Gamers on the site -- UNITE!



  • etcheesketch
    A/S/L - 23 - f - IN

    Status: Engaged

    Gaming Addictions: yeah, it would take an eternity to write down everything so I'll just claim my number ones! Currently I am all over Star Wars: ToR, I love RPG's, especially the Final Fantasy series. Zelda, CoD, Mass Effect, ex- WoW junkie...that's all I can think of for now. But yeah, SWToR is super awesome and everyone should play it.

    On second thought, not everyone...but most everyone!
  • iceqieen
    iceqieen Posts: 897 Member
    ASL - 29 / Female / Norway (from Iceland though :P)

    Status - Married <3

    Gaming Addictions: Currently playing a bit of Skyrim, Lotr:O, Majesty, and NWN. Beat WoW addiction last year (but miss my gnommie) and am a sucker for any fantasy oriented puzzle, stragety or building games.
  • RobDelco

    Last two games I've been playing are Skyrim and Battlefield 3. 50+ hours on Skyrim and almost like 90+ on BF3 lol, haven't played either in like 2 weeks though.
  • kalepowered
    kalepowered Posts: 76 Member
    A/S/L Check -- 21 / female / Minnesota

    Status -- Dating a dude with far more gamer cred than I could ever amass.

    Gaming Addiction(s) of Choice -- World of Warcraft (we don't... even want to talk about my various degrees of serious WoW addiction over the years), League of Legends, The Sims 3, Rock Band, old Nintendo games on my N64, RPGs in general.

    I've always been more of a PC gamer, but whenever I get to visit my boyfriend (he lives across the country), we have one night of him teaching me PS3 games. My goal is to be able to kick his *kitten* some day. :D

    Also, I am really excited for Diablo 3 & Guild Wars 2.