People who say "I can't afford to eat healthy" or "Healthy e



  • SomeNights246
    SomeNights246 Posts: 807 Member
    Chicken - 8.99/lb (Boneless Skinless- 9.49/lb)
    Bag of Apples- 6.49
    Bannans- .89 cents/ lb
    Milk- 8.19/gallon
    Tomatos- 1.79/lb
    Peppers- 3.99/lb
    Pears- 4.49/lb
    Plums- 3.49/lb
    Cantalope- 3.99 each
    Watermelon- 6.49 each
    Mushrooms- 4.99/container
    Blueberries, Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries- 4.99 container
    Delissio Pizza- 4.99
    Regular Ground beef- 2.99/lb (ususally it is on sale for this regular 6.99/lb)
    Kraft dinner-0.59
    Potatos- 3.49/10 lbs
    am bag of veggies- 3.99

    ^^ Please tell me again how its so much cheaper to eat healthy!! I live in canada, in a very poor area, where i am making squat, and the healthy food prices are insane. It breaks my heart that all i can NOT afford to feed my kids healthy! Ground beef and potatos are saldy a regular in my house. Maybe before everyone assumes that these people who say healthy is too expensive, consider that perhaps they accually cannot afford that DVD or shirt or mcd's EVERY week like you think.....

    Precisely! Honestly, until you've been 'there', it is common to assume that it is just an excuse. I can't afford McDonald's, either. lol Way out of my price range.
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    not everyone has the same access to things like you do
    not everyone has the knowledge of how to "bargain shop"
    not everyone has the energy to cook or knows how

    some people literally cannot afford to eat healthy .. when you have a certain amount of money to be spent on food sometimes you have to choose what you can get more of over what is healthy

    not sure why people do not get this

    oh thats right

    because you think your experience is the same as everyone elses