

  • Mr_Motivator42
    Mr_Motivator42 Posts: 42 Member
    Ali, London 1993
  • MySunshine76
    Gene Simmons of KISS
  • lamoursuffit
    lamoursuffit Posts: 267 Member
    Just one, and they're only famous among people my age. Gabe Saporta, who I had a huge crush on! lol

    My friend and I went to a Fall Out Boy show because we liked the opening bands (yes, we paid for pit tickets just to watch the headliners, and then LEFT when FOB came on! :laugh:) anyway, one of the bands headlining was a band called Cobra Starship whose lead singer is Gabe Saporta. When FOB came on my friend and I left and went to sit on the stairs and just chat for a bit. The place was deserted because eevryone was of course inside watching the show. We ended up talking to this woman who was sitting around drinking some beer and we were just chatting, turned out she was the best friend of Cassadee Pope (who is on Blake's team on the Voice, if you watch it!) and then she ended up leaving because she wanted to go ask Cassadee if we could join her in the party box. Anyway, when she left, this guy that was really cute was walking up the stairs on the other side. We were just kind of checking him out and I guess he noticed because he flashed us a peace sign, raised his cup to us, drank, and kept walking. Then it occurred to me where I had seen him before, because I just watched him preform.

    Anyway, so we casually like, ran up the stairs after him (luckily he didn't notice that part) and he saw us and was like, hey guys! And we started chatting and he was SO sweet. HE was asking about US, how nice. We were really shy about it because we didn't want to be rude, but we asked for a picture. He was like, omg yes, you don't even have to ask! So we ended up taking a picture with him. It was really he smelled good.

    P.S. I didn't end up meeting Cassadee because we went and talked to Gabe. She came out to find us and thought we left lol

  • ShmoozyQ
    ShmoozyQ Posts: 390 Member
    I met a famous murderer. True story. I met him a few years ago after he got out of prison.
  • lachesissss
    lachesissss Posts: 1,298 Member
    M.Shadows and Zacky Vengeance from A7x.

    Jonathan Maberry of the Joe Ledger series fame.

    And the news guys from our local radio station on accident while on vacation in the Bahamas. The show is very popular, and the whole cast/ crew was there doing the annual Spring Break thing they do. Ran into him in the Port Lucaya Marketplace.
  • beccarockslife
    beccarockslife Posts: 816 Member
    Snogged the lead singer of Muse (before they were famous) and I partied with AC/DC a number of times most memorably in Oz in 1999/2000 new year
  • LuccyH
    LuccyH Posts: 266 Member
    David Schwimmer, 7 years ago when I was working in London.
    Bill Nighy- Love actually
    Russel Brand
  • lamoursuffit
    lamoursuffit Posts: 267 Member
    Oh yeah I almost forgot, if there are any wrestling fans, I went to school with Taylor Rotunda (aka Bo Dallas, nephew of Bo Rotundo, brother of Windham Rotunda aka Bray Wyatt, Husky Harris, or Axel Mulligan, son of Mike Rotunda aka IRS and grandson of Blackjack Mulligan.) I got into high school the year after Windham graduated, so never knew him. Taylor is the sweetest, most mild-mannered person you'll ever meet. Truly an incredibly nice person. His sister Mika is a friend of mine, she's the most inspirational person on the freaking planet. Went from my size to a fitness model/Zumba instructor. She is awesome.
  • ShmoozyQ
    ShmoozyQ Posts: 390 Member
    Oh yeah! I've met Terry McMillan - author, among her many books are "How Stella Got Her Groove Back" and "Waiting To Exhale." She was a customer of mine when I worked in retail.
  • amberlykay1014
    amberlykay1014 Posts: 608 Member
    I met Chris Sharma, pro climber sponsored by Evolv, Sterling, prAna, & Sanuk. I got a photo taken with him down in West Virginia in the New River Gorge and then ended up having breakfast at a table next to his the next day in a diner.
  • zrmac804
    zrmac804 Posts: 369 Member
    I had the chance to meet General Rick Hillier at a function. He was chatting with some of the staff while waiting for the ceremony to start, but I was too shy to approach him directly :blushing:
  • Kelene616
    Kelene616 Posts: 166 Member
    David Bowie bought me coffee when I was 16
  • Laddiegirl
    Laddiegirl Posts: 382 Member
    I've met a few.

    I met Sarah McLaughlin at a baby clothing store I used to work at (she had just had her first daughter and was buying things for her). She is SUPER nice.

    Tracy Chapman comes into my current work all the time, at least once a month. I think she lives nearby. She is also SUPER nice.

    I've met two Giants players at work, Brian Wilson and Pablo Sandoval, I work in SF and am a Giants fan so that was pretty cool.

    The latest was Adam Savage, one of the guys on Myth Busters (the blond one). He came in buying school supplies for his son, he's super nice as well.
  • Phaedra165
    Hi, I live in Vancouver and they do a lot of filming up here. I met Johnny Depp once, and Kevin Costner was behind me in the line at Starbucks Downtown. Didn't talk to him though. I think one of the reasons celebrities like it here is that not so many people bother them; they can go out and do ordinary things easily. I've seen others, but not as close, mainly when they were filming things.
  • Lady_Bane
    Lady_Bane Posts: 720 Member
    Ted Nugent, just bc I used to compete in the NFAA (archery), and he was there a lot.
    Dany Carey, drummer from tool aka drum god lol
    Joe Satriani
    John Petrucci
  • TheBiggestLosee
    I met Wilt Chamberlain when I was young. He was kinda grumpy. I didn't know who he was and didn't care, but because I was the baby of the family, I was urged to approach him for an autograph.
  • ellyloo
    ellyloo Posts: 49
    Red Green.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    I've seen I bunch of people at events, like Kate Winslet, Penelope Cruise, James Cameron, Jake Gyllenhal, Sandra Bullock...
    I've only actually talked to Rob Lowe and the guy that plays Pedro on Napoleon dynamite, so no one too famous :)
  • FitnessPal4L1f3
    FitnessPal4L1f3 Posts: 77 Member
    Shook hands with President Bush (Sr) and the then Secretary of State James Baker.

    Met Chevy Chase in Vermont when he was filming the movie Funny Farm.

    Met President Bill Clinton - missed out on a photo op.
  • icimani
    icimani Posts: 1,454 Member
    In my family we make a joke out if it and you get more 'points' the farther removed you were from meeting someone famous. I'm the winner so far - my colleague's daughter's best friend's father is Jim Belushi. HA.