So frustrated i'm in tears!



  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    My opinion is that your macronutrients aren't right. You eat way too many carbs and not enough protein and fat. That means you burn mostly glucose during your workouts. You need to become more of a fat burner. This is what worked for me.
  • amr_227
    amr_227 Posts: 23
    Hang in there. We all have our weeks where the scale goes down and the weeks it stays the same. Heck yesterday my scale told me I was down 5 pounds but when I got back on today it was up to a more normal weekly loss of only 2.5 pounds. So I was a bit frustrated this morning but I shook it off. If we let ourselves get frustrated, at least for me, then we tend to get lazy and give up. Every little bit of hard work we do is helping us out in the long run.

    Like some of the others said measure yourself. Its a good way to see results. Something I do too is I have a shirt I got a super good deal on. Love the color and can't wait to wear it. Sadly it don't fit right now. But its my motivation. I will wear it. Maybe not today or tomorrow but someday I will. It will fit and when it does I will wear it proudly.

    You can do this!
  • dragginfli
    dragginfli Posts: 17 Member
    I have a long term goal of 100 lbs but I try not to think about that, instead I focus on 20 lb goals at a time and when I hit a 20 lb loss then I celebrate like its my birthday. I went to a concert after my 1st 20lbs, the next 20lbs I am taking the kids to an indoor water park.
  • Pollyfleming
    Pollyfleming Posts: 147 Member
    I took a diet class a while back. We weighed ourselves once a week, but overall the instructor told us to look at our monthly numbers. I really only try to weigh myself every two weeks because I KNOW that there can be a fluctuation of 2-3 pounds in a day depending on whether or not I"m recovering, TOM, sodium intake, etc.... The important thing is to keep eating healthy foods, track everything (no fudging here or there) and exercise. You can do it!
  • shalvors
    shalvors Posts: 21 Member
    Thank you for pointing out the things in my diary everyone, you all are so right. Mt. Dew is a huge vice for me, I cut it down (sad I know) but yeah, the empty calories and crap in it are so bad.

    That's going to be my focus to cut. It's my go to when i'm stressed/sad/mad/etc. but I need to find another go to, because I am for real about l0sing weight/getting healthy.

    I really appreciate all of you taking time to help me!
  • shirlpapaian
    You really need to switch the tracking on your diary to include sodium. This is really important. Get rid of the processed foods and eating out, they are extremely high in sodium. Also, I agree with everyone on the sodas, get rid of them, don't switch to diet either, they are just as bad for you. One last thing; I am pretty sure your metabolism is quite slow, you need to be eating every 2-3 hours. Replace the soda calories and workout calories with some healthy snacks that are full of fiber or protein.
  • hungryPHATbunny
    hungryPHATbunny Posts: 84 Member
    Try not to feel frustrated...I'm going through similar issues right now and have decided to ignore the scale as I feel good and know I'm following the you need to just break through this and keep going...also, I'd strongly suggest cutting down (or out?) the soda...I'm now about day 4 without the soda's as am sure this has been hindering drinking water instead. Good luck and keep are not lone :)
  • RhondaLeeRoss
    Stay strong! You are doing a GREAT job! I'm not expert so I cannot comment on why the 0 weight loss at times. That's just the way it is sometimes but you are doing a wonderful thing for yourself. And I cannot tell you how refreshing it is to hear that a foster Mom is taking time to look after herself! I work at a treatment fostercare organization and our foster Mom do NOT take time for themselves. You are no good to others if you're not good to yourself. Keep up the GREAT work with you eating/fitness and your love for others! There needs to be more people in this world like yourself! Now smile, go look in the mirror and repeat after me...."I am beautiful, I am worth it, and I CAN DO THIS!!!!!"
  • angelakeagan
    Try to do like I do, instead of thinking you have 150lbs to lose set small goals, like 10 lbs at a time, you will be happy each time you reached that and then make another goal for yourself. I have 100lbs left to lose but right now it's says only 9 to go. I know I can lose that, not a big deal, then I will set the new 10 lbs goal....less frustration :))).
    I've lost the 1st week, the 2nd and on my 3rd NADA I got sad but I tried to watch my sodium and exercise more....boom now on my 4th week I've lost 2 more lbs. It's not a lot but I am looking at the bigger picture here, baby steps and lose slowly so I don't add it up so fast again. Hope this helps
  • Cecarom
    Cecarom Posts: 3 Member
    We're here for you! We can do it together! I also have around the same to lose....I'm taking the oposite approach...I'm not focused so much on big weight loss,everytime I step on the scale, just 1 pound at a time...I'm hoping that with my gradual weight loss, it will give my skin time to adjust with me....

