I can't do it anymore.



  • I agree with everyone! It is a journey where we take baby steps. I know it can be depressing and frustrating, but stay focused at what your big goal is. Make small goals along the way and reward yourself for achieving them. I will only let myself get on the scale once every week or two. Otherwise I put too much pressure on myself and start to lose focus if I don't see what I want. I am trying to go by how my clothes feel and look on me and how I feel when I look at myself in the mirror (be proud of those small changes as they happen!!!!) at the differences. Take it one day at a time! You can do this!!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • savage22hp
    savage22hp Posts: 278 Member
    Depression . Don't focus on the ground you lost but on how far you have come . I have sabotaged myself in the past by slipping back into old habits and just saying what the hell . Turn it around , refocus on your goal and you will start feeling good about yourself again . Depression is not only in the mind , physical depression keeps you body in a shut down mode BUT you can get back on track ! Trust yourself to succeed .
  • The reason you dont feel good is because you took a break and back stepped. I think its more psycological than physical. Your beating yourself up for it and its making you want to quit. Not trying to sound like an insensitive a** but stop feeling sorry for yourself and get back on the horse. We've all been there and I can garrentee this wont be the last time for any of us. Im rootin' for ya
  • For about 4 months, I killed myself at the gym, tracked every food I ate, and was going crazy when the scale was not budging.

    Then I gave up on the scale, and gave up on MFP. A few months later, I bust out the scale for fun, and was down about 6 pounds. Now I'm back for the long haul, and I'm so hoping it goes better than last time!
  • sco8462
    sco8462 Posts: 34
    I fell of the wagon a time or two myself. And I couldn't get back into gear because I forgot how hard the first week or two can be getting "on the ball" and I got discouraged. It's always hard to get started, or restarted, but if you stick with it, mysteriously and magically you'll look back and see you've made it over the hump. Like the others said, routine is critical when you are trying to get energized and refocused. At least it is for me.
  • sandy729
    sandy729 Posts: 232 Member
    I am so with you. I'm going through the same thing. I had lost 14lbs and then put 18 back on. Hang in there, you are not alone.
  • bethieannie
    bethieannie Posts: 75 Member
    Don't look it at a huge goal! Break it down! Instead of trying to make your entire day perfect, concentrate on right now. Celebrate your healthy lunch. Make a commitment to work out for 10min. Once you have started, you will most likely continue, but even in you don't you will at least have 10minutes in! Baby Steps!

  • My husband and I joined the Body By Vi Challenge and my profile picture are my 90 Day results from using the Core kit. My husband lost 22 lbs using the Transformation kit in his 90 Day Challenge. It's fast, easy, convenient, and taste AWESOME. Love to share :)
  • runbyme
    runbyme Posts: 522 Member
    Hang in there girl! Don't give up! We are worth this. YOU are worth this! Besides...I'm not losing any weight and I need to know someone is! :blushing:
    Like everyone has said...baby steps. One day at a time will get you there! I'm here for you. Add me if you would like! I cheerlead well! :flowerforyou:
  • franklinsmom
    franklinsmom Posts: 8 Member
    I don't know if this will help you, but a friend suggested it and it has changed the way I operate...I say to myself, "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels". So when I'm bored and head to the fridge, or I'm about to eat potato chips instead of an apple, I remind myself how good it feels to be skinny and make a better choice...
  • smrtcar
    smrtcar Posts: 104 Member
    two steps forward, one step back = one step forward. Keep on stepping!
  • shirleygirl910
    shirleygirl910 Posts: 503 Member
    Sometimes we overwhelm ourselves trying to be perfect in everything at once and then when we don't see results as fast as we think we should we get discouraged.

