Cut out pork, ham, bacon...etc.

I hear the pig is an unhealthy/unclean animal that is basically a living garbage disposal. And I also hear constantly from people that it is not a healthy food (regardless of religion). I loved bacon but switched to turkey bacon, its not the same but still not bad. I also hear shellfish is another unclean type of food. This sucks cuz I LOVE seafood. Crabs, lobster, muscles, shrimp, and clams, are all tasty to me...but should I cut that stuff out as well?


  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    It truly depends on how far you want to take it. If you are commiting to eating a totally clean lifestyle?
    check out
  • Troll
    Troll Posts: 922 Member
    the term unclean in terms of meat typically comes from religion. If you eat ANY mass raised animal product its pretty positive that you're eating a living garbage dump.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    This may be better.

    What is Clean Eating?
    January 1, 2012 By JenniferM 1 Comment
    The concept of clean eating goes way back, at least 30 years, and began with bodybuilders, weight trainers and fitness enthusiasts, but there really was no “name” ascribed to this style of eating other than “fueling the body with the right foods.” Over the past couple of years, however, this way of eating has not only been given a name, but has become very popular due to Tosca Reno, author of the The Eat-Clean Diet book series. Although it’s referred to by some as a “diet,” clean eating is not actually a diet in the typical sense of the word, but what is it really?

    What is clean eating?

    Basically, clean eating is eating the most nutritious, healthiest foods possible while minimizing or completely eliminating junk (processed) food from your diet. Clean eating involves consuming food in it’s most natural form (think whole foods). There are varying “degrees” of eating clean. There are those who eat clean 100% of the time; those who have a “cheat” meal or a cheat weekend in which processed foods are on the menu; and those who are transitioning from eating processed foods to eating healthier, more nutritious foods.

    Clean eating basics

    If you want to clean up your diet and make healthier food choices, you can follow these few basic principles of clean eating:

    Avoid processed foods, especially foods containing white flour and sugar
    Avoid trans fat
    Avoid colas and juices and make water your drink of choice
    Eat mini-meals ((eating every 3 to 4 hours) and practice portion control)
    Consume fresh fruits and vegetables
    Eat lean cuts of meat
    Choose whole grains when it comes to bread and pasta
    When talking about clean eating is, it’s important to talk about what clean eating is not: clean eating is not a fad diet or a diet of any type really; it is a lifestyle. Clean eating is much more than a great way to lose weight. Avoiding processed foods and eating a clean diet can boost overall health, increase energy, boost your mood and you may even find your skin glowing.

    You may find giving up processed foods a bit difficult at first, but don’t give up! If you need to know how to get started with a clean diet, here’s a few tips: Tips to Get Started Eating Clean
  • Deecent, I really want to commit to a completely clean and healthy lifestyle!
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Deecent, I really want to commit to a completely clean and healthy lifestyle!

    More power to ya!

    I personally wont, i prefer taste and 90% healthier to no taste and 100% healthy :)
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Deecent, I really want to commit to a completely clean and healthy lifestyle!
    Glad to help. Good luck.:drinker:
  • cmcole2012
    cmcole2012 Posts: 11 Member
    Deecent, I really want to commit to a completely clean and healthy lifestyle!

    More power to ya!

    I personally wont, i prefer taste and 90% healthier to no taste and 100% healthy :)

    Agreed. I need a bit of flavor in my life at least sometimes, and totally organic "clean" foods just don't have that bang.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Deecent, I really want to commit to a completely clean and healthy lifestyle!

    More power to ya!

    I personally wont, i prefer taste and 90% healthier to no taste and 100% healthy :)

    Agreed. I need a bit of flavor in my life at least sometimes, and totally organic "clean" foods just don't have that bang.
    That's why they make Vanilla and Chocolate.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I'm having a Pulp Fiction flashback.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    What's your motivation here, religion?

