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Dizziness upon standing (food recommendation)



  • cwmoree
    cwmoree Posts: 5 Member
    my 16 yr old runner daughter did this quite a bit last yr and after several dr visits & mri, was told to drink a lot more water. 6-8 bottles a day. Due to her weight & height her blood pressure would temporarily drop when she stood after sitting for awhile. It helps but still happens.
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    Just had my BP taken today, it was 109 / 69 so it is just a little low. It never got low enough to require meds, but my doctor did mention that most of my dizziness comes from the low BP.

    The other cause (mentioned by someone above) was dehydration. Although I was drinking 6-8 cups of water a day, it was not enough for my activity level. Drinking more water and eating a moderate amount of salt each day has helped me avoid excessive blackout feelings. I haven't FAINTED in years, but I do get the dizzy spells and blackout feelings at least once a day.

    109/69 is not considered low. It's low-normal. I take BP meds and my BP is in that range for the most part. In fact, I'm going to see my doctor about taking me off the med because I'm doing some things on my own that's bringing it down. So I don't think I need the meds anymore. But if that's what it checks at the doctor, it could be lower when you're at rest if you're like most people. So certainly low bp is something to think about. On the other hand, you can't tell much from a one-time reading.

    It is good to mention that a one-time reading doesn't mean it is a chronic low BP. I have actually raised my BP a little after a year of healthier eating and more activity. It was much lower (chronically) before 2011. I am happy to have it closer to the normal range now :)
  • alyecat
    alyecat Posts: 28
    Are you eating enough? That could be the cause. Low blood sugar is a big one, too.