6'2, 250lb fiance wants to only eat 1500 calories... help me



  • cPT_Helice
    I am just concerned because he has an active job, he is in IT but is constantly up and down steps, crawling under desks, etc. Just want him to be healthy, but I guess he will know what is best for him.

    Just for the record - ^^^ that is not active^^^^. That is normal living.
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    Anecdotal, I know. But I tried this at 6'8 236lbs and it STOPPED my weightloss. Bumped to 2000 and now I'm losing again.
  • HeaderAutumn
    HeaderAutumn Posts: 119 Member
    What has happened to the "community". She ask for some advise about calories and half of you respond that it is "not her job".
    My wife does things for me, I do things for her. She does cook more than me - I change the oil more than her.
    Come on - don't we do things for each other because we love each other.
    Where is the love here?

    So, so agree...

    I would like to point out that the reason everyone is on the message boards and this website is for advice and support. Support your fiance's efforts. How would we all feel if our other half tricked us on our diet or, as he would see it, even could be sabotageing it. What if our partners weren't being supportive during our weight- loss journey? That would feel terrible and discourage our efforts. I personally don't see the problem with counting the calories when your the one making the meals. To me writing down all the ingredients so he can do it himself actually seems like more work to me. I mean you already figured all this out for yourself right? If his portions are larger or the same as yours you know what he is getting. Just help him eat cleaner foods. Jackie Warner's book "This is Why Your Fat" has helped me immensely and, because I make most of ourt meals, my husband. I say give him all the support you would want him to give you
  • cooter2533
    I started 5'10" 253 at 1800 cals, currently at 213 eating 1600 cals. 1500 is low but I wouldn't say unhealthy, he will want to make sure to lift heavy and keep his protein 140+ grams so he doesn't lose to much muscle mass. Personally at 250 is Start at 1700 cals if I were him
  • red_hatorade
    I am just concerned because he has an active job, he is in IT but is constantly up and down steps, crawling under desks, etc. Just want him to be healthy, but I guess he will know what is best for him.

    Just for the record - ^^^ that is not active^^^^. That is normal living.

    That is considered an active job compared to someone who sits @ a desk all day.
  • cydonian
    cydonian Posts: 361 Member
    Haven't read the other responses -- but you can only do so much for him. 1,500 is too low. MFP put my 245lb, 6'5 sedentary husband at 1,750, so your husband's idea of what he should be eating is way off. And yeah, make him count his own calories. 10lbs a week isn't just stupid, it's ignorant.

    (I also love the "I have a fast metabolism" statement. Well, buddy, if you had a fast metabolism, you wouldn't be overweight...)
  • alcooper929
    alcooper929 Posts: 10 Member
    well said, I totally agree