I see so many post on here with people crying or getting discouraged be cause they've gained a couple of lbs.

What many people don't know is that its best to NOT weigh yourself everysingle day. Keep in mind that your weight does fluctuate 2-3 lbs daily and that when you do weigh yourself its best to do it at the same time as you did the day before and so on.

Instead try weighing your self every 2 weeks (or even a week if you're 'THAT' antsy).

Also, invest in a tape measure as well as a skin caliper. Recording these as well with your weight will give you more accurate results...

You never know that 2 lbs you just gained could be 4 lbs of muscle gain with a 2 lb fat loss which is a great thing.

Hope this helps :D


  • fitnoflab
    fitnoflab Posts: 100
    I actually just posted this on my news feed:

    "Success! Got on the scale this morning and I have not lost weight this week. But the fantastic part is that for the first time in years I felt nothing about it. I ate well, worked out and had one of the busiest/stressful/gratifying weeks ever after going back to school for the first time in 8 years. Not having a ridiculous attachment to that number feels great. Of course I want to lose weight, it's why I'm here, but I know it will happen and every week is different. This site, and reading other peoples experiences has given me knowledge and understanding about the journey. I know my mind and body are changing through my efforts. The idea that I don't feel discouraged by the scale is a success! Have a beautiful day everyone!"

    So I absolutely agree. The scale is only part of the story. But on that note I am going to get a tape measure this weekend and take some measurements. I just haven't bothered cause my tight jeans are now my loose jeans, I had two big rolls on my belly and one is slightly smaller now. Not exact measurements but still let's me know good things are happening to my body:)
    Congrats! Keep up the good work and stay in that state of mind!

    Sure its nice having the numbers where you want them, but even if the scale doesn't move but yet you feel it in your clothes and you can see the difference in the mirror you know youre on the RIGHT TRACK!
  • rammsteinsoldier
    rammsteinsoldier Posts: 1,556 Member
    Thanks, that is good advice. How did you know I get discouraged?:flowerforyou:
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    I see so many post on here with people crying or getting discouraged be cause they've gained a couple of lbs.

    What many people don't know is that its best to NOT weigh yourself everysingle day. Keep in mind that your weight does fluctuate 2-3 lbs daily and that when you do weigh yourself its best to do it at the same time as you did the day before and so on.

    Instead try weighing your self every 2 weeks (or even a week if you're 'THAT' antsy).

    Also, invest in a tape measure as well as a skin caliper. Recording these as well with your weight will give you more accurate results...

    You never know that 2 lbs you just gained could be 4 lbs of muscle gain with a 2 lb fat loss which is a great thing.

    Hope this helps :D

    I agree measurments, how your clothes fit and how you look in the mirror are a much better guide than the scale.

    The only thing I would add is that most likely anything you gain would not be muscle weight (It takes months to build 4 lbs of muscle, and it is only likely to build that much in a caloric surplus, not while dieting). Most likely any gain would be water weight in the muscles. Muscles tend to store water when starting a new program or increasing intensity.
  • gerritnking
    Also, invest in a tape measure as well as a skin caliper. Recording these as well with your weight will give you more accurate results...

    what is a skin caliper
  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 836 Member
    Muscles tend to store water when starting a new program or increasing intensity.

    Really?? Good to know, thank you!

    Our trainer keeps reminding us to watch for a downward trend in weight, not necessarily a loss every week. You might be down one, up one, down two, up one, down three, up two... but overall you're trending downward and on the right track.
  • SClausen2012
    This is a reminder I really needed this morning. I just finished my second week on this site- everyday my calorie count was lower than the goal, and I made sure to exercise everyday. Not surprising, the first week I lost 5 lbs. The second week I gained 1.1 lbs. It was discouraging. But I need to just keep focused on what I am doing, and commend myself for doing the right things, even if the number isn't where I would like it to be.
    Everyone does at some point :P
    But having knowlege and the right tools is key :D

