Ladies...What Weight Do You Lift?



  • MissFit0101
    MissFit0101 Posts: 2,382
    Biceps Free 3x8 @ 40lbs
    Triceps Kickback Free 3x8 @ 20 lbs
    Tricep Press Free 3x8 @ 25lbs
    Bench 75lbs
    Squat 85lbs

    ETA: Really want to (and can probably already) do more on the squats, but in that area only I'm going at it moderately until after my marathon. Then I will be hitting the weight training (all of it) hardcore.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I am currently doing Strong Lifts 5x5. Only 5 moves total:

    Squats: 5x5 115lbs
    Bench: 5x5 95lbs
    Bent over barbell rows: 5x5 65lbs
    Standing barbell shoulder press: 5x5 60lbs
    Deadlifts: 1x5 180lbs
  • LabRat529
    LabRat529 Posts: 1,323 Member
    Squats: 65 lbs 3x8
    Deadlifts: 115 lbs 3x8
    Bent-over Row: 65 lbs 3x8
    Dumbell shoulder press: 30 lbs 3x8 (one 15lb weight in each hand)
    Lunges: 20 lbs 3x8
    Wide-grip lateral pull-down: 70 lbs 3x8
    Pec Fly: 70 lbs 3x8
    Bench Press: 70 lbs 3x8
    Push ups: 3x6
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    Anyone use kilograms as measurment!?


    At the moment I'm doing:

    Squats: 5 sets @ 50kg. Around 6 reps. (110lbs)
    Deadlifts: 5 sets @ 60kg. Around 6-8 reps. (132lbs)
    Bench press: Usually 3 sets @ 50kg, 4 reps. 2 sets @ 45kg, 6-8 reps. (110lbs and 99lbs)
    Shoulder press: 5 sets @ 30kg. Around 5 reps. (66lbs)
    Standing Bicep curls @ 20kg barbell. 6-8 reps. (44lbs)

    Numbers have gone down a bit on everything since I've started cutting in January :( Although bench is now back up to my best again. Squats and Deadlifts I used to train on 60kg and 85kg respectively - deadlift had a form issue too so had to drop the weight and work on that for a while :grumble:
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    I use dumbbells and body weight exercises.

    Biceps: various curls doing 3x8x20lbs or 3x10x20lbs.

    Triceps: 15lb dumbbells and/or body weight dips. 3x10.

    Shoulders: side and front lateral raises, 3x10x15lb on side, 3x6x15lb front. Back shoulder (flys) use 20lb dumbbell (so need to get a heavier set for those).

    Chest: combination of 50 pushups, standard and spiderman. About to add a 3rd set to the Spider-man style to put me at 60.

    Squat: I do frog-style as body weight. Front and split squats, I hold 40lb (holding my 20lb dumbbells).

    Calf: Calf raises holding 40lbs. 3x15 or 4x10.

    I know my lower body needs heavier weights, but a gym membership and weight set isn't in the budget for now. One day. :love:
  • somigliana
    somigliana Posts: 314 Member
    Anyone use kilograms as measurment!?

    Yes :)

    Squats: 65kg x 5 reps (143lbs)
    Deadlifts: 75kg x 5 reps (165lbs)
    Haven't progressed as well on upper body, but working on it.
    Bench press: 35kg x 5 reps (77lbs)
    Military press: 20kg x 5 reps (44lbs)
    1 arm DB row: 20kg x 5 reps (44lbs)
  • kensky
    kensky Posts: 472 Member
    Squats 110
    Bench 75
    Deadlift 145
    OHP 55
    Pendlay 85

    These are all based on reps of 5 with good form.
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    I only do strength twice a week as part of my endurance half marathon training (though, I have seen improvements in my weights as well as my running improving once I added the strength). I go at one weight until I'm consistently in the 15+ reps week over week and then I increase the weight and go until breaking point until it increases to 15+ and so on. That's why some are at really low reps and some are higher, because a few lifts I more recently upped weight on and others are moving towards a weight increase.