    You can do it! I know you can! :flowerforyou:
  • MOS3
    MOS3 Posts: 134 Member
    Hi - well done on your success so far. I feel for your frustration. It;s maddening when you cannot fathom out what has happened. Looking at your diary I think your fat may be too low. (I had this problem). So a good way to introduce really good fat is flaxseed. However you will need to weigh them out as they are quite high in calories. That said, it worked for me. Just another word - how to you estimate the calories burned? Many people have found that MFP over estimate calories burned, therefore there is the chance of overeating if you eat back all the calories. I just walk (and do strength training excercises) so I use a pedometer - which has a much lower calories used reading than MFP. Other people used Heart Rate Monitors and this seems to be the most accurate way of measuring calories used, Hope this is of interest to you. Good luck.:smile:
  • MellieR
    MellieR Posts: 34 Member
    You can do it! Remember this is a journey and you will learn a lot along the way. I'm a slow loser so I can relate to the scale frustrations. Please remember to look at what you have started doing - like MOVING! :smile: and tracking what you eat. Celebrate what you have done! As you gain more experience you will find what works for you. One foot in front of the other - you can do this!
  • jazzalea
    jazzalea Posts: 412 Member
    I'm the last person I thought could do this.....

    I THOUGHT I was already eating healthy and it wasn't making a difference,

    I THOUGHT I was working out effectively and it wasn't making a difference,

    I THOUGHT it really couldn't be done by one person alone without help and guidance and a muzzle

    But it really really can..... you just have to keep it really really simple....

    start with your diet.....

    Face the fact that it's not just how much you eat it's what you eat and when

    don't punish yourself for being overweight by forcing yourself to eat foods you don't like..... find a diet plan that works for you ( for me it was atkins) and then research foods that you really will eat...... if there aren't enough options you will get bored and start reaching for old teasers..... STOP rewarding yourself for losing a few pounds by having a "cheat"day.......BUT DO allow the occaisonal treat and snack GUILT FREE......

    Set smaller goals for yourself..... NO ONE CAN LOSE 150 pounds....... but anyone can lose 5% of their body weight..... set that small goal and reach it and hold it.... then reach another 5%.... reward each goal with something for your BODY.... a pedicure or a manicure...... something that makes you feel beautiful....

    Praise yourself and learn what works for you......

    Take ownership of your body..... think of it is as a small child that needs to be taken care of...... you wouldn't let a 3 yr old plan the be the adult and decide what is best for the body you live in.......

    Remember... when your body is complaining... it's because it's out of it's comfort zone.... and it's comfort zone ISN"T WORKING FOR YOU :)

    Finally..... if the gym doesn't work for you.... get up and dance...... put the music on at home and keep yourself moving..... get something with some good beats and get your hips moving...... When I started I was so big I wasn't even sure I was dancing under there.... just started swinging my *kitten* and hoping I was catching a couple of beats....... now I'm dancing up a storm... dipping and weaving...... and my *kitten* is :smokin:

    Good luck add me if you want support :)
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    i'm 5'6" and had 130 lbs to lose when i first started. i just passed 1 year on MFP and have lost 98 lbs so far, and there have been MANY weeks that i didn't lose. your body is a weird thing, you can't predict what it's gonna do. for the past 2 weeks i've been exercising every day and eating perfectly to try and reach 100lbs lost, but the scale just isn't budging. it's happned before, and i know it will happen again, but we just have to be patient with our little plataues and know that the weight will come off if you're eating right and exercising. don't rush and don't push yourself too hard. make small changes that you can stick with for the rest of your life, not huge changes that you'll want to give up in a month or two. don't stress and focus on how healthy you're becoming. the weight will take care of itself.

    good luck!!!
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    I have lost a total of about 4 inches in the last 3 weeks, I know that's good, I think i'm jus so stinking stuck on the number. I have to get over that and look at this as a journey that is more than numbers, it's health.

    That's AWESOME.

    You are getting results. You've lost 11lbs in three weeks. That's well above average. You're losing cm. You're eating healthier. You're getting results.