    Thanks to my trainer and working in a gym, I learn more and more everyday!
    I just want to help others learn just as I did.
    Thanks, that is good advice. How did you know I get discouraged?:flowerforyou:
    A skin caliper is a small measuring tool that pinches the folds of your skin & underlying layer of fat and measures the thickness (in Millimeters). You can take measurements at specific sites (like your belly) and then you use an equation that will give you the body fat percentage.
    Also, invest in a tape measure as well as a skin caliper. Recording these as well with your weight will give you more accurate results...

    what is a skin caliper
  • Ladyslippers
    Ladyslippers Posts: 186 Member
    I lost 4 lbs in the first week of tracking with my Fitbit and MFP. In the two weeks since, I haven't lost a thing. I've got a LOT of weight to lose and have a deadline of losing at LEAST 2 more pounds (preferably 1-2 more than that) by a dr. appt. on February 15th. I'm sticking close to my MFP-recommended 1200 calories/day and making much healthier food choices than I have been in years. I'm not getting in as many steps as I'd like and have a real challenge ahead of me with getting in enough exercise:

    Single mom, sedentary job, 1-hour (usually more) commute both ways, New England weather (which has been surprisingly mild and I've taken advantage of it after the kids are in bed to walk laps on the street with the dog), and grade 4 arthritis in both patellas. I can't always get to the gym for the stationary bike and weight machines. I'm doing a lot more NOW than I have been in years, and am working my way up to more and more.

    I just wish the scale would start moving down again...
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    I lost 4 lbs in the first week of tracking with my Fitbit and MFP. In the two weeks since, I haven't lost a thing. I've got a LOT of weight to lose and have a deadline of losing at LEAST 2 more pounds (preferably 1-2 more than that) by a dr. appt. on February 15th. I'm sticking close to my MFP-recommended 1200 calories/day and making much healthier food choices than I have been in years. I'm not getting in as many steps as I'd like and have a real challenge ahead of me with getting in enough exercise:

    Single mom, sedentary job, 1-hour (usually more) commute both ways, New England weather (which has been surprisingly mild and I've taken advantage of it after the kids are in bed to walk laps on the street with the dog), and grade 4 arthritis in both patellas. I can't always get to the gym for the stationary bike and weight machines. I'm doing a lot more NOW than I have been in years, and am working my way up to more and more.

    I just wish the scale would start moving down again...

    If you are using a fitbit, I wouldn't go by the MFP caloric intake, take your average daily burn on the fitbit, and eat 1000 cals/day less to lose 2lbs/week. The fitbit should be more accurate than MFP for calculating your maintenance calories (TDEE)
  • Ladyslippers
    Ladyslippers Posts: 186 Member
    I lost 4 lbs in the first week of tracking with my Fitbit and MFP. In the two weeks since, I haven't lost a thing. I've got a LOT of weight to lose and have a deadline of losing at LEAST 2 more pounds (preferably 1-2 more than that) by a dr. appt. on February 15th. I'm sticking close to my MFP-recommended 1200 calories/day and making much healthier food choices than I have been in years. I'm not getting in as many steps as I'd like and have a real challenge ahead of me with getting in enough exercise:

    Single mom, sedentary job, 1-hour (usually more) commute both ways, New England weather (which has been surprisingly mild and I've taken advantage of it after the kids are in bed to walk laps on the street with the dog), and grade 4 arthritis in both patellas. I can't always get to the gym for the stationary bike and weight machines. I'm doing a lot more NOW than I have been in years, and am working my way up to more and more.

    I just wish the scale would start moving down again...

    If you are using a fitbit, I wouldn't go by the MFP caloric intake, take your average daily burn on the fitbit, and eat 1000 cals/day less to lose 2lbs/week. The fitbit should be more accurate than MFP for calculating your maintenance calories (TDEE)

    Oooh, yes! There is so much to learn about how these two tools integrate. Sometimes going back and forth gets like reading the same word over and over--you stop seeing the meaning of the word and start seeing the individual letters and wondering how they spell that particular word when put together. If that makes any sense. :)

    I did check my average burn on Fitbit and see that I am indeed burning more than I'm eating. My burn averages 2300 daily and I've been aiming for 1200 calories daily. I don't always make it--some days more, some days a little less. And I am not consistently 1000 calories under the daily burn. Not necessarily 500 under on a given day either. I guess that explains the "stall." I need consistency and definitely more exercise.