    All on a Universal Machine, because it's what I have in my apartment fitness center:

    3 sets each of
    Chest Press - 8-9 reps @ 55 lbs
    Lat Pull - 6-7 reps @ 70 lbs
    Leg Extensions - 20 reps @ 80 lbs (I go for higher reps, lower weight on all leg exercises because I'm recovering from a leg injury still)
    Seated Row - 7-8 reps @ 85 lbs
    Ab Crunch - 30 reps @ 40 lbs
    Bicep Curls - 8-9 reps @ 40 lbs
    Lunges - 15 reps, each leg, no added weight
    Tricep Pushdown - 11-12 reps @ 40 lbs
    Standing Row - 5-6 reps @ 55 lbs
    Leg Curls - 20 reps @ 100 lbs
    Overhead Press - 20 reps @ 10 lbs (this isn't on the machine and 10 lbs is the only free weight dumbell in the fitness center)
    Shoulder Press - 6-7 reps @ 55 lbs
    Squats - 20 reps with no added weight
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    I'm not a weightlifter per se, but I crossfit and we do O-lifts often

    Deadlift 245
    Back Squat 185
    Front Squat 145
    OHS 100
    Clean 120
    Strict Press 97
    Push Press (from Rack) 135
    Bench Press 110 (but I haven't done that in a while - more like 100 these days)

    I'm not sure about the machines - I've never used them and I feel like I'm missing some important groups (smaller muscles?) I know I really need to improve my lat strength so I started doing pullovers with a 16kg kettlebell. I guess I can try it with an O-bar, just haven't yet.
  • jaymek92
    jaymek92 Posts: 309 Member
    i do a lot of different lifts...
    for my main/compound lifts:
    bench 75x7
    ohp 45x6
    clean and jerk 65x10 (but i haven't done this in a REALLY long time)
    back squat 95x6
    front squat 80x5
    deadlift 135x1 (or 115x5)
    pendlay row 65x5
  • modernmom70
    modernmom70 Posts: 373 Member
    Just started new rules a couple weeks ago. I am in stage 1 and just completed workout 4 for both a and b. Which means my reps will go down an sets up so I imagine my next workout willl be heavier.

    Workout A 2 x 12 unless noted
    barbell squats 50
    Pushups on upside bosu -I am able to do 65 regular ones all at once though....but then my body needs a few days rest LOL!
    Seated Row 55
    Step up 2 20lbs bb
    Prone Jacknife 25 x2

    Workout B 2 x 12 as well and I did this today
    Deadlift 55
    Dumbbell shoulder press 2 x 20bb
    Wide grip lat pulldown 55
    Lunge 2 x 20lb bb
  • Absolutely; so nice to see alot of deads and squats.Best I've had a client (female)do is 355lb squat, 285DL (no straps) and 185lb bench.
  • AnarchoGen
    AnarchoGen Posts: 400 Member
    Just tryin to get an idea of how heavy/how many reps you lift for each muscle weights and machines...

    Biceps - Free 3x15 @10s lbs, Machine 3x15 @40lbs
    Triceps - Free 3x15 @10s lbs, Machine 3x15 @50lbs
    Back - Machine 3x12-15 @45-80lbs
    Chest - Free 3x12 @15s lbs, Bar 3x12 @45-55, Machine 3x12 @50
    Sqats - Free bar 3x8 @135 lbs (wth warm up set)
    Quads - Machine 3x12 @ 50 lbs
    Hamstrings - Machine 3x12 @ 50 lbs

    Those are slightly rough and im increasing all the time...but thats an outline!

    I'm still a newbie at lifting so the first month I started off at 12 reps, the 2nd month 8-10 reps, and now that I'm in the 3rd month I'm doing 15 reps. I think when I am done with these 2 competitions I'm in I'll go back to 8-10 reps. Same as you, I'm constantly increasing, I do have to use more caution with my back (an old lumbar sprain) and a couple knee injuries (squats, lunges are very challenging). Here's what I have so far, all of them are free weight unless otherwise noted.

    Biceps: 3x15@15-20
    Triceps: 3x15@15-20
    Back: 3x15@ 60-75
    Chest: 3x15 dumbbells: 25-30lbs, Barbell: 50-60lbs
    Squats: 3x15@90-100
    Quads: 3x15@115-125 (leg extensions machine)
    Hamstrings: 3x15@90 (leg curl machine)
    Shoulders: 3x15@5-15lbs
  • amccrazgrl
    amccrazgrl Posts: 315 Member

    All these are 4 sets of 10

    Barbell Curls 40lbs
    Skullcrusher 40lbs
    ^^I have to wait sometimes longer than a minute to get my 3rd and 4th sets for those

    Lat Pulldown 80-85lbs
    Barbell Bentover Row 40lbs
    Seated Cable Row 70lbs
    Dumbbell Row 25lbs
    Bench Press 70lbs The bar is 45lbs and 12.5lbs on each side (which is 7lbs shy of half my body weight)
    Smith Machine Squat 65lbs
    Standing Calf 40lbs
    Seated Calf 45lbs
    Arnold Press 10-15lbs (sometimes my left shoulder hurts so I do less)
    Lateral and Rear Delt Raise 10lbs
    Assisted Dips -78lbs
    Alternating Hammer Curl 15lbs (left arm weakest)
    Seated Tricep Extension 20lbs
    Cable Crossover 20lbs

