I can't do it anymore.

Another sob story. I need to stop feeling bad about myself and get to work but it's so freaking hard. I started of really good got down to 199! And then stopped logging my foods and exercised and went back up to 208. So now it seems harder than ever to get back down. Help me? What can I do now? I'm lost and I'm not even sure were to begin. I did work out this week and drank ALOT of water but I don't feel good like I use to. I feel like I will just get bigger and bigger.


  • mirgss
    mirgss Posts: 275 Member
    You won't. Just keep going! I know how you feel...I had a week where I worked out lots and drank lots of water...lost .4 lbs.

    You can do this! Keep your eye on the long run, and try to ignore the scale (it is an evil liar). Even if you are not losing weight as fast as you want, you are improving your overall fitness and health! Just keep going and DON'T GIVE UP! :)

    It can be hard to get back into the swing of things...but I find once I have a set routine it's easier to follow it than not (does that make sense?). When I get discouraged or overwhelmed I'll take a look at the success stories on here...it IS possible!

    Keep your chin up!
  • Maya_Erin
    You won't. Just keep going! I know how you feel...I had a week where I worked out lots and drank lots of water...lost .4 lbs.

    You can do this! Keep your eye on the long run, and try to ignore the scale (it is an evil liar). Even if you are not losing weight as fast as you want, you are improving your overall fitness and health! Just keep going and DON'T GIVE UP! :)

    It can be hard to get back into the swing of things...but I find once I have a set routine it's easier to follow it than not (does that make sense?). When I get discouraged or overwhelmed I'll take a look at the success stories on here...it IS possible!

    Keep your chin up!

    Thank you! I just didn't think it would be this hard to get back on the ball. I thought I had it under control.
  • ruggedBear
    Take it one meal or one day at a time. Motivation comes from seeing results - It's a bit of a competition for me - how long can I eat clean, log accurately and exercise daily. The more meals/days I have gone, the more motivated I am to continue. And always remember that no matter how far off track you get, you KNOW how to restart and you SHOULD.
  • mirgss
    mirgss Posts: 275 Member
    You do have it under control! Everyone slips up once in a while. It's ok to not be perfect. Just don't give up - that's all.
  • mirgss
    mirgss Posts: 275 Member
    I always try to think of it as I WANT to do this...instead of I NEED or I SHOULD...those kinds of things just make me feel guilty.
  • lldrayton74
    lldrayton74 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! Don't give up. I noticed that logging your food makes such a HUGe difference. I gained 8lbs over this past holiday season. I gain SO fast. I was so upset that on Dec. 26th I said ENOUGH is ENOUGH. I found this application and have been using it since. I have been back HARD in the gym and being VERY mindful of my intake. I started this on Dec. 26 at 209 and today I weighed in at 194. I still have a ways to go but mind you....I was at 306 two years ago. I am back focused and refuse to go up on the scale again.
  • mightymom2
    mightymom2 Posts: 312 Member
    baby steps..take it one day at a time & do it 100% for you :flowerforyou:
  • abhiforlife
    abhiforlife Posts: 75 Member
    Everyone definitely slips up. I've slipped up an average of 2 days a week and I've only been doing this for 3 weeks. Try making a streak of days you don't slip up and try to make longer and longer streaks. Don't give up!
  • rammsteinsoldier
    rammsteinsoldier Posts: 1,556 Member
    I hear what you are saying. I am not known for my self-control so I backstep quite often. You can't give up. Just get up each day and make a pledge to do your best and start anew. It is so important to be healthy and happy you can't let setbacks get you down. Put a smile on your face and know that each new day is a chance to start over. I know you can do it. Just keep faith in yourself.
  • beachgirl10
    beachgirl10 Posts: 54 Member
    I agree with that, Your word and thoughts are more powerful than you think...
  • kardowling
    kardowling Posts: 221 Member
    You won't. Don't be so hard on yourself. Baby steps. Don't set up huge goals. Be happy for the small ones. You can do it. This is a great, happy, positive place to be. We are all in the same boat. :flowerforyou:
  • eskimite
    Trust me, we've all been there. It's so hard to push through and keep doing the things that are healthy and necessary to lose/maintain weight loss. Maybe think about it as less you're on a "special" diet or workout program and rather you are living your life in a healthy way, in moderation. Would it work to treat yourself to something? Whether it's a pedicure, a piece of chocolate cake, staying up late with a bowl of popcon and watching reruns of Housewives of X,Y, Z? It sounds like are mentally exhausted and are putting yourself under a lot of pressure. In any case, you will make it through and come out on the outside proud of yourself.
  • charliesmagic
    Take it one meal or one day at a time. Motivation comes from seeing results - It's a bit of a competition for me - how long can I eat clean, log accurately and exercise daily. The more meals/days I have gone, the more motivated I am to continue. And always remember that no matter how far off track you get, you KNOW how to restart and you SHOULD.

    This is GREAT advice! It's not easy to lose weight sweetie. The fact that you have made the decision and you DID lose speaks very well of you, your spirit and possibilities. YOU CAN DO THIS. Like the above post suggests, take it one meal or day at a time. Encourage yourself with small moves/goals. As you achieve them, reward yourself. Get a pedicure, take a much needed nap, buy a new bit of make up or jewelry. What you are doing is hard work and you deserve the recognition.

    You are a strong person - remember that. We're all in this together.
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    Just get back to logging....even if you go over, log it!! No one is perfect. We are human and let's face it, this journey is not easy.
  • bricktowngal
    It happens, I know! Just take one day at a time and don't punish yourself if you fall off, just get back on and don't look back :wink:
  • douglassd1013
    Everyday is a new day, just take your time and keep trying to do better. For some (especially me), weight loss is a marathon. I am willing to go all the way and not worry about how long its going to take me to get there. Since April 2011, I have lost 10 lbs and I am happy. Its better that what I have done in years.
  • SithZombie
    SithZombie Posts: 165 Member
    One day at a time. I'm scared to give up, because I'm scared I'll get bigger if I do! Just do your best. Seriously! Give it 110% =) You can do this! Compete with someone! I'm working out with three people that I'm very close to, and we love seeing how hard we can push each other! It's great.
  • Maya_Erin
    Thank you guys.. i'm doing better on my water...
  • jennifermcornett
    jennifermcornett Posts: 159 Member
    I am allowing the same thing to happen to me. I lost 51 pounds and have gained back 15. Everyday I wake up planning to eat right and hopefully fit in a workout, but by the time I go home, I am gorging myself on junk... By the time I go home, I have no motivation, and it's stupid, because I was sooooo on the ball while I was losing that weight. I ate what I wanted, but I was working out religiously and hard-core (P90X and then running, running, running). When I stopped doing it all regularly, my spiked metabolism carried me for a pretty long time, but then it started creeping back. And I have yet to reign it in. Shame on me. :( And to be honest, last night I thought about getting up and working out in the living room, but I felt too jiggly and gross to work out in front of my boyfriend. I have barely even played the Kinect we just bought because I don't want my blobbiness jumping all around. BUT only you and I can change this problem for ourselves. At some point, we will find it in ourselves to just get up and get serious, and hopefully it comes before we've gained everything back. :D
  • angiemartin78
    angiemartin78 Posts: 475 Member
    The first thing you should do is stopping beating yourself up...We all slip and have bad days and thats OK! Just use it as a learning experience and move forward. You can't change what is in the past, but you can change your future.

    You CAN do this! Try developing a good support system at home and try to keep the junk out of your house. That's the best advice I can offer you.

    Good luck and if you need some positive encouragement, please feel free to add me as a friend.