Cut out pork, ham, bacon...etc.



  • Yasmine91
    Yasmine91 Posts: 599 Member
    I hear the pig is an unhealthy/unclean animal that is basically a living garbage disposal. And I also hear constantly from people that it is not a healthy food (regardless of religion). I loved bacon but switched to turkey bacon, its not the same but still not bad. I also hear shellfish is another unclean type of food. This sucks cuz I LOVE seafood. Crabs, lobster, muscles, shrimp, and clams, are all tasty to me...but should I cut that stuff out as well?

    Pigs are not meant to be eaten because their digestive system's are like us human beings. We can't poop and fertilize anything, our body's are so mucky. Sheep, cows, chickens, turkey's and fish are fine. Pigs have loads of parasites like worms in their bodies too. They're best to be left alone. In the beginning pigs were never eaten at all. Until I think some time many years ago someone insanely religious said to burn all pigs hence in Christianity, Islam and Judaism, pigs are forbidden to be consumed. So the guy in charge burnt the pigs and loved the smell. His curiosity got the better of him and so he tried some, I guess this is why pigs are now eaten. This is what my dad told me lol whether it's true or not I dunno but it's interesting XD
  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,805 Member
    the term unclean in terms of meat typically comes from religion. If you eat ANY mass raised animal product its pretty positive that you're eating a living garbage dump.

  • sweet110
    sweet110 Posts: 332 Member
    Pigs will eat anything. Including garbage. Which is why poor people historically eat alot of pork. But a farmed pig eats what its given. Which makes it no cleaner or more unclean than any other domesticated animal. So "cleanliness" is a function of how its raised. No more, no less.

    You may eat what you like...and if you are personally grossed out by pigs...why, sir, then do not eat them! I do not believe pork possesses any magical nutritional properties that you will miss if you stop eating them. But if your "grossed out" -ness is not a visceral reaction but a rational reaction to information...then you may feel free to stop being grossed out and eat all the domesticated pork you wish. And you can always choose animals raised in "cleaner" and more humane environments.

    (*on a side note. Beef *there's* some yummy stuff. I wouldn't touch processed-with-food-additives-to-taste-smoky-turkey bacon with a ten foot pole. But beef bacon...that's a winner!)
  • RumOne
    RumOne Posts: 266 Member
    If you are worried about how an animal is raised and proccessed, have you thought about going to a local farm to get your beef, chicken, pork, and eggs? It will be a bit more expensive but then you can see how the animals are fed. Grass fed cattle always taste better and so does free range chickens
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    Depends... my "pigs" pick a corner of their living area (and exercise yard etc) as their bathroom, they will go there and nowhere else as long as they have access to it. My cattle go wherever they are and always seem to end up covered in their own mess. My pigs stay cleaner than my cattle. Despite the cattle having a MUCH bigger land area to roam over.

    I'll stick to the pigs where I know what they've eaten (kitchen scraps that would otherwise be in composter) as opposed to the CAFO stuff whenever I can. Same as my beef, I'll take pasture raised and finished beef over the ones fed/ finished on grain :)
  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,805 Member
    I hear the pig is an unhealthy/unclean animal that is basically a living garbage disposal. And I also hear constantly from people that it is not a healthy food (regardless of religion). I loved bacon but switched to turkey bacon, its not the same but still not bad. I also hear shellfish is another unclean type of food. This sucks cuz I LOVE seafood. Crabs, lobster, muscles, shrimp, and clams, are all tasty to me...but should I cut that stuff out as well?

    Pigs are not meant to be eaten because their digestive system's are like us human beings. We can't poop and fertilize anything, our body's are so mucky. Sheep, cows, chickens, turkey's and fish are fine. Pigs have loads of parasites like worms in their bodies too. They're best to be left alone. In the beginning pigs were never eaten at all. Until I think some time many years ago someone insanely religious said to burn all pigs hence in Christianity, Islam and Judaism, pigs are forbidden to be consumed. So the guy in charge burnt the pigs and loved the smell. His curiosity got the better of him and so he tried some, I guess this is why pigs are now eaten. This is what my dad told me lol whether it's true or not I dunno but it's interesting XD

    I too get all my information from ancient religious contexts.
  • cmcole2012
    cmcole2012 Posts: 11 Member
    Deecent, I really want to commit to a completely clean and healthy lifestyle!

    More power to ya!

    I personally wont, i prefer taste and 90% healthier to no taste and 100% healthy :)

    Agreed. I need a bit of flavor in my life at least sometimes, and totally organic "clean" foods just don't have that bang.
    That's why they make Vanilla and Chocolate.

    Not much on the sweets. I enjoy savory foods, and it is nearly impossible to get the occasional comfort food while eating completely healthy. I know all the cooking tricks, but there is still something lacking when I can't get my fatty foods.
  • Yasmine91
    Yasmine91 Posts: 599 Member
    I personally don't like the idea of eating an animal that is the biggest cause in bowel and stomach cancer here in the UK. I also have Swinophobia so loool I'm scared of them and would much prefer to stay away from them. My boyfriend loves torturing me by chasing me with pork sausages -_-

    I don't eat anything from an animal now though. Pigs have the worst abuse I've ever seen in farming :'( poor things.
  • MattGetsMad
    MattGetsMad Posts: 429 Member
    These animals were likely considered unclean during biblical times because people would get diseases from eating them (usually because they weren't properly cooked/prepared), but fi you're preparing them correctly, it shouldn't be an issue.

