How much feedback do you really want on your food diary?



  • MumOfGirlsOnly
    MumOfGirlsOnly Posts: 99 Member
    I'm trying to changes 28 years of bad eating and it's not going to happen overnight. I've been serious about changing my life for a month, Now I'm still eating crap just staying under calories and trying to swap everything for healthy options. I'm not winning yet but I'm getting there. 6 months ago I knew nothing about nutrition I'm slowly learning now.
    If someone thinks they could help me (without suggesting fish, nuts, cheese, spinach, mushrooms or brussel sprouts) I'm more then happy to take there advice on board and see if it works for me, if someone just wants to bag out what I eat without offering a suggestion on how I could change it then I'll read it, tell them to piss off and continue on my way. Positive energy is all I choose to surround myself with now.