Would you go back???



  • kp1439
    kp1439 Posts: 343 Member
    i did it once long time ago... got some groceries and when i went home i saw the guy didnt charge me for a 12 pack of soda. so i went back next time and paid for it... they were a little surprised but i thought that was the right thing to do ...
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    I would not have driven all the way back to the store, no. However, if I am still there and realize it, sure. My son walked out with a pack of gum once because he picked it up and forgot to set it down on the belt. He realized it before we even got out the door, so we turned right around and paid for it. That cashier was shocked, too.
  • jenlb99
    jenlb99 Posts: 213 Member
    If it's a small Mom & Pop-type store, I'd absolutely go back and pay. Big Box stores? Hell no. They can afford the few dollars lost, especially when they definitely make it up elsewhere.
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    If I notice at the checkout I tell them and pay but if I have got home I don't bother. When you realise all the tricks the supermarkets play on you to get you to buy more then the odd freebie kind of restores the balance I think.

    One small example

    Single garlic baguette @ 98P or a double pack for £2.00 WTH???

    Usually double pack ares slight cheaper than buying two single baguettes so people automatically pick up the double when it would actually be cheaper to buy two singles.

    That's how Tesco's roll LOL
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    Yes. Whatever you do comes back....

    If you do the right thing, you are blessed 7 x 7....

    If you do the wrong thing you are cursed 7 x 7....
  • tataliciousd89
    I don't drive, so I wouldn't walk all the way back to pay for something that i got out of the store with for free. I have far to much to do. It was their mistake, not mine. Plus I don't really look over my purchases unless I spent a LOT of money.
  • ElleOQuent
    ElleOQuent Posts: 431 Member
    Yes, I would definitely go back. I try to stay true to my moral compass at all times, regardless of how insignificant .89 cents may seem to be.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Hi All...

    I was wondering if anyone else has gone to the store and bought something and noticed when the got home with there heep of groceries that they weren't charged for something?

    I had this happened to me yesterday (of all things it was a bunch of parsley. I had 2 he charged me for 1) and I went back today and paid the .89 and the store was astonished but grateful... it happens:laugh:

    Anyone else done this lol or not :laugh:

    We decided to order from Dominos one night - I had a mad craving for chicken wings and I had a salad at home waiting for it... We ordered two large pizzas, two breadsticks, a two liter and my chicken wings.

    The guy behind the counter had given us all of that PLUS a small pizza....

    I got in the car, hubby drove off and I noticed someone else's name on the pizza box of the small pizza... so we turned around to go back...

    I spoke with the Manager to let him know that we were given an additional item that didnt belong to us... it turns out that while we were heading out and coming back, he was looking for that small pizza for a customer who had walked in and ordered.

    Unfortunately, because it left the building, the manager had to make another.

    The manager thanked us for our honesty... he gave us a voucher for 50% of anything we wanted for the next time we came in. Even though the manager told us to keep the small pizza... we thought it was right to give it to the customer who had originally ordered it. That customer insisted we keep it, we told him that because you had to wait again for another pizza, this small pizza really belongs to you!

    It was a win-win all around....

    We then received a letter from the supervisor of the area for this region thanking us and she personally told us that no matter when we go to Dominos pizza, we are to have a permanent 50% off anything we want, no matter how big or small. She learned about how much money we actually do spend there (we pretty much live there because my husband loves their pizza), and it was her way of saying 'thank you so much for being great customers"...

    we have become great friends of the owner and his wife, and the whole team....
  • cobracars
    cobracars Posts: 949 Member
    So its stealing if its $21 but not stealing if its $.89 cents?

    Stealing is stealing people, you are just haggling over price.

    Doing the right thing always makes you feel better.

    Like others said, I rarely look at my receipts, but the moment you notice the discrepancy it becomes stealing if you don't take it back or don't pay for it.

    Ii would pay the difference on my next visit, not turn around and go back. If it so happens that I don't usually do business with that store I might never go back. Then I'll go to confessional and ask forgiveness. Might even donate the difference to the church.
  • Warmbloodwear
    Warmbloodwear Posts: 387 Member
    :laugh: Thank you all for your thoughts it made my day!
  • heidi2004
    heidi2004 Posts: 35 Member
    I'd like to think I would , but I have to say probably not! actually there is no way i would. your a good person for doing that!!
  • jwalker30
    jwalker30 Posts: 282
    At the register, if I realized I hadn't paid, I would mention it.

    If I made it home, I'd let it go. I am not going to get back in my car to drive & spend time to pay a buck or two.