    It's also not unusual to have a week in the first month where nothing happens. My first week I lost 3.4kg/7.5lbs. The next week I lost 0.1kg/0.2lbs. The third week I lost 2.9kg/6.3lbs. When you first start your weight losses can be crazy high to crazy low. After that my numbers even out and I'm now pretty much at 1kg a week for the weeks I've done. What you're experiencing is completly normal.

    I do have a question to ask. How are you getting your exercise calories? MFP or heart rate monitor? What you have for a 30 minute walk seems a tad high.

    Also, do you weigh weekly or daily? If you weigh weekly I would avoid doing weights the day before you weigh in. When your muscles are repairing themselves, they hold onto water. Water makes you 'gain' weight. You don't want to be fooled.

    You could possibly change what you're eating, but honestly I'm not seeing much wrong. Your fast food is a bit more than it should be, but at the same time you're just starting out. Let yourself ease into it. Weight loss is calories in, calories out.
  • HOWDY11
    HOWDY11 Posts: 23
    I know how you feel. Do you watch the Biggest Loser? Every one of them slow down on week 3 so thats normal. I feel the same way. I started April 4, 2011. I weighed 232. I lost 35 lbs just from lowering my carbs. I really just have been maintaining and not loseing over the holidays, I planned to hit it again hard after the new year. I started working out in Nov. and since then have really watched what I eat... I gained 6 lbs.:sad: I'm going to keep on keepin on. I blew it yesterday so I have to get it together and jump back on. My name is Tamie and I'm new to this site. I'mnot sure how to add you but feel free to add me.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • vpaxson
    I totally understand how frustrating it can be. When I started I had a personal trainer, tracked everything and nothing seemed to be happening. Eventually your body will realize that it is getting healthy and you are not starving yourself. I would just like to say, like another, that you need to cut soda of all kinds out of your diet. Get the whole family on board. It doesn't take long before your body will like not having soda and when you try to drink it, it will upset your stomach. I like having flavored drinks a lot so find different flavored fruit teas. There are all kinds and they can taste awesome. Also, gradually begin to cut out processed bread products. This is still the harded for me. I love bread, but if you do eat it some, always stick to whole grain or if you must have some white bread get sour dough - it doesn't spike your blood sugar as quickly as regular which bread. Anyway, don't give up. See the beauty in yourself. You are worth living a long healthy life. Oh, just so you know I started at 247 pounds and I'm down to 168 now. I feel so good. This was my original goal but I have decided to keep going. Hope you do too! All my love to you!
  • zookeepersuzy
    I suggest keeping a log of your weight weekly somewhere other than MFP b/c their charts aren't the best. I keep mine in excel & it is nice to see that even though some weeks I gain, overall I still average about -1 lb per week. I know it is frustrating at first b/c you don't really see the long term loss, you just focus on "this week sucked!". Don't expect to have big losses every week either like they do on tv, it is not reasonable for normal people.

    Also, find a diet or zero soda that you like. I absolutely LOVE real coke, but I slowly transitioned over to coke zero & haven't had a real coke in about 4 months. This will give you a lot more room in your diary for food.. even if it isn't CLEAN or homemade all the time, it is still better than a soda. (I might get flamed for that last bit.. but not everyone can give up restaurants/fast food with a busy schedule) When you do go to fast food/restaurants, you can make healthier choices.. like if you really want a burger, skip the onion rings. If you get something with grilled chicken, you could have a few fries. Try not to eat the majority of your calories for the day in one sitting. It's no fun (& not healthy) to have a huge lunch & then have celery for dinner b/c you're out of calories.

    You can try substitutions at home too. Instead of hash browns or tater tots with cheddar, try a baked potato with cheddar. I noticed that your diary said "Potatoes - Hashed brown, frozen, plain, unprepared, 1.5 cup" How did you prepare them? did you use oil, cooking spray, or butter? You need to add whatever you use to prepare food to your diary as well b/c it adds up!
  • funauntsherry
    funauntsherry Posts: 41 Member
    please do not forget that you are building muscle under there, and muscle does weigh more than fat so "loss" will be slower... it took me a year to lose all the weight I've lost. and I'm not at my goal yet!!

    don't cry, don't quit!
  • slayerdan
    slayerdan Posts: 193
    Consult with a nutritionist.