Wife Just Not Getting Results



  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    Okay......SHE (is me)!!!!!!!

    My original response was waaay too long for this forum, so I posted it as a blog. Please come check it out!

    I hope tomorrow goes well for you. It's hard for me to read the responses to your husband’s post. It triggers me. I had some surgeries long time ago and between the surgeries, meds, steroids and not being able to lift anything for 6 months I JUST couldn't lose weight.

    In my blog post I give you a couple of times when my weight should have dropped but didn’t, including:

    When I worked out almost every day and did the 1300/day no dairy thing. No fast food. Weights 3-4x/week, running 3-4x/week. My weight stayed PEGGED at 153 for almost a year before it dropped 2 pounds.

    How, in 2010 I ran my first marathon. Trained all year for it. ACTUALLY GAINED WEIGHT! Grrrrr!

    How another runner was snotty to me that if I was really doing weights I should see some results after 4 months. Well, I kept pressing (because I knew weights had worked in the past). 3 months later, am finally beginning to SEE those results.

    Couple of take aways: One of my BIGGEST issues is stress. When I stopped stressing about weight it was way easier for me to lose it. Some things (like surgeries, meds and hormones) are beyond our control. But stress, food intake, exercise are all things we can control.

    I'm not saying I've arrived or anything. I’m on MFP to lose weight. Just here to encourage you: I know what it's like to have no results. And still have no results. And STILL have no results. But I also know that if you keep going, you will get results!

    My body just seems to take longer and more work than everyone else’s. Maybe yours does too.
  • jogglesngoggles
    jogglesngoggles Posts: 362 Member
    Hey, you posted while I was typing my reply. I'm so glad to see that you are on here!! Diet coke...it really should not be allowed to have the word "diet" in it...It doesn't have the calories, but it's just as bad, if not worse than regular coke.

    Not true. Every study done on the so-called 'bad' chemicals in diet soft drink have shown it's perfectly safe and does not cause weight gain/sugar cravings ect.

    And drinking something that is 161calories (for a can in Australia) vs something that has no calories. No, nowhere NEAR as bad.

    If you open your diary you'll get much better, specified advice from people on here.

    SO not true, keep reading studies, I've seen a nutritionist, and read MANY studies. Regardless, this post is to help her, so I won't go off on my rant!!! Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, I'll just go off my own results when I gave it up!!

    I wish you the VERY best of luck!