People trying to sabotage you



  • ShapingAgnes
    ShapingAgnes Posts: 45 Member
    He is not the one trying to change his eating habits. If I werent trying to watch my weight I would be eating that stuff too. Unless he is getting enough for you and forces you to eat it, its not sabotage. Its you wanting the food.
  • ffuunnnnyy__ggiirrll
    This is about you not him.
    I'm sure it's difficult to have will power with all that around you everyday.
    Just stick to eating healthy, you'll never reach your goals if you don't.
    When he comes home with all that, go eat in another room, call a friend, come on mfp, whatever you need to do.
    I know once I stopped eating junk like that, I felt great, slept better and had more energy. That kind of food didn't appeal to me as much any more.
    Good luck!
  • onedayillbamilf
    onedayillbamilf Posts: 662 Member
    I've never understood why my parents won't just do what I told them to do either. Frustrating, isn't is?!
  • 42bella
    42bella Posts: 14
    i stick with my diet but when he has seen me struggle and cry and everything that comes along with the journey and i bust my *kitten* to have healthy food in the house, workout every day and do the right thing i just dont think it is very fair..i do get it is his house and he can do as he pleases but i am his daughter and i have had issues my entire life and would just like some support and not have him bring home "food for me" or eat it around me, like maybe he can eat it when im out of the house 10-12 hours at day at school and work and not when i come home and sit down to have dinner myself...i guess i can see it from both sides its just very frustrating...
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    Just consider it practice for the rest of your life :)

    None of us live in a vacuum. There will ALWAYS be people around us, strangers or friends, family or coworkers, who will make less healthy choices than we make for ourselves. It's up to US to make the right decision for ourselves each time. Temptation isn't something you can avoid forever.

    Don't make it about HIM. Make this about YOU. You can do this.
  • SeekingKarma
    SeekingKarma Posts: 61 Member
    Yeah but that's unfortunately the way of the world. Regardless of people bringing stuff in, you don't HAVE to eat it. Instead, make it not as worth it in your head or destroy it. I'm a fan of pouring salt on food I'm tempted to eat. Also, counting out how much exercise you need to burn it off also helps
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Why do people close to you try and sabotage you, for example my father. I have asked this man to please stop bringing fast food into the house, if he wants to eat it he can just not around me. Sunday it was Mcdonalds, yesterday chinese food, tonight KFC, even if its not fast food its chocolate cake, giant cookies, ice cream and on and on and on...I just dont understand it why someone close to you woluld not support you and respect you enough to do what you have asked them to do.
    I could not take that and would never stand for it.
    You should move out.
  • ItsJustK
    ItsJustK Posts: 159 Member
    I completely understand where you're coming from.
    People are always trying to sabotage me.
    For instance: Ronald McDonald, Wendy (that *****), the Burger King, the Dairy Queen... the list goes on and on. I am FED UP.
  • maryjay51
    maryjay51 Posts: 742
    usually its cuz they just dont know any better.. a very good friend of mine gave me a box of chocolates today as an early valentines gift...number one i make about 100lbs of chocolates of all kinds a year... number two he usually meets me out after i go to the gym so he knows im trying to lose weight and keep fit ....number three i HATE it when someone buys me candy or flowers as i find them both such a waste of money ... i gracefully accepted it and put it in my closet because im having a fundraiser for my birthday party coming up and im using it for a prize
  • Chibs82
    Chibs82 Posts: 10 Member
    You should move out.

    Bit extreme. No?
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    I completely understand where you're coming from.
    People are always trying to sabotage me.
    For instance: Ronald McDonald, Wendy (that *****), the Burger King, the Dairy Queen... the list goes on and on. I am FED UP.

    Bwhahaha! That's awesome. You slay me.
  • mhanley1961
    I know the feeling. My wife does nothing but complain about her weight while she is eating junk (she is eating chocolate mints as we speak). I have just learned to ignore it, and if I get a craving, I go grab a piece of fruit.
  • thor1god1of1awesome
    thor1god1of1awesome Posts: 481 Member
    i stick with my diet but when he has seen me struggle and cry and everything that comes along with the journey and i bust my *kitten* to have healthy food in the house, workout every day and do the right thing i just dont think it is very fair..i do get it is his house and he can do as he pleases but i am his daughter and i have had issues my entire life and would just like some support and not have him bring home "food for me" or eat it around me, like maybe he can eat it when im out of the house 10-12 hours at day at school and work and not when i come home and sit down to have dinner myself...i guess i can see it from both sides its just very frustrating...
    So what its not fair, life isnt fair. His house his rules. I imagine you got a room to go to, well when he is eating go there. Should he be more sensitive? maybe, but honestly get over it.
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    I cannot imagine telling an adult where to eat his meals. That's pretty disrespectful.
  • AllezCheryl45
    AllezCheryl45 Posts: 22 Member
    I think it's harder with those closest to you, b/c you think they'd be naturally supportive, but instead they do the opposite. I tend to think it's a combo of them acting out fearfully b/c they don't want things (you) to change and upset the balance or what they perceive as balance to life, the fact that you changing tugs at them to change, and if you get your body under control and succeed, they won't have any excuses to not try to shape up also. Sometimes it can be also that they're playing "devil's advocate" to test your resolve and how much you really want to succeed. If it's the latter than you can turn it around and use they're "testing" for your good, psychologically and physically, by pumping up your resolve to succeed. Show 'em how it's DONE!!! :happy:
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    I cannot imagine telling an adult where to eat his meals. That's pretty disrespectful.

    You've hit the nail on the head here.
  • sjtreely
    sjtreely Posts: 1,014 Member
    I read what those who believe it's your dad's home so he should be able to do what he wishes.

    I also read that you've struggled with weight for years.

    As a parent myself, I'd take one for the team and not bring in the food such as she's described her dad bringing into the house so regularly. I get having your meal of choice.

    However, if I had to choose between KFC and pleasing my daughter, my daughter would win.

    I'm surprised that other parents who have responded don't see this from more of a parent's point of view.

    OF COURSE he has the right to bring in whatever he wishes into his home. Sometimes having the right to do something doesn't make it the right thing to do.

    I agree with a PP ... this is preparation for life.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    You should move out.
    Bit extreme. No?
  • greenbean7419
    Its a simple solution really... He must be destroyed!! not an option? maybe we should look at his motives. has it always been habit for him to bring home dinner in a bucket, sometimes its hard to break a long standing habit. even when we know they are weighing us down (get it?) . one suggestion, in stead of standing in front of pop's lazy boy declaring war on the colonel, and the clown, sweetly turn on your care and concern for him, and offer to start the shopping and have healthy meals ready for the both of you. hell make em in advance and serve them in brown bags to soften the blow to his psyche, thus tricking him into healthy eating!! Muahaaahaaa!
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    You should move out.

    Bit extreme. No?
    Well, if I am a guest in my parents home, I should either respect their food habits or get out.
    The whole world doesn't have to diet just because I do.

    And if the shoe was on the other foot?
    I'd toss out the offended guest, then sit down and enjoy my Whopper.