Do you log everything?

Looking at other peoples diaries, I notice they log things I don't. Do you log everything?

I know I leave off things like spices (unless I am making a recipe), tea, lemon juice, calorie free sweeteners, gum, and vitamins.

I add milk or honey if I use it in my tea, but I usually don't add the cup of tea. I know I occasionally forget things like a splash of broth (amounts less than an ounce for sure) or a supplement with a few calories.

What do you think: good, bad or indifferent?


  • Aerialanew
    Aerialanew Posts: 15 Member
    I think that if they are negligible calories, like spices its not too bad, because most spices don't actually have calories unless you use like the entire bottle. but I personally do log everything because it helps me to just see what I'm doing and how my eating habits are fairing. and i am a visual learner so if i see that there is something unhealthy or that needs changing i like to see it. also its good reference, i actually log my food the day before this also helps me to prepare myself for the day ahead
  • 2Bgoddess
    2Bgoddess Posts: 1,096 Member
    I log every little thing. Cuz sometimes I have tummy troubles, and I go back to see what may have been the trigger. I don't use a whole lot of spices though.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    I do not log spices. I do log vitamins simply because that way I will remember if I took them or not, as sad as that is.

    If I can shoot it with the bar code reader and if it is a splash of this or that, I will log that as well.

    I do not log coffee, since I drink it black.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Not vitamins, single herbs, Lemon juice, tea (if not sugar) or spices unless it's some kind of mix that has calories, carbs, fat or sodium.
  • Jessica0982
    Jessica0982 Posts: 209 Member
    To each their own...

    I personally log everything except for gum. I don't chew it often. As for spices, it depends on what I'm using. But yes, for the most part, I log everything . I like to see what I'm eating and what the nutritional info is. Because it all adds up in the end...
  • I don't log spices, splashes of milk or Pam. But that's only because I know my body well enough to not focus on the little things. For me, weight gain triggers are dairy and grains. So I tend to only have one serving of each a day if that. I also don't use a lot of salt, if I did, I would log it. So I think until you find your triggers it is important to log everything. HTH :D
  • No spices and not my morning coffee.
  • shreyaj
    shreyaj Posts: 196
    I only log things that have calories. Spices usually don't have calories like you said and if they do it's only 3 or 4, but other than I log pretty much everything even marinade I use on meats, it's tedious but it has gotten me in a good habit of portion control.
  • sirabe
    sirabe Posts: 294 Member
    I do log everything. But mainly in recipe complilations. Lemon juice has calories. a splash of milk has calories. So yes I log everything. If you dont see it in my diary, trust me it is in the recipe entry.

    For me, every little thing counts
  • laurelderry
    laurelderry Posts: 384 Member
    I log everything, especially since some of those spices have added salt. That's just me though- I like to see EVERYTHING I'm eating, so if I don't feel good, or my losing halts I can trace it back to something.
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    I don't log spices and I don't log my juice - I mix like a splash of juice (no added sugar) with like a litre bottle of water. I worked out that for all the juice I drink everyday (and I drink around 10-14 "glasses" usually) it will never be more than 50 cals so there's no point since it's so hard to measure it.

    Everything else, yes I do. Otherwise I don't see the point in this if you're not logging it all.
  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 708 Member
    I log everything that has calories and carbs. I'll add spice mixes if they contain salt. That's just me--we've all got our thing that works for us.


  • jrsey86
    jrsey86 Posts: 186 Member
    I log everything but the tea that I drink, since I don't use sugar or milk. I had one snow pea today and, yes, I logged it. :laugh:

    It's my way of holding myself accountable.
  • SexyCook
    SexyCook Posts: 2,249 Member
    No..thats why on higher sodium intake days...I shoot for a great intake on water... I based it around the seasoning....
  • glenbabe
    glenbabe Posts: 303 Member
    anything I know to be neglible or zero calories I dont log as there isnt really much point to it for the weight loss side of things.
    thats vitamins ....spices...herbs....sugar free gum.
    everything else I log religiously ...... if I dont weigh and measure all my foods then my diary would not be accurate and that would defeat the object of MFP .....also I tend to underestimate on excercise and I dont always eat it depending on my hunger levels this then gives me a margin for error.
    whatever you feel is right though should be fine as long as you get the results you want without under eating and then affecting your health.
    what I do works for me as I have lost weight slowly but surely from the start.
  • ki4yxo
    ki4yxo Posts: 709 Member
    The only thing I don't log is Pepper, unless it's in a

    It pains me to log a little tsp of hot sauce.
    (is has a lot of sodium)
  • bjfmade
    bjfmade Posts: 543 Member
    I add spices that have sodium in them.
  • SarahMorganP
    SarahMorganP Posts: 921 Member
    I do not log spices. I log everything else.
  • I don't log spices or non-caffeinated teas. I do try to log everything else, though sometimes I don't bother with salt because I don't have any sodium-related issues so it's not important for me.

    I sometimes will have a late-night snack after I've turned my computer off, and then forget to back-log it the next day, oops. I'm trying to get better about remembering things like that, though!
  • cjpg
    cjpg Posts: 433 Member
    I don't log things that I could burn off with 30 minutes of regular breathing ;)

    In other words, I wouldn't get down to the 0.1's of calories. You know what you need to log and what you do not. Common sense is your friend :)