    My shoulders are my weakest. I do all the front/side/rear/fly's with 10lbs.
    I can do 4 sets of 15 body weight pushups. I have now been using a bar that's about hips high to do side to side pushups ( wide hands). I can only do 8 total, 4 to each side.
  • DorisR184
    DorisR184 Posts: 471 Member
  • TakeMyTai
    TakeMyTai Posts: 28 Member
    Sled Leg Press 90lbs 10 reps

    Is this for beginners or no? I'm curious because when I saw the weight I was a little shocked. I use the sled led press about twice a week and warm up with 250, and finish with 420lbs. Anything below 250 and I feel like I'm pushing air or just stretching :/
  • EbbySoo
    EbbySoo Posts: 267 Member
    ME NUMBERS: :)
    Biceps - Unassisted chin ups for 6-10 reps. 22.5-30lbs single arm curls. 21's or single sets of 6-12. (No machines)

    Triceps - Skullcrushers w/barbell 40lbs 10-12 reps. Single arm Skullcrushers, 15lbs 12-15 reps. Tricep cable push down 47.5 lbs (6-12 until failure back to back sets) weighted bench dips (25-35 lb plate) 8-15 reps. Tricep OH extension 15lbs to failure each set.

    Back - Deadlifts 195*6. Good Mornings 70 lbs 6-10 reps per set. Unassisted pull ups (my max as of late is 8 due to cutting/training volume) usually 3 sets varying from 4-8 reps per set. Lat pulldowns 80-120lbs (8-15 reps, end of workout until failure). Barbell bent over rows, depends on the day max 110lb (6-12 reps per set) One arm dumbbell rows 50 lbs (6-12 reps). Face Pulls 67.5 lbs on cable machine.

    Chest - Barbell warm up 45 lbs 12-15 reps. 1RM 145 (5 Years ago, working back up to it) right now PR is 130*4. Incline dumbbell press 50lbs (3-5 reps) 40/45 lbs (6-12 reps).

    Squats - Max 160 (I don't squat a lot anymore my *kitten* is already huge, lol, I work into moderate weights higher volumes now)

    Quads - Lunges 100lb total, 50lb in each hand, Bulgarian spsq, the same. Leg press, 170 lbs (8-15 reps)

    Hamstrings - Deadlifts and weighted bridges.

    Shoulders - warm up seated military 45 lb bar. Loaded 85 lbs (6-10 reps) Arnold press/OH press 35lb dumbbell, High incline bench press 40-45 lbs. Side laterals/delts 12.5lbs - 25 lbs.
  • EbbySoo
    EbbySoo Posts: 267 Member
    Sled Leg Press 90lbs 10 reps

    Is this for beginners or no? I'm curious because when I saw the weight I was a little shocked. I use the sled led press about twice a week and warm up with 250, and finish with 420lbs. Anything below 250 and I feel like I'm pushing air or just stretching :/

    How far down into the press are you coming with your legs, how close do your legs get to your chest at the bottom of the movement? Just curious, that's a lot of weight to be doing a full press back up, if your pressing that much in the sled, I'd love to see you squat! :D
  • Time to edit my numbers...
    Just tryin to get an idea of how heavy/how many reps you lift for each muscle weights and machines...* beside originals for updates

    Biceps - Free 3x15 @10s lbs, Machine 3x15 @40lbs *Free now 15lbs each hand, machine now 60lbs
    Triceps - Free 3x15 @10s lbs, Machine 3x15 @50lbs *Free now 15 each hand, machine 60
    Back - Machine 3x12-15 @45-80lbs *60-120 machine and free weights
    Chest - Free 3x12 @15s lbs, Bar 3x12 @45-55, Machine 3x12 @50 *free weights 25s in each hand, bar 65, machine 55-65
    Sqats - Free bar 3x8 @135 lbs (wth warm up set) *same but now doing compound sets with smith machine *kitten* to ground
    Quads - Machine 3x12 @ 50 lbs *60
    Hamstrings - Machine 3x12 @ 50 lbs *55

    new exercises...
    *gravatron machine high knee/push downs single leg @ 120lbs
    *Deadlifts added at 65lbs cuz my back is weak and i need to build slowly

    Those are slightly rough and im increasing all the time...but thats an outline!
  • oops forgot...
    *shoulders...15lb free weight shoulder press...machines anywhere from 50-60lbs
    *5 unassisted chin ups, 3 sets total...last two sets the amount unassisted decreases
    *unassisted dips, horizontal and vertical...