    Had to step in here and I am quite literally about to step in it for sure, but here goes:

    During biblical times people had no idea about trichinosis or any other food born illness. There was never a doctor or scientist that was able to link people eating bad food (of any type) and people getting sick. Food laws, were created and are maintained, to promote divisiveness.

    There were no ball teams, internets, Facebooks, or other ways for people to really bond, so "breaking bread" with someone was the best way to share and exchange ideas. Religion very smartly, separated people into groups that could not "break bread" together and were therefore much easier to control.

    Chris Rock does a bit about how pork chops use to kill people and religion swearing them off because of it, but that really is just a bit and does not have any historical reference.

    Want data to back this up? Do your own research please.
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,271 Member
    Ugh, who cares how "unclean" pig is... it's freakin' delicious!

  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    I'm having a Pulp Fiction flashback.

  • Pork Loin is acutally very lean. Where you get into trouble with pork are all the additives used to cure it. Lots of sodium, sugar etc. If you stay away from the processed kinds of pork--- sugar cured hams, bacon, sausage, etc, there is absolutely nothing wrong with the leaner unprocessed cuts.

    To those of you who think pigs are abused, my father was a farmer and had a hog operation. Have you ever really worked on a farm? Those pigs are raised to be food, not pets. They are no more abused than turkeys, chickens, or cattle who are also raised for slaughter. If farmers didn't raise them the way they do, you could not afford to buy most food.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,902 Member
    Screw that......................I'll NEVER give up BACON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Pork is great meat.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • MattGetsMad
    MattGetsMad Posts: 429 Member
    What about potatoes? They grow in dirt. That's about as dirty as it gets! Are potatoes unclean and unhealthy?

    depending on where they are grown they can actually be toxic. If you live in an area that had high levels of lead based gas run off (like NYC) that lead gets stuck in the soil. Anything that grows in that soil (like in, in it) would not be safe for consumption.

    That's extreme, I know, but I figured I'd answer ya!
  • I'm having a Pulp Fiction flashback.

  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,805 Member
    I personally don't like the idea of eating an animal that is the biggest cause in bowel and stomach cancer here in the UK.

    You're going to make a claim like that without sources?
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    To be honest, I have the Serv-Safe Manager's and Trainer's level of certification. It is a Local/State/Federal recognized certification of people who hold food safety, sanitation and regulation to an extreme high-standard. If pork and certain seafood were considered "unclean" there are many governing bodies who make very certain (to the best of their ability because the laws can change at a moment's notice), that all consumables are held to that high standard as well.

    Seafood as a great example - requires that all seafood sold be documented. You have to have the paper that states date, time collected, name of company, amount packaged, identification of the item, control number, etc.... this paper must be kept on record by the purchaser for 90 days.

    That 90 day window allows a proper investigation into food-related pathogens and outbreaks to be thoroughly researched to determine where it came from, who purchased said-item, where and when it was delivered, etc. The standards for seafood are high to the point that when you start hearing about "Red Tide" affecting lobster and marine-life, that means you have authorities carefully watching what can still be ingested, what cant be ingested, etc.....

    When it comes to meats (beef, pork, chicken, turkey, wild game, etc) - it unfortunately takes someone to get sick in order to get the ball rolling and trace back said-purchases with "Lot Control" numbers....

    Pork is a very safe meat for consumption (non-religious-speaking), it is not an issue of unclean. The CDC (you can find this on their website) from 2002 through 2007, there were a total of 11 cases of Trichinosis - thats it! Just 11 cases! We are so close to completely eliminating Trichinosis, its wonderful! This continues to decrease because congress and legislation prohibits the feeding of raw-meat garbage to pigs... finally something our government did right!!!! (trust me that was hard for me to type! LOL!)

    Doesnt matter whether things are organic or not... everything is subjected to problems. Thats why its important to consider your options on who you purchase from, what you purchase, and to become educated on just exactly how things are being raised.

    By the way, I firmly believe people should learn how to make their own bacon.... fresh, natural, the old school way.... its cheap and easy to do... and tastes SOOOOO much better that way! lol
  • douglasmobbs
    douglasmobbs Posts: 563 Member
    If you want to improve the quality of your food go local. Get down the butcher, green grocer and local farmers market. Talk to the people who produce the product. They should be able to tell you where the meat, veg or whatever came from. What it was raised on or grown in and so on.

    This does up the cost of your food but it sounds like your goal needs it.
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    The beauty of the pig is that they ARE like garbage disposals on four legs! They can take scraps and stuff that we won't eat... and turn it into bacon!

    Same goes for a cow. When was the last time you sat down to three square meals of grass? Never, I recon. Cows are lawn mowers on four legs. They can take grass and turn it into steak.

    My vote: eat the pork!
  • mforcemaniac
    mforcemaniac Posts: 18 Member
    If you need bacon, I use this:
    A tablespoon is 25 calories and goes a LONG way. I cook up some egg beaters with fat free cheese and these in the morning. It's not the same as having bacon strips, but for the calories you really can't beat it.