    Baby steps, first write down everything that goes in your mouth, good and bad. Don't worry so much about total calories for the day, just get into the habit of logging everything. Then weigh your self on the same scale once a week at the same time. Don't pay too much mind to the numbers right now, you main goal is to get the habit of loggin down first.
  • asfischer
    asfischer Posts: 19 Member
    Take a look at the pictures on myfitnesspal's facebook page... they are very motivating!! they work for me when I am feeling down. Feel free to add me to if you want... asfischer
  • shapestocome
    shapestocome Posts: 399 Member
    The hardest part is getting back into your routine. Take it moment by moment, day by day... don't look back only look forward. Don't hope to do better or hope to get a workout in -- decide to, make the decision! You CAN do it, you did it before so that just proves that you CAN!!! I know it is hard and we all slip up or back pedal but just reaching out shows me that you care and want to be healthier and feel good. It is within you; I know you can do it!!!!

    Remember moment by moment....
  • The magic button is...... PERSISTENCE! Keep eating healthy, keep logging it and keep working out. I've been at this since November and haven't lost any weight yet. I just keep learning new ways to do better and I'm just going to keep doing it. I figure some weight has to drop eventually. I've stopped looking at the scale for motivation. Now it comes from in me, knowing that I'm doing good for my health.

    I've done great all week, dropped a couple of lbs, did awesome yesterday, weighed today and had gained 2lbs. WTH??? Last month, I would've cried and went to McDonald's for lunch. Today, I said, "Damn, I wish I hadn't weighed this morning. D'oh!" and I'm going to keep eating well today. Still happy and still pushing on!

    I know how frustrating and discouraging it is but I know you can do it because you have before! Stop feeling guilty and start believing in yourself again!
  • Vnoski
    Vnoski Posts: 7 Member
    Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.
  • dlyeates
    dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
    Also remember that this is a journey to change your lifestyle and become more healthy. As you start treating your body the right way and start fueling it the right way a great side effect will be that you will lose weight and your body will head towards it's ideal weight. But even when there are setbacks you need to remember you want to be healthy and thats why you should be doing this....weight is just a number and you are not defined by a number on a scale. I highly recommend the book Made To Crave by Lysa Terkeurst for this journey.

    I have recently been a 2 month plateau where I was up and down the same 3 lbs and feeling exactl like you....why should I go to the gym, I'm not losing any weight! But I know I'm gaining strength and endurance and that my heart is getting healthier. And that is why I go....to become a healthier me. Eventually the scale will move some more but its more than about the scale....I am more than a number and so are you!!!!!
  • Remember progress not perfection!! A healthy lifestyle is a journey not a goal. If you mess up at one meal, get over it and make the next meal better. Don't think that your whole day is messed up as a result of one meal and then make the rest of that day bad. Good luck!!
  • sandeev
    sandeev Posts: 44
    I hear where you're coming from. During the holidays, from awhile before Thanksgiving to last Sunday, I gained 18 lbs back from what I had worked so HARD to lose. I didn't think I was going to be able to get back on the wagon, but, Sunday I decided that I'd had enough of feeling crappy again. Monday I went back on my favorite eating plan from a book called " The 17 day diet" and in 4 days I am down 8.5 lbs. Feeling MUCH better. A lot is water wt but already my jeans are fitting better again. I eat protein, and the good carb foods like many different veggies, lower carb and lower sugar fruits, probiotics like yogurts, kefir, acidopholis milks and cottage cheese. I stay away from sugar, drink 3 cups of green tea, 6-8 cups of water and am never hungry. I don't believe in willpower but do believe in DETERMINATION. My Doc told me to try weighing myself every day ( which doesn't work for everyone) , it works great for me. There may be days that I put on a few LBs but I don't get all freaked out about that. I just keep on keeping on. Make sure you can get on an eating plan that you can live with, Don't let yoursef get too hungry. Once you get going on a good program, don't totally give up some of your favorite Higher carb foods (mine being pizza) but allow those on occassion, but be determined to get back on your program the next day.As you eliminate sugars and bad carbs from your diet you will find that you no longer crave them as much. Good luck, get determined and hope this helps a little bit. Sandy