Ladies...What Weight Do You Lift?



  • amccrazgrl
    amccrazgrl Posts: 315 Member
    Keep it up!!

    Make sure when you put your bench include how much the bar weighs. They can weigh 35 or 45 pounds.
    At my current gym there's is 45 pounds.
  • teeley
    teeley Posts: 477 Member
    great poast...would like to get off the machine soon and get free weights into my routine...
  • sullyboo
    sullyboo Posts: 256 Member
    This is a great thread !! I'm thinking of getting into some lifting and this is really helpful !!! Thanks , will come back to this later :)
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    I've only recently discovered the wonders of free weights and have pretty atrocious balance so while I'm working on improving my form, my deadlifts and squats are not at all impressive.

    I am going to have to make a note of the other ones. I think my bench presses are currently at a puny 65 lbs x8. I am sure I could do more, but I don't have a spotter.

    On the machines, most of which I don't do anymore since starting with free weights, I was doing -

    (I do very slow reps - 4 seconds out, 6 seconds in - instead of multiple sets)

    Leg extension: 100 lbs x 8 **I don't really do these anymore**
    Leg curl: 100 lbs x 8 **I don't really do these anymore**
    Hip Adductors: whatever 2 from the bottom is x 8 (the numbers on the weights are worn off at my gym). I could probably crush someone with my thighs **I don't really do these anymore**
    Hip Abductors: same as above x8 **I don't really do these anymore** I do weighted wall ball squats instead
    Chest Press: 80 lbs x8
    Lat Pull-Down: 120 lbs x8
    Seated Row: 120 lbs x8
    I can't remember any of the others off-hand.

    ETA - I did 5 chin-ups last week. Since (depending on the time of day) I weigh between 155-160, I guess I can "lift" that much weight for that as well.
  • deninevi
    deninevi Posts: 934 Member
    Everything is with barbell, no machines here.

    Deads- 3x8 185, PR 1x2 205
    Squat-3x8 115
    RDL-3x8 145
    Bench-3x6 70
    BOR-3x6 90
    Front Squat /Overhead Press-3x6 75
    Hip Thrusts-3x10 155
  • _snw_
    _snw_ Posts: 1,305 Member
    ** i haven't maxed out yet and i'm still adding weight every session, but this is where i'm at ...

    (all olympic barbell, weight included)

    Stronglifts 5x5s:
    squats - 105
    bench press - 80
    over head press - 55
    barbell rows - 80
    deadlift - 155
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I am just starting. well, I did the Jamie Eason plan, but now I am following Starting Strength and going kinda light while focusing on form. I am too embarrassed to write my figures!
  • Blessedmommy_2x
    Blessedmommy_2x Posts: 419 Member

    Beyond impressed with all the heavy lifting you ladies are doing! :smile:
  • bahacca
    bahacca Posts: 878 Member
    Bicep curls (freeweights-PER hand) 20lbs 3 sets of 8 reps then 25lbs 1 set of 3
    Bench-55 lbs 3 sets of 8
    squats-65 lbs 2 sets of 8, 75 lbs 1 set of 6
    deadlifts(I do halfdeads since full ones I was rounding too much) 85 lbs
    calf raise machine-130 lbs 3 sets of 10
    hip abductor and adductor- 3 sets of 8- 135lbs
    I know I can go heavier on the lifts, but I have no spotter, so am not comfy doing so just yet. Next week I'll ask for a spotter to see how much higher I can go.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Bicep curls (freeweights-PER hand) 20lbs 3 sets of 8 reps then 25lbs 1 set of 3
    Bench-55 lbs 3 sets of 8
    squats-65 lbs 2 sets of 8, 75 lbs 1 set of 6
    deadlifts(I do halfdeads since full ones I was rounding too much) 85 lbs
    calf raise machine-130 lbs 3 sets of 10
    hip abductor and adductor- 3 sets of 8- 135lbs
    I know I can go heavier on the lifts, but I have no spotter, so am not comfy doing so just yet. Next week I'll ask for a spotter to see how much higher I can go.

    I was able to make HUGE improvements once I got a spotter. It's been really nice.
  • bahacca
    bahacca Posts: 878 Member
    Bicep curls (freeweights-PER hand) 20lbs 3 sets of 8 reps then 25lbs 1 set of 3
    Bench-55 lbs 3 sets of 8
    squats-65 lbs 2 sets of 8, 75 lbs 1 set of 6
    deadlifts(I do halfdeads since full ones I was rounding too much) 85 lbs
    calf raise machine-130 lbs 3 sets of 10
    hip abductor and adductor- 3 sets of 8- 135lbs
    I know I can go heavier on the lifts, but I have no spotter, so am not comfy doing so just yet. Next week I'll ask for a spotter to see how much higher I can go.

    I was able to make HUGE improvements once I got a spotter. It's been really nice.
    Great to hear! In the back of my mind I'm going "Load on another 10" and then I'm thinking "But my last one on that set was shakey---what if....???" Not good. Just solidified my search for a spotter. Thank you!
  • KPainter70
    KPainter70 Posts: 152
    Did 80lbs for 3 sets of 8 on the incline last night. That was fun!
  • lisao62
    lisao62 Posts: 80 Member
    Squat 105lb 6-8 x 3
    Deadlift 125/130lb 6-8 x 3
    Bench Press 70lbs 8 x 3
    Military Press 45lbs 8 x 3
    Split squat and static lunge 20-25lb dumbbells 8 X 3
    Dumbbell rows 25lbs 8 x 3
    Push-ups (manly style) 3 sets of 10
    Chin-ups (in the doorway--I stand on the floor--so assisted) AMRAP - usually 4
    Bench dips with usually 5lb plate on my stomach 8 x 3

  • STurbs33
    STurbs33 Posts: 134 Member
    I'm excited that I can actually add some numbers to this thread. I decided to join a gym and I just started lifting with the barbell this week. Here are my numbers for StrongLifts 5x5 so far:

    Squats: 55lbs 5x5, 95lbs 1 rep max
    Overhead Press: 45lbs 5x5
    Deadlifts: 65lbs 5x5, 130lbs 1 rep max
    Rows: 55lbs 5x5
    Bench Press: 55lbs 5x5

    I'm pretty early in the program, as I've only done two work outs, but I'm liking it so far. I got curious at the gym today though, so I decided to find out my max for a couple workouts. It probably took me 15 minutes to figure out my deadlift max because I honestly didn't think it would be so much. I can't lie, I was pretty impressed with myself on that one. I didn't test the maxes of my upper body lifts because I after doing the OP, my upper body was pretty spent. Maybe I'll test them out next time.
  • erineddy81
    erineddy81 Posts: 43 Member
    My first set is usually moderately heavy (between 5 and 8 reps) second set heavy (lucky if I can get 5 reps) and then the third I go a bit lighter than the first set and go until failure (usually around 10 or so) At least it is what I started doing recently and I like it so far.
    These numbers are from my recent 2nd sets
    Squats 115 lb (able to squeeze out 4 rep)
    deads 115 lb ( 5 rep)
    Bench 115 lb (1 rep)
    overhead press 60 lb (3 reps...also dont really do the oh press excluively so this # is from curl/press using 30 lb db in each hand)
    bent over rows 100 lb (3)
    power cleans 100 lb (1 rep max)

    You ladies are all an inspiration!!! I love that I'm not the only female afraid to work with weights heavier than 10 pounds :)
    Also, ladies if you have access to dumbbells or barbells, use those instead of or even before you do machine work. You are going to get a much better workout from the dbs and bbs. At least I know I do anyway :)
  • taryn_09
    taryn_09 Posts: 196 Member
    ive gone heavier lately:

    seated chest press: 4 sets of 85 pounds.
    seated row: 4 sets of 70 pounds
    lat pull downs: 4 sets of 60- 65 pounds
    lying bench chest : 4 sets of 70 pounds
    clean to press - 4 sets 30 barbell
    DB shoulder press- 4 sets of 20
    body weight dips now
    bicep curls - 4 sets 30 barbell
    tricep rope- 4 sets 50 pounds

    im looking to gain a lot more muscle at the moment though so the reps are only to about 8.

    & well then i run 2 miles those days as well (12 min warm up basically)
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,376 Member
    Bump...I need some ideas on routines with lifting...Great topic!! :)

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  • Brandongood
    Brandongood Posts: 311 Member
    ME NUMBERS: :)
    Biceps - Unassisted chin ups for 6-10 reps. 22.5-30lbs single arm curls. 21's or single sets of 6-12. (No machines)

    Triceps - Skullcrushers w/barbell 40lbs 10-12 reps. Single arm Skullcrushers, 15lbs 12-15 reps. Tricep cable push down 47.5 lbs (6-12 until failure back to back sets) weighted bench dips (25-35 lb plate) 8-15 reps. Tricep OH extension 15lbs to failure each set.

    Back - Deadlifts 195*6. Good Mornings 70 lbs 6-10 reps per set. Unassisted pull ups (my max as of late is 8 due to cutting/training volume) usually 3 sets varying from 4-8 reps per set. Lat pulldowns 80-120lbs (8-15 reps, end of workout until failure). Barbell bent over rows, depends on the day max 110lb (6-12 reps per set) One arm dumbbell rows 50 lbs (6-12 reps). Face Pulls 67.5 lbs on cable machine.

    Chest - Barbell warm up 45 lbs 12-15 reps. 1RM 145 (5 Years ago, working back up to it) right now PR is 130*4. Incline dumbbell press 50lbs (3-5 reps) 40/45 lbs (6-12 reps).

    Squats - Max 160 (I don't squat a lot anymore my *kitten* is already huge, lol, I work into moderate weights higher volumes now)

    Quads - Lunges 100lb total, 50lb in each hand, Bulgarian spsq, the same. Leg press, 170 lbs (8-15 reps)

    Hamstrings - Deadlifts and weighted bridges.

    Shoulders - warm up seated military 45 lb bar. Loaded 85 lbs (6-10 reps) Arnold press/OH press 35lb dumbbell, High incline bench press 40-45 lbs. Side laterals/delts 12.5lbs - 25 lbs.

    Awesome Ebby!
  • RoboLikes
    RoboLikes Posts: 519 Member
    Great inspiration, thanks ladies!
  • JadeRabbit08
    JadeRabbit08 Posts: 551 Member
    bumping for future reference