    You can't switch from hog bacon to turkey bacon in the name of eating clean. Turkey bacon is just as processed if not more. (That doesn't stop me from eating it every day).
  • rc630
    rc630 Posts: 310 Member
    As someone who has kept kosher their whole life... I don't think cutting out pig meat and shellfish will do much for your weight. If you want to "eat clean" and you feel that will make a difference, then cut out processed foods, but if you like shellfish, bacon, etc., there isn't really a good reason to cut it out. These animals were likely considered unclean during biblical times because people would get diseases from eating them (usually because they weren't properly cooked/prepared), but fi you're preparing them correctly, it shouldn't be an issue.
  • california_peach
    california_peach Posts: 1,809 Member
    I hear the pig is an unhealthy/unclean animal that is basically a living garbage disposal. And I also hear constantly from people that it is not a healthy food (regardless of religion). I loved bacon but switched to turkey bacon, its not the same but still not bad. I also hear shellfish is another unclean type of food. This sucks cuz I LOVE seafood. Crabs, lobster, muscles, shrimp, and clams, are all tasty to me...but should I cut that stuff out as well?

    Yes and also avoid anything that walks on a cloven hoof. No more goat for you, mister!
  • dhakiyya
    dhakiyya Posts: 481 Member
    I hear the pig is an unhealthy/unclean animal that is basically a living garbage disposal. And I also hear constantly from people that it is not a healthy food (regardless of religion). I loved bacon but switched to turkey bacon, its not the same but still not bad. I also hear shellfish is another unclean type of food. This sucks cuz I LOVE seafood. Crabs, lobster, muscles, shrimp, and clams, are all tasty to me...but should I cut that stuff out as well?

    seafood is a really great source of protein, but some kinds if you get them from a polluted sea it can kill you, because they are filter feeders and accumulate toxins in them. The stuff you find in the supermarket will be sourced from clean seas, they won't skimp on this because of the risk of litigation/bad publicity if someone gets a nasty case of food poisoning or even dies from their seafood. Just don't catch it and eat it yourself without checking the status of the beach.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    What about potatoes? They grow in dirt. That's about as dirty as it gets! Are potatoes unclean and unhealthy?
  • iKapuniai
    iKapuniai Posts: 594 Member
    Ugh, who cares how "unclean" pig is... it's freakin' delicious!
  • LazyDaise
    LazyDaise Posts: 48 Member
    Im going to tackle the other part of your question. I'm a marine biologist and the seafood you mentioned is considered unclean because they are 'filter feeders'. They basically suck in water and any particles in it are used as food and the 'empty' water expelled. They basically act like a filter would in an aquarium. However this doesn't make them a bad food supply but it this does depend on the pollution level of where they were caught/farmed. Seafood is nutritious and high in protein.
  • dhakiyya
    dhakiyya Posts: 481 Member
    What's your motivation here, religion?

    You can't switch from hog bacon to turkey bacon in the name of eating clean. Turkey bacon is just as processed if not more. (That doesn't stop me from eating it every day).

    That's a good point.
  • In all honesty, I feel like when food is properly prepared and cooked, the elements of "unclean" basically disappear. Pork can be fattening, but lean cuts are great sources of protein. Shellfish are indeed bottom feeders, but their flesh, when cooked properly, is perfectly fine for you to eat.

    Commitment is great, but the more you restrict yourself from foods you love, the greater the likelihood of failure- its proven. When it comes to pork, ham, bacon, etc... if its processed, eat in small quantities and every so often.

    As for shellfish, I see no reason to cut that out entirely. Just a humble opinion.
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,689 Member
    If they're given enough space to live in, pigs are actually quite clean. Pigs raised in factory farms live in awful conditions, and are fed whatever is cheapest that makes them get fat quickly.
  • Meggles63
    Meggles63 Posts: 916 Member
    What about potatoes? They grow in dirt. That's about as dirty as it gets! Are potatoes unclean and unhealthy?

    Carrots, radishes, lettuce, etc. That's why I drink Vodka - kills all those unclean germs!:drinker: