This is appalling...

I think everyone has a right to know what they are consuming. This is about Fox News covering up a story that effects us all. I am appalled for many reasons and shocked that this video has existed since June of 2011 and this is the first time I am seeing it. If you think this kind of cover up is the exception, think again.

We are the consumers, therefore, we are the ones with the power. If you can't afford to go completely organic try just making one grocery trip a month organic or half a grocery trip. You can also cut back on dairy or eliminate it. Trying almond, coconut, soy or rice milk is just one way. I know I am willing to sacrifice the amount of new clothing, shoes, trips to the salon, etc. so that I can afford more organic food. This may seem hopeless but we've got to at least try people!!!

What do you all think? How many of you buy organic or local organic at that? How many of you at least buy organic milk?


  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    I am a Paleo Locavore............

    I have 2 CSA memberships, buy from our Coop and get all raw dairy, beef, chicken, eggs and pork from local sources.

    We go to the market, Target and Wal-mart for nominal items - toilet paper, paper towels, etc.

    My sister and I have also taken to making soap, shampoo, deodrant, cleaning supplies and such from home. We use soap nuts for laundry.
  • philOHIO
    philOHIO Posts: 520 Member
    Fair and Balanced... Faux News!
  • reddi2roll
    reddi2roll Posts: 356 Member
    I have not watched the video yet but I buy as much organic as I can when the skin on the fruits and vegetables allow for absorption and retention by the food of the insecticides. I try to by organic or grass fed meats, lamb is always grass fed, when I can find it. Costco has organic chickens right now so I have been buying those.
  • skateboardstef
    skateboardstef Posts: 164 Member
    I always buy organic milk, eggs and meat. To me it is worth it, and they just taste better!
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    Fair and Balanced... Faux News!

    Monsanto is evil. Everyone knows it or should know it. They are ruining our environment and our food supply, plus they are too involved in the government.
  • shrdlicka23
    I watched Food Inc and that changed it for me. I buy grass fed beef, free range chicken and pork and cage free eggs(all no hormone/antibotic) . I buy in season produce from a farmers market. The only things I buy premade from the store are canned tomatoes(if I could find frozen tomatoes I would stop buying them), canned beets(I tried making them myself and it wasn't pleasant), bread, tuna in water, peanut butter, organic milk(I only use milk in my eggs), miracle whip, sugar free jelly and salad dressing. That's about it. I don't buy too much into organic unless its from a local company/farm because the FDA regulates "organic" and some of their practices with organic products have been less than appealing. The only thing I want to work out is fish products(buying naturally caught fish) and maybe making my own dressings and jelly. I want to give as little money as possible to these evil corporations who strive to keep us unhealthy for their own profit.
  • adlwilmot
    adlwilmot Posts: 117
    I haven't watched it all, but I get the gist. It's sick. Pumping an animal full of hormones so it produces more meat, altbeit tasteless meat, just so a farmer can line his pockets quicker (or more likely, just survive!!) and a family can afford to eat is just sick to the core.

    BUT.... lets not forget that nowadays ALL of us go out and do a minimum of 40 hours a week, so unfortunately the majority are stuck with all this crap that we're feeding ourselves without even knowing. It's called "speeding things up and making them easier". Yes, the governments should be responsible for making sure we're safe, but they don't give two hoots. More steak at cheaper prices equals people buying more/more people buying and ultimately more taxes. Bunch of ba****ds!

    I'll keep trying to eat healthy, but I won't get bog downed in all this stuff. I don't eat much meat and I don't eat it every day, so I very much doubt that it will lead to me becoming obese. Likewise, not all people who eat meat with growth hormones become obese, nor do they develop cancer, so I'm not buying that one just yet.

    Just be sensible and steer away from "value" ranges; free range is usually a winner. And just because it's organic doesn't mean it's good. Organic chickens are bred in small cages, not roaming free in the countryside!!! So don't be getting suckered into that pile of *kitten* either!
  • adlwilmot
    adlwilmot Posts: 117
    I always buy organic milk, eggs and meat. To me it is worth it, and they just taste better!

    No, no , no!!! A hen who has laid an organic egg hasn't necessarily lived a good or healthy life, she's just been fed "organic" feed. The eggs need to be organic AND free range.
  • maryjay51
    maryjay51 Posts: 742
    i dont drink milk or eat cheese with the exception of an occasional sprinkle of feta .. and i eat nonfat plain greek yogurt .other than that i dont eat dairy any more ..since then my stomach stopped bloating and i stopped getting gas cramps and pains ..also stopped getting the burps ..everyone is different but for me it was a huge difference ..wasnt hard to not drink milk --i really dont like it and never did
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    I haven't watched it all, but I get the gist. It's sick. Pumping an animal full of hormones so it produces more meat, altbeit tasteless meat, just so a farmer can line his pockets quicker (or more likely, just survive!!) and a family can afford to eat is just sick to the core.

    BUT.... lets not forget that nowadays ALL of us go out and do a minimum of 40 hours a week, so unfortunately the majority are stuck with all this crap that we're feeding ourselves without even knowing. It's called "speeding things up and making them easier". Yes, the governments should be responsible for making sure we're safe, but they don't give two hoots. More steak at cheaper prices equals people buying more/more people buying and ultimately more taxes. Bunch of ba****ds!

    I'll keep trying to eat healthy, but I won't get bog downed in all this stuff. I don't eat much meat and I don't eat it every day, so I very much doubt that it will lead to me becoming obese. Likewise, not all people who eat meat with growth hormones become obese, nor do they develop cancer, so I'm not buying that one just yet.

    Just be sensible and steer away from "value" ranges; free range is usually a winner. And just because it's organic doesn't mean it's good. Organic chickens are bred in small cages, not roaming free in the countryside!!! So don't be getting suckered into that pile of *kitten* either!

    The farmers are not getting the money, most farmers are barely surviving and borrowing money that these corporations tell them they need to do to make changes..............It is the corporations like Cargill, Monsanto, etc.

    Watch Food Inc.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    I always buy organic milk, eggs and meat. To me it is worth it, and they just taste better!

    No, no , no!!! A hen who has laid an organic egg hasn't necessarily lived a good or healthy life, she's just been fed "organic" feed. The eggs need to be organic AND free range.

    Yes, exactly. Like running around the farm or yard eating grass, bugs, worms, etc.
  • bookwormie
    bookwormie Posts: 32 Member
    So glad I gave up animal products...those poor cows. (I couldn't watch much of it.)
  • philOHIO
    philOHIO Posts: 520 Member
    Earth Fare is a great place to shop... they sell foods that are wholesome and organic. Whole Foods is another. Nicknamed "Whole paycheck" LOL
  • turningstar
    turningstar Posts: 393 Member
    We have our own free range, organically fed chickens (awesome eggs by the way), and I only buy organic milk and meat, and try to get organic vegetables. I also get some fruit and veggies from the farmers market that gets them from the homeless program that grows them organically locally.
    We originally planned to eat some of our chickens, but we became suckers and just eat the eggs. My husband wants a steer so that we can eat that too, but it will just end up another hay burner. Id love to have a garden, but with a baby and everything else, I don't have the time.
    You do what you can, and try not to stress yourself into a heart attack over the rest.
  • blpope
    blpope Posts: 163
    bump for later
  • LaurieEReid
    We get an organic delivery every 2 weeks which is pretty much enough to keep us in fruit and vegetables. Luckily a local, organic butcher opened near us and we buy from there when we can afford it.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I always buy organic milk, eggs and meat. To me it is worth it, and they just taste better!

    No, no , no!!! A hen who has laid an organic egg hasn't necessarily lived a good or healthy life, she's just been fed "organic" feed. The eggs need to be organic AND free range.

    In the US, organic chicken is free range. Certified organic means animals are fed organic feed, allowed access to the outdoors and not given antibiotics or growth hormones. The 'free range' label only means that birds have access to the outdoors, but regulations do not say how often and for how long.
  • Hambone23
    Hambone23 Posts: 486 Member
    That's great. If you can afford it. And I don't have a clothes budget I can pull from. Very, very unrealistic for most of us.
  • pniana
    pniana Posts: 254 Member
    i dont drink milk or eat cheese with the exception of an occasional sprinkle of feta .. and i eat nonfat plain greek yogurt .other than that i dont eat dairy any more ..since then my stomach stopped bloating and i stopped getting gas cramps and pains ..also stopped getting the burps ..everyone is different but for me it was a huge difference ..wasnt hard to not drink milk --i really dont like it and never did
    I also gave up dairy and had similar results. My stomach functions so much better without. I only by organic milk for my kids to eat with their cereal. My only exception to dairy is the occassional ice cream on a weekend.
  • madyncaden
    madyncaden Posts: 312 Member