when did you wake up and realise....



  • HAHAHA! I can so relate! :laugh:
  • bhaktinstella
    bhaktinstella Posts: 51 Member
    when i saw a photo of myself sitting cross-legged on the steps and i was a mountain, not my own image of myself! ack! and it is true, i can sleep on my stomach again, having lost 38 pounds, whereas before i could not!
  • PeaceLoveVeggies
    PeaceLoveVeggies Posts: 673 Member
    After seeing pictures of the 4th of July. Me in a bikini with a tanktop over and some shorts. God, the rolls were unbearable!
  • For me, it was much the same. I walked past a mirror and what I saw repulsed me that and I couldn't fit into ANY clothes comfortably!

  • SithZombie
    SithZombie Posts: 165 Member
    When I looked in the mirror a few weeks ago and realized that I look like I'm three months pregnant. T_T
  • Moonbyebye
    Moonbyebye Posts: 180 Member
    Yeah, I was shopping with my sister months ago and went to a store I love and always shop at because their skinny jeans fit me perfectly. Well, not anymore! I cried after that shopping trip and decided that crying isn't going to do anything, so instead I did some research, found this website and got adopted the healthy lifestyle.
  • JennS19
    JennS19 Posts: 642 Member
    When my daughter last week said to me "Mommy, why do you have 2 chins?"

    It was embarassing and I so didn't want her to grow up learning bad health. So I'm done and I'm done for good!
  • joeylu
    joeylu Posts: 208 Member
    My ah ha moment was when i saw a pic of me sitting next to santa on 12-18-11 and i was BIGGER than Santa WTF.
  • My 5 year old son asked me why my belly looked that way. That was quite the blow to my heart and confidence. He says, "None of my friends bellies look like that, Moma." Of course, I'm thinking well all of your friends are in Kindergarten son I sure hope not. (sighs, rolls eyes).
  • newmrswood
    newmrswood Posts: 167 Member
    When my in-laws got excited and asked me if I was pregnant...
    TNGURL Posts: 89 Member
    probably about the same, i knew i had gained but really didn't think it was that much. my jeans where much tighter than they had been, and when i finally stepped on a scale it about slapped me in the face!

    ^^^ Yeah, this was my REVELATION MOMENT!!! Got my damn feelings hurt!!!! I was like WHAT???? Uh no!! Time to stay away from the Miller Lite!
  • april522
    april522 Posts: 388 Member
    When I saw pictures of me in 2009 and realized how chubby my face was starting to look...
  • ninakir88
    ninakir88 Posts: 292 Member
    When this guy that led me on told me that my arms were bigger then his were and that we couldn't fit comfortably on the couch together.

  • Seginns
    Seginns Posts: 39
    I was first asked when my baby was due -- and I wasn't pregnant. A couple of days later, I saw a picture of myself facing away from the camera and didn't recognize my rear.
  • eashelton53
    eashelton53 Posts: 55 Member
    Mine was a combination of things. Starting with my 8 yearold daughter telling me that she didnt like it that I was so big because she be sceared that I will one day have a heart attack. Then my wife being turned off from me telling me that 8 out of 10 times that we have sex that she doesnt want to because she is turned off by my weight and that she is afraid that me being heavy will kill me. Then both of my sons are very active. My youngest is involved in every sport known to man and I couldnt even play catch with him with out being out of breath and ready to sit down. But it wasnt until I decided this past November that I was going to lose weight through the Holiday Season to prove to myself that I was ready for a life style change.
  • lind3400
    lind3400 Posts: 557 Member
    When everyone was getting hit on at the bar in my group of friends except me.....
  • When I looked at my financial statement for my retirement.

    I thought to myself "cool, I'm in good financial shape, I'll have money when I get older!" Than it hit me, I realized that without a healthy body, that money would sleep in an account while I would be lying down, probably with bad knees, needing a hip surgery.

    I thought I was being silly taking so much care and putting so much thought planning my "financial" retirement but not putting one bit of effort in the machine that will let me enjoy it. That was my wake-up call.
  • My 30th birthday photos

    on my profile if your interested
  • When I woke up and realized how out of breath I was just putting on clothes.
  • Te2005
    Te2005 Posts: 173 Member
    My eye opening experience was when I saw a picture of myself and I saw more than one chin. Yikes! It took me 2 years after than picture and being more social to get the point where I said "no more!"