    The good thing in all of this is that I AM eating less than I'm burning. Eventually that'll start to show on the scale. Maybe it already is in inches. I think I'll do some measuring tonight. :)

    Thank you!
  • Sublog
    Sublog Posts: 1,296 Member
    I see so many post on here with people crying or getting discouraged be cause they've gained a couple of lbs.

    What many people don't know is that its best to NOT weigh yourself everysingle day. Keep in mind that your weight does fluctuate 2-3 lbs daily and that when you do weigh yourself its best to do it at the same time as you did the day before and so on.

    Instead try weighing your self every 2 weeks (or even a week if you're 'THAT' antsy).

    Also, invest in a tape measure as well as a skin caliper. Recording these as well with your weight will give you more accurate results...

    You never know that 2 lbs you just gained could be 4 lbs of muscle gain with a 2 lb fat loss which is a great thing.

    Hope this helps :D

    Disagree, I always encourage everyone to weigh and log their weights everyday (same time, only once per day when they awake). It will help you understand your body better. Of course, if you can't deal with the fact you won't lose every single day you should honestly get over it. No one loses every day. Its normal.

    Also, if you are eating poorly (inadvertently going over your calories) and weigh in two weeks later or a month later, you've just wasted two weeks.
    Well see the point is not to 'eat poorly'.
    If they're doing what they are supposed to they shouldn't have to worry about the scale.
    Regardless of "what the scale reads" if they feel like their clothes are feeling more comfortable or bigger, and they see the inches coming of, or even if they get just a sudden burst of energy... they shouldn't be discouraged by what the scale says.

    Also, if you are eating poorly (inadvertently going over your calories) and weigh in two weeks later or a month later, you've just wasted two weeks.
  • mistresseeyore
    mistresseeyore Posts: 717 Member
    I see so many post on here with people crying or getting discouraged be cause they've gained a couple of lbs.

    What many people don't know is that its best to NOT weigh yourself everysingle day. Keep in mind that your weight does fluctuate 2-3 lbs daily and that when you do weigh yourself its best to do it at the same time as you did the day before and so on.

    Instead try weighing your self every 2 weeks (or even a week if you're 'THAT' antsy).

    Also, invest in a tape measure as well as a skin caliper. Recording these as well with your weight will give you more accurate results...

    You never know that 2 lbs you just gained could be 4 lbs of muscle gain with a 2 lb fat loss which is a great thing.

    Hope this helps :D

    I so love you for this post. I've been screaming this at the top of mountains to my friends.
  • rinnismom
    rinnismom Posts: 190
    so, so, so true!! it's kind of silly, anyway, to get so "into" it. a lifestyle change that you're transitioning into and you want to start putting strict rules on yourself? BAH! who wants to live their entire life with all of these rules? everyone is entitled to make mistakes and everyone is entitled to indulge. moderation..... my mantra.

    great post!
  • rinnismom
    rinnismom Posts: 190
  • onehotgirl
    I see so many post on here with people crying or getting discouraged be cause they've gained a couple of lbs.

    What many people don't know is that its best to NOT weigh yourself everysingle day. Keep in mind that your weight does fluctuate 2-3 lbs daily and that when you do weigh yourself its best to do it at the same time as you did the day before and so on.

    Instead try weighing your self every 2 weeks (or even a week if you're 'THAT' antsy).

    Also, invest in a tape measure as well as a skin caliper. Recording these as well with your weight will give you more accurate results...

    You never know that 2 lbs you just gained could be 4 lbs of muscle gain with a 2 lb fat loss which is a great thing.

    Hope this helps :D

    Disagree, I always encourage everyone to weigh and log their weights everyday (same time, only once per day when they awake). It will help you understand your body better. Of course, if you can't deal with the fact you won't lose every single day you should honestly get over it. No one loses every day. Its normal.

    Also, if you are eating poorly (inadvertently going over your calories) and weigh in two weeks later or a month later, you've just wasted two weeks.

    hear hear. I weigh and log every single day.