By chance, are your feet swelling? If so, you should use the reports section of the site and examine your potassium levels. You just might find a deficiency there.
  • deniseindc
    My trainer swears be eating what she calls "real food" I hate to say it but no frozen lunch. She would suggest a salad with chicken breast that you cooked yourself and some veggies. I'm not going to say I do that all the time because I don't but she mentions it a lot. The other thing she mentioned with anything processed is the amount of sodium which then makes you hold water.

    Hang in there! you'll get over this and starting losing again!!
  • anta1
    anta1 Posts: 53 Member
    I really don't know if this is your problem or not, but when my friend was eating all processed foods, she couldn't lose at all. When she slowed down, she started losing. Some of things have a lot more sodium in them then you realize, and that can prevent you from losing weight. That doesn't mean you have to go organic by the way. I would LOVE to go organic, but I can't right now. There is a difference, however, between non-organic fresh foods and processed foods. ;) Also, I know if I eat too few calories, or even just slightly too much, I won't budge. I'll stay stabilized around a certain range and will not leave it until I eat just the right amount of calories, and a bit extra if I exercise a lot. I am steadily losing as a result. The last couple weeks I was going over by 200-500 a night--still not NEARLY as much as I used to eat, but still more than MFP suggests, and I didn't lose an ounce. I went back to eating the right amount and immediately dropped 2, so perhaps this is part of your problem if you do that as well?

    I am eating depending on my calories on my homepage (which includes exercising). Is that right?
  • gnrshelton
    gnrshelton Posts: 358 Member
    You don't have to eat organic to lose weight. It's just healthier to eat. You are at a plateau. You probably just need to amp up your exercise routine. Change it up and a few things. Sometimes also when your at a plateau if you eat a little more for a little bit then it will start up your weight loss again. If you are eating any breads cut them out. Don't stress over it. Stress will also stall weight loss. Good Luck.
  • wannabehealthy1980
    I was blown away by the sodium in chickfila recently. Since I quit eating processed stuff, you can actually taste the salt in their chicken. It doesn't taste that good either lol.... And i used to live off of that stuff.
  • harrington_caroline
    I have to say you are an inspiration to me. I have just started and I am at the same weight you were when you began. I also hope to make it back to 150lbs, but I know it will take some real work on my part. I think you are doing fantastic. I have been dieting for a two wks now and I have lost 3.5 lbs. I'm so excited just for that little bit. I see what a tremendous amount of weight you have lost so far and I think you can do these last 30 or so pounds in no time. I hope you have fun on your trip and I have faith that you will look fantastic by then!
  • anulle2009
    anulle2009 Posts: 580 Member
    I was blown away by the sodium in chickfila recently. Since I quit eating processed stuff, you can actually taste the salt in their chicken. It doesn't taste that good either lol.... And i used to live off of that stuff.

    Olive garden is horrible with sodium too. oh my gosh i love it but they are one of the top offenders.
  • anulle2009
    anulle2009 Posts: 580 Member
    I have to say you are an inspiration to me. I have just started and I am at the same weight you were when you began. I also hope to make it back to 150lbs, but I know it will take some real work on my part. I think you are doing fantastic. I have been dieting for a two wks now and I have lost 3.5 lbs. I'm so excited just for that little bit. I see what a tremendous amount of weight you have lost so far and I think you can do these last 30 or so pounds in no time. I hope you have fun on your trip and I have faith that you will look fantastic by then!

    Awesome job!!! Feel free to add me as a friend!!!! =o)
  • breeanreyes
    breeanreyes Posts: 228 Member
    I just took a look at your food diary, and at least for the last week or so you've actually been doing everything you should be, you're sodium was only over one day and most of the time it is well under the 2500 mg and you're calories are right where they should be.. i would suggest talking to a Dr. I just found out I have a low-active Thyroid and problems with my pancreas, wich explains why I have been stuck between 194 and 185 FOR EVER despite doing everything right, i exercise 3-5 times a week (very vigorously i might add) and even on a bad day don't go over 2000 calories. Right now I'm taking some natural supplements from Standard Process that I got from my Chiropractor that really seem to be helping. Hang in there, you will figure it out :)
  • Shweedog
    Shweedog Posts: 883 Member
    I only looked at your diary for the last week or so but it looks like you only allot yourself around 1000 NET cals per day. That is way too little. You need to eat more to kick your metabolism into gear.
  • steffiejoe
    steffiejoe Posts: 313 Member
    STOP or at least reduce the processed foods. You don't have to eat purely organic to eat healthy. Increase your greens (peppers, spinach, celery, cucumbers, etc.) and fruit. Stay to the outside of the market - fruits, veggies, meat, cheese/dairy. The only aisles I ususally go down are for juice and beans!

    REDUCE carb intake and up protein intake. Try to keep your carbs under 100 per day. Basically get rid of bread and rice for a while! Also reduce your sugar (added sugar) intake.

    Eat or drink protein after every workout (apx 15-20g w/in 2hrs of working out)

    INCREASE your water intake. At the bare minimum you should be drinking 90oz of water a day.

    To jump start - you may think about a cleanse. If you can't afford to "juice" you can buy 100% juice and V-8, make your own blend and only drink for 1-3 days!! Then slowly start eating (meaning 2 drinks and lunch; then breakfast, lunch and juice drink) and very very slowly bring back in carbs. I cleanse once a month and I usually lose 3-5lbs, 2-3 of which is water....but I can usually net a pound or two loss!

    Good luck. Don't get discouraged. You can do it!! :)

    Your sodium is extremely high most days. Try eating more protein and get your carbs from green leafy vegetables.
    If I take in more then 150 carbs per day I will gain weight!!
    Maybe you need to watch your carb intake or at least make sure most of your carbs come from vegetables .

    Hope this helps
  • Shannon36907
    Shannon36907 Posts: 3 Member
    Are you nibbling and not recording it? I'm guilty of that myself. Are you drinking sodas? Are you eating five small meals versus two big meals? Rewarding yourself with cheating days? On the other hand, you may have a medical problem. Has your doctor checked your thyroid? Could you possibly be diabetic? A number of health issues, especially stress, could be stopping your weight loss.
    I've only been here for this month, and I've just lost five pounds and gained a little back here and there or it would be more. As long as you are upset about the issue, you're good. It's when you don't care that the problem really starts.
  • keenercam
    keenercam Posts: 321 Member
    I haven't read everyone else's responses, but may I make a suggestion? I'd look back to the last week in which I had a significant loss, and then I'd try to mimic it exactly - try to eat the same foods in the same quantities and do the same level of activity. Even if the calorie and nutrient goals were different then, try doing that week over. It worked once, right? Maybe it will jump start your loss.

    Good luck. I've been where you are. I was doing WW and "plateaued" to where I stayed within the same 3 pounds for 15 months. It was so ridiculous looking at the scale, but I dropped almost 2 sizes in that time!! I was exercising a lot and just got to be so much more toned, especially in my hips and thighs since I was walking and/or running 3x/week.

    Hang in there!
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Check your potassium!
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    Stop eating processed foods. Eat the outside of the grocery store. Most things if you eat this way will not have coupons but it is totally worth it.

    I have found if you contact some companies they will give coupons. I had a coupon for Olivia Organics packaged salad and I didn't know where they carried them, so I emailed the company, the customer service agent emailed me back immediately told me the grocery stores in my area that carried their brand and she sent me 4 coupons for the salads with no expiration date. Also, Dole sent coupons for bananas. You just have to ask. So if money is tight (I got laid off in August so I know how that feels) try to get coupons when you can. Also I'm not sure where you live, but Shop N Save sends out coupons for weeks if you get put on their mailing list and they always have coupons for meat and produce on there.
  • russellma
    russellma Posts: 284 Member
    I only looked at your diary for the last week or so but it looks like you only allot yourself around 1000 NET cals per day. That is way too little. You need to eat more to kick your metabolism into gear.

    I would agree with this! I couldn't lose anything when I netted below 1200 calories per day.

    I cut my weekly goal from 1 lb/week to 0.5 lb/week and try to eat back enough exercise calories to be sure that I'm above 1200 net for the day.

    Since I've done that, I've lost more than a half pound most weeks and have exceeded my goal!
  • anulle2009
    anulle2009 Posts: 580 Member
    I have to say this is the main reason I LOVE MY FITNESS PAL!! Thank you Everyone for all your help and suggestions!! It does not go un-appreciated!!! Thank you thank you thank you!!
  • sverngarrett
    The first thing you need to do is make sure your water intake is adequate a gallon a day or more. You have already lost a significant amount of weight so your body is now trying to perserve itself. Change your workout from cardio to weight training, this will do two things; first it will stop the plato effect and secondly it will build muscle which will allow you to burn body fat at a much higher rate which will raise you metabolism. Everyone that works out goes through this so don't be discouraged, we don't gain it overnight and it doesn't come off overnight either.