the planned and purposeful spurge



  • EbbySoo
    EbbySoo Posts: 267 Member
    what I am more curious about is the impact of the using the calorie/carb cycling as a way to increase metabolism. I get that I need to splurge occasionally to stay on the diet, that is not a question. I just want to know if anyone has effectively used this cycling of calories to increase weight loss, as it makes perfect sense that the body is going to adjust by lowering metabolism after awhile to meet the amount of calories your eating a day.

    Calorie cycling yes, it works, because on rest days you do nothing, it makes it easier to stay in a larger deficit, workout days you eat at maintenance and eat back your exercise calories by all or a bit (because your already in a deficit) this is a win. You don't get burned out from eating low calories steadily throughout your weeks as some people do, workout performance is higher, strength stays high, IMO it works wonderfully. Carb cycling is starting to be touted as broscience in the bodybuilding community, because it's calories in/calories out, cycling carbs really only helps people lose water retention, not actual fat unless they are in strict ketosis for more than a few days time, in which case, can really poop on your energy/moods.
  • mjok31
    mjok31 Posts: 84
    I think that it is a good idea...why not try it and see how your body reacts to it. I personally have been giving myself one day a week, ushally fri. night or Sat., to have one meal that would be high in calories. But at the same time I plan for I would have 2 small meals and one meal that was really high in calories. Then at the end of the day I am still close to my goal, but feel like I really got a treat. Everyone's going to respond differently, for me it works and it may for you too. Good luck!
  • swimmchick87
    swimmchick87 Posts: 458 Member
    I have a "cheat meal" on Fridays. I usually end up going about 500- 800 calories above my normal allotment. I make sure it's only one meal and not a whole day, as a whole day could add up to 3-4 times my allotment! I would not recommend doing a deficit the next day, as that sounds like it could set you up for a binge-starve mode. It's best to go back to normal the next day and stick to your plan.
  • edmoulaison
    edmoulaison Posts: 36 Member
    bump for later...
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    I have a weekly splurge - "free day" - anything I want, and as much as I want.
    Breakfast and lunch.

    And monthly I have a whole day set aside for a total 24 hour food orgy.
    LOVE IT!

    This ^^ :) But instead of splurges I call them something with less guilt, "Refeeds" heheh.
    Wow, that actually sound scientific.
  • walterld
    weight watchers allows you to have 49 extra points a week. you can eat a few at a time or all at once. that equals to almost 2 days worth of food. so it must be ok to do that.
    they go more on a weekly deficit i think.
  • dr_tina
    dr_tina Posts: 225 Member
    Yes, from all I have read, the weekly deficit is more important than the daily.
  • chachita7
    chachita7 Posts: 996 Member
    I think I splurge every day - I can't restrict myself to a diet, I just eat in moderation no matter what it is I am eating - then again mfp recommended 1200 and I upped it to 1500, lol
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    I am not over weight by any means of the word, I am playing with that "last 5 pounds" that most women in their 40s struggle with. I have to splurge at the very minimum of once per month in order to trick my metabolism back to not being used to low calorie. I hate to admit it but I look forward to it then feel guilty the next day for some reason. But I have seen the value of the results first hand.
  • Allegi32
    Allegi32 Posts: 302 Member
    Not that I recommend doing it this way, but I used to do this by accident in college when I was anorexic. I ate very little all week and exercised like crazy, then went to visit a friend every weekend and ATE. I mean ATE. Giant steak & cheese calzones all to myself, ice cream, the works. Then back to my old ways the next day. And I lost a ton of weight.

    Now again, please don't take this as a recommendation to starve and binge. It was horribly unhealthy and I was very sick. However, a toned-down version of this is what I do now. I eat my calories every day, sometimes going a little over one day and a little under the next, and I have one day per week that I don't track, I eat what I want, etc. But I don't go so crazy that I can't "reset" myself the next day.

    I think it's important both physically and mentally to have that day. Physically it shocks your body and doesn't allow your body to get used to the lower calories and revs up your metabolism a little more. Mentally it helps me stay on track for the rest of the week, knowing that I get a day to eat those foods I'd been craving all week.

    YMMV, but why not try it and see